• White means you are peaceful
    Checkered is Peaceful maybe raceing?
    Be careful of Black they prefer to stay a secret( docile or hostile)
    blue is peaceful
    Yellow is technically peaceful although it means low health because it says supporter of bananas
    Red means you were just sunk or just sunk someone
    And the skull is hostile

  • 76
  • Blue should mean looking for allies, and yellow means you want to trade resources or chests and skulls for different rep gains, and hopefully more in the future.

    Nothing against your thread but I would love if they atleast attempted putting their own take on this type of thing in game, so more people are aware. Maybe just do a forum poll for each of these flags and what they should mean then solidify it in game. People can still lie with their flag either way, but having this would still help people

  • they mean absolutely nothing. not taking them at face value, at all, ever. Your a fool if you do and will constantly get sunk by people pretending to be friendly. they are purely cosmetic to me

  • @shuoink sagte in WHAT THE FLAGS MEAN:

    they mean absolutely nothing. not taking them at face value, at all, ever. Your a fool if you do and will constantly get sunk by people pretending to be friendly. they are purely cosmetic to me

    So they are for me...purely cosmetic

  • RED: "I am taking in or discharging or carrying dangerous goods."
    BLUE: "All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea."
    YELLOW: "My vessel is 'healthy' and I request free pratique."
    CHEQUERED: "Negative."

  • Perhaps they could show the flag meaning in the box on the mast, just like the short description when buying items or clothing at the outpost vendors.
    Hover over something and the description is displayed.

  • I think this is a good effort, but I find it hard to remember. I suggest the following:

    White = Surrender to be searched, no combat
    Checkered = Learning/Beginner (OR: PvE player, will scuttle ship if attacked)
    Black = I mind my business, you mind yours (won't attack but will defend).
    Blue = Law & Order/Royal Navy. Will come to the aid of those being attacked. Never attacks without cause.
    Yellow = Bananas. Crazy Pirate, could do anything.
    Red = Willing to work together (fort, etc), want allies
    Jolly Roger = Will attack other non-Jolly Roger flags, will attack Jolly Roger flags after fair warning given
    Shark Flag = Will attack everything

    Obviously, people can lie, but that's part of the fun.

  • Or another idea: Flags are for fleets! You never attack a ship of your own color, and always come to their aid, with two exceptions: The Jolly Roger always sails alone, and the Checkered flag means you're looking for a fleet.

  • During the pirate age..

    SKULL AND BONES: Aggressive defensive.
    May attack but if you approach the ship expect to be fired upon.

    RED: Means blood! Aggressive seek and destroy anything that moves.

    As for the rest I believe are as follows..

    BLUE: Navy(as stated above) will defend ships that are being attacked and on patrol.

    YELLOW: On mission/voyage/
    delivery. May flee, may defend.

    WHITE: Surrender or sueing for peace.

    SHARK TEETH: On hunt, skellies or the Hungering One.

    CHEQUERED: Beginner or for fun. No alligience but friendly. (In actual sailing it means negative or no)

    BLACK: Concise pirate or mercenary. Basically an unproclaimed privateer not binded by law. Typically hunting a specific ship or specific flag bearing ships.

  • Yellow/Black - Defensive, will attack if engaged.
    Blue - Friendly, looking for allies and/or will assist.
    Jolly Roger / Red - Looking to fight, kill and plunder everything and anyone.
    Shark - Looking for allies for event
    Legendary - I'm experienced and pretty.
    White - Not looking for a fight at all
    Checkered - Having fun / messing around.

  • @ev0-charizard This is not at all what half the flags actually mean.

  • @shuoink We are talking about the facial meaning here. We are not fools who believe that those facial flags must be their true intention. Flags were commonly abused by real life pirates, too (they were not stupid to approach a merchant ship with jolley roger flying before they close in to the effective range). But that doesn't mean those flags doesn't have any facial values.

  • White = friendly and social
    Black = leave me alone
    Checkered = friendly unless attacked
    Red, Blue, & Yellow = respective company flags (matches company colors)
    Shark flag = the Hungering Deep
    Jolly Roger = will shoot you, chase you, and steal your gold on sight

  • @blg-strong-dad please share your thoughts then :)

  • I'm waiting to see Rare put something up in game, on the pier or on the ship letting us know what their intentions are

  • Like I said in an other post Flag signalisation discussion
    This is how I use the flag system :

    NOTHING : I just spawn OR I'm shoping OR I want to be sneaky
    WHITE : I'm peaceful
    YELLOW : I'm doing Gold Hoarder voyage
    RED : I'm doing Order of Soul voyage
    BLUE : I'm doing Merchant Alliance voyage
    LEGENDARY : I'm doing Legendary voyage
    BLACK : I'm doing Fort
    SHARK : I'm doing/helping with Merrick quest OR fishing/hunting shark
    CHECHERED : I want friendly interact with other crew (drinking, playing music, chalenging others crew, racing or something else)
    JOLLY ROGER : Dont be in my line of sight or you gonna be my next victim !!!

  • its a good idea as its one of those few unwritten rules with the game with the flags, like lifting of cannons or the torches.

    I personally would like to see everyone doing this (and yes im fully aware you can lie also) because it makes the flags useful and makes you cautious etc even more, but also helps us to leave each other alone or defend. it can bring the community together more in some sense

  • So flags are in! Excellent. I kind of like the idea we make up our own minds about what they all mean ...

    however ...

    wouldn’t it be great if the flag changed colour all by itself depending on the action we are undertaking or have just done?

    There would be no abuse that way. As it is they’re purely cosmetic. We can discuss to our hearts content what we think they should all mean. Won’t make a blind bit of difference on the sea.

    I’m sad to think a trick has been missed here. Guess I’ll have to wait and see if some common consensus starts happening with their use.

  • Maybe...

    White means you surrender. Checkered means your crew likes to race with other crews. Black means the ship is a part of a black faction, mostly occultists. Blue means the ship is part of a blue faction, mostly merchants. Yellow means the ship is part of a yellow faction, mostly hoarders. Red means if you're too close to the ship with this flag, get ready for a battle or you will experience the most horrible defeat no matter what flag you have raised. Skull means an ordinary crew sailing doing whatever gives.

  • I thought up a new system:
    no flag = just spawned @ outpost
    white flag = explorers (no voyages)
    black flag = pirate hunters
    checkered flag = friendly until fired upon
    yellow flag = gold hoarder voyager
    red flag = order of souls voyager
    blue flag = merchant alliance voyager
    shark flag = the hungering deep campaigner
    jolly roger = attempting skull fort

  • Purely cosmetic...
    Trust nobody and use verbal communication with the speaking trumpet to discover intentions.
    Me and a few others will rogue it out so you'll truly always have to guess anyways.

  • @ev0-charizard

    White means shoot you on sight
    Checkered is shoot you on sight
    Black is shoot you on sight
    Yellow is shoot you on sight
    Red means shoot you on sight
    And the skull is shoot you on sight

    fixed it for ya bud ;)

  • @ev0-charizard hahaha they all mean campers attack

  • White flag = I just want peace
    Checkered flag = I want to race
    Yellow flag = I'm doing Merchant missions (support banana crates)
    Jolly Roger = I'm hunting the waves for treasure (quite possibly yours)
    Red flag = I'm going to kill on sight (the red flag was used for this in the olden days)
    Blue flag = Doing missions with loot (why would you communicate this?!)
    Sharkhunter flag = I'm hunting for Meg (shut up Meg!)
    Legend Flag = Hey look at me I'm a pirate legend!

  • @ev0-charizard

    Some great ideas in the thread here - historically pirates might fly a black flag, red flag or jolly roger with the red flag also meaning 'no quarter' and the black one 'surrender immediately. The term jolly roger is often cited as being a corruption of the french phrase 'jolie rouge'.

    I think yellow flags were flown to indicate an illness on board but I like the banana or merchant idea for this one.

    White maybe ought to be the symbol of surrender or willingness to parley?

    Maybe Blue could be a privateering option.. fighting on behalf of one of the Trading Companies perhaps.

  • why are the flags small pieces of cloth shouldn't they be massive hanging of the back of the ship for all to see

  • @elentar there is nothing better than displaying the white flag and declaring yourself as friendly with the speaking trumpet, tricking your way aboard their ship and making off with the highest value loot they have.

    Or waiting until they leave the ship to go to an island and turning it into Swiss cheese.

  • @lofty1985 said in WHAT THE FLAGS MEAN:

    @elentar there is nothing better than displaying the white flag and declaring yourself as friendly with the speaking trumpet, tricking your way aboard their ship and making off with the highest value loot they have.

    Or waiting until they leave the ship to go to an island and turning it into Swiss cheese.

    Make no mistake, matey - white flag or no, if I has me treasure on me boat, an' you climb me ladder, 'tis you that be 'te Swiss cheese. Savvy?

  • Has anyone done anything in response to flags others had? Did it work out for you?

    I was soloing and saw two sloops duking it out. I thought 'I should help, but which one?'

    I looked at their flags. One had no flag - so I figured they either were new or didn't care about the feature. The other had a red flag - so I figured they were out for blood. I rammed them and cut down the occupant. Made sure he sank then mermaided back to my ship to fix it. The other crew had boarded me and fixed it for me. I feel like the flags helped me make the right choice haha.

  • @revanjstone I wear red when doing the OoS voyages...

    What if he was doing the same and was attacked by the "no flag" crew who knew this, wanted the other's loot, and wanted to hide their own intention in the process?

    When in doubt, sink them both! 😆

  • @galactic-geek haha truth! thats why i wish we had some global standard for the meanings. we need to hash it out and set the standards! red is clearly aggressive! think of the bull fighters haha, i hope he was the enemy but either way the other team was thankful and i put an end to the feud.

    ... also he didnt have any loot.. i checked ;)

  • @revanjstone I disagree with red bc it's clearly for OoS (otherwise it would be solid red). Save offense for the black or jolly roger flags...

  • @galactic-geek This is why we need a standard haha. If I knew someone was on oos mission I might even help, I hate those things solo. But how to get everyone to agree... hmm. Also I feel like there is no need to tell exactly what kind of mission you are on. Seems like you are giving away too much info. Maybe one flag to represent 'on missions, leave me alone and i will you' and one 'im on missions, join me if you like'. If there was a merchant alliance flag I'd put that up since there is no reason to rob those people haha.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo great idea about a poll lets get a thread for that and bump it up ! i get what they were going for to let us make up our own rules but i think it just ended up making the flags too confusing. if we voted we would still get a say as a community, and then if they put it in the descriptions then everyone (even those that dont use this forum) would know what means what.

  • The flags seem like they are completely pointless to me. It's actually more of an annoyance now because I used to use it to show me wind direction. Since they don't save between games, I have to run up the ladder and put a flag up there.

    Nobody is going to use them to identify the intentions of others because, 1. they are hard to see from a distance (by then you are within cannon range anyway), and 2. only a dumb pirate is going to use the "pirate flag" to advertise he's evil. This is like putting up a "gun free zone" sign. That's just signaling to criminals that this is a great place to rob or shoot up.

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