Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3

  • Patch Notes - 1.0.3

    Download size:
    Around 1.20 GB for all platforms.

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Maintenance Window

    The game will be unavailable due to necessary maintenance at these times:

    • Wednesday 11th April 9am – 2pm BST


    • Message from Beyond - A message from the Ferryman has been nailed to the door post on the Ferry of the Damned instructing players on how to scuttle their ship.
      This is a reminder to players that if their ship and / or crew is in a position they want to get out of, simply going to "My Crew" in the settings page and voting to "Scuttle Ship" will sink the ship and start the crew in a new location.
    • Weapon Balancing - Reduced Blunderbuss Damage and Increased Eye of Reach damage.
      We've been reviewing the data on players weapon choices and damage dealt across our weapons and made some balancing changes. We will continue to monitor this change and further tweak as needed.
    • [PC Only] Aim Down Sights Sensitivity - We've increased the default mouse sensitivity to allow for more efficient aiming and to be in parity with the controller, as we heard your feedback regarding how mouse-mats around the world were being worn out due to how painfully slow it was to aim down the sights.
      We are also currently working on further improvements for a future update which will include an ADS slider in the Settings to allow players to choose a sensitivity they feel comfortable with.
    • [PC Only] Mouse Binds - We've added mouse scroll up and down to the list of controls players can use to rebind actions to.

    Fixed Issues

    • Enabling 'non-directional' chat no longer allows non-crew players to be heard anywhere in the world.
    • Players should no longer get into a state where they can no longer equip a second weapon.
    • We have corrected an issue with players receiving very little warning of a server shutdown. Players should now receive a minimum warning of 30 minutes for a server shut down.
      We are still working to ensure that server shutdowns are something that a player would only experience during scheduled maintenance. In the meantime we aim to give players more opportunity to react to a shutdown should it occur.

    Performance Improvements

    • In response to reports of poor ping times in South America, we have now deployed Sea Of Thieves to a South American data centre.
    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.

    Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Known Issues

    • Trading Companies now have limited voyage stock that refreshes at 6am every day (in-game time). This limited voyage stock is currently not explained during purchasing.
    • Some players cannot see their downloadable content in game.
      Once you redeem your code, here is a Support Article that shows you where to find your items in game. If you still cannot find your items in game, please raise a support ticket to log this issue.
    • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.
      We are still working on a fix for this. This was discussed in our Launch Update article written by Executive Producer, Joe Neate.
    • Bounty quest skeleton waves sometimes spawn in the ground or cannot be found at all.
      Improvements to spawning have been made in this update, and we are working to resolve the issue for all islands. For a potential work around, please read this Support article.
    • Pirates can be migrated to another server after completing a Skeleton Fort, and sailing away with the Vault Key. After migration, they will find that the vault is empty upon their return.
      We are working on a fix. A short term solution is to not sail away from the Skeleton Fort when you have the Vault Key.
    • [PC] Push to talk option will reset to default (disabled) between sessions.
    • Message from Beyond on the Ghost Ship isn't translated to other languages.

  • 379
  • Awesome, thanks for the notes! Looking forward to testing out the EoR damage increase, has always been my gun of choice despite it's previous drawbacks.

  • Draw distance? Ongoing performance issue to be fixed or simply ignored?


  • Blunderbuss nerf nooooooO!!!!!

    Where is the video on whats coming you guys promised last week?

    realy week patch to.
    3 Fixes, 1 nerf, and some settings changed.
    Wow you guys must be proud, lol.

    All we want is to know whats coming.

  • Finally weapon adjustments GJ

  • Sooo from the sound of things i still end up equipped with Blunder and Sniper.

  • @khaleesibot Thank you!

  • Interesting to see if the blunderbuss is still one hit

  • "Trading Companies now have limited voyage stock that refreshes at 6am every day (in-game time). This limited voyage stock is currently not explained during purchasing."

    Does this mean the issue is that it's not explained, or that they only get refreshed every so often? Because the refresh only at 6am every day is pretty trash :/

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Known Issues

    • Trading Companies now have limited voyage stock that refreshes at 6am every day (in-game time). This limited voyage stock is currently not explained during purchasing.

    How come it's a known issue? Isn't that actually a change to prevent people from cancelling voyages they do not want to complete?

  • A patch full of meh and the 1 weapon bug is still not fixed.

    GJ, let's hope this content video is promising.

  • @cutlass-pain Its going to be ok.

  • Nice updates...well except for the Merchants Alliance! So much for farming the golden animals.

  • @bizder7 the issue is the second part of your quote, not the first one.

  • @bizder7 'The known issue' is that it is not explained in game at the trader. I am sure they plan to add an explanation at some point.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    After migration, they will find that the vault is empty upon their return.
    We are working on a fix. A short term solution is to not sail away from the Skeleton Fort when you have the Vault Key.


  • @paul-endri Quit gaming the system by non-stop cancelling missions then. The system was never intended to be used as a way to get perfect missions. You take what you get brochacho.

  • @ser-pineapples said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    After migration, they will find that the vault is empty upon their return.
    We are working on a fix. A short term solution is to not sail away from the Skeleton Fort when you have the Vault Key.


    At least the resolution wasn't to kill yourself like for some other issues.

  • @therealdadbeard It should be if you have the guy's head in the barrel.

  • When I started playing, after the update, I unlocked some achievements wich had done before March 29, but still many others are still blocked!

  • Thats all...ah ok...

  • @tyburn-ketch Some things take longer to fix than others. I have zero performance issues. You obviously have some. Why is this?

    Sometimes problems aren't as simple as "hey fix this in an hour".

  • @skyewauker sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @therealdadbeard It should be if you have the guy's head in the barrel.

    Isn't it partially confirmed that there are no headshots in this game?

  • @therealdadbeard Thats not what I am saying. What I am saying is that if I have your body touching my SHOTGUN, it should be a 1 shot kill. The "head in my barrel" was just a figure of speech to get my point across.

    Sure , damage needs to fall off drastically when you move away, but if I am on top of you, a shotgun should kill you. Or it should severely damage you. I hope they didn't nerf it into the ground.

  • What about the changed sensitivity under water? Is this fixed too?

  • Some good fixes, looking forward to seeing what comes next!

  • @lyk2 same , cept blunder and pistol every game. It used to be sniper and blunder but I got upgraded to the second glitch lol......

  • @cutlass-pain S*****y n**s you dumdum

  • Bild Text

  • Not to be critical in any way.. Weapon balancing this late in the game?
    Love this game but

  • @theamadox said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @bizder7 the issue is the second part of your quote, not the first one.


  • @khaleesibot

    The amount of skeletons waves that spawns on islands should be reviewed too... It's insane!
    I'm on 40 of Hoarders and I'm getting waves after waves.. kill 4 skeletons, 2 paces 4 skeletons with guns.. killed them dig and 5 skeletons.. finish killing them another shovel and more skeletons.. it's insane..
    I thought that thing of chest guarded by skeletons should be a "suprise". Now it's more a surprise when they don't show up...
    Think about it.
    It's getting annoying.

    It's almost more difficult to dig up a treasures map than conquer a skull fort ahah

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