Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]

  • @pikaaroon my name is Alan. I've joined the forum because I really enjoy this game and hope to stay up to date on improvements to the game. I am also here to see the great ideas some of the other gamers have to add and maybe suggest some of my own.

    My interests are shootin', lootin' & scootin'.

  • GreyBeard

  • Ahoy Mates! My name is Kamikaze aka ItsKamikaze17.

    Just found out about the forums after encountering an odd issue with my character going missing along with my coins and levels! Highly disappointed but ticket was quickly escalated so here's to waking up with good news!

    Always looking for some good folks to play with, I like Galleon Crews, though my main requirement is that you , like me, don't attack Sloop's unless they attack first. It's not really fair to those Solo Pirates out there trying to quest! Feel free to add me by my gamertag!

  • Oh! My name is Dagn Magnuse
    I came to the sea of ​​thieves to trade
    My interests are to sail the oceans, kill nasty pirate and find treasure.

  • Arrrggghhh!!
    I am TheeDonMega!! Throw back some grog to journeys ahead!!
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  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Akhelios Finn

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves seeking fortune and glory from the Sea of Sorrows.
    After extensive voyages I've amassed a small fortune as a Merchant Privateer for the Trading Companies and bartered for forbidden knowledge from a Sea Witch. If ye see my galleon 'The Thresher' on the horizon beware!

    Me interests consist of:

    • Establishing a pirate fortress from a hidden island hideaway.
    • Establishing me-self as a Pirate Legend and contributing community member through
      interactive role-play events.
  • @pikaaroon said in Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]:

    Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    HERE WE ARE! Can you believe it?
    Launch Day is upon us and Sea of Thieves is going to be sailing into peoples hands throughout the day.

    Well, now that we have to pick a Pirate that we are proud of, I thought it would be good fun to screen capture our selected IPG (Infinite Pirate Generator) Pirate and show that picture off here alongside some back story and facts about our Pirates.

    Feel free to Copy and Paste the below format to reply to this topic, or just make it up. (once you get access to the game)
    *Please remember to keep to the Pirate Code with your responses and just have some fun.

    *Ahoy! My Name Is Vicky

    *I've come to the Sea of Thieves to Loot,Pillage and claim back the Black Pearl

    *Me interests consist of Swabbing decks,Captain Birdseye and Pop up Pirate

    [Insert Sea of Thieves Pirate Picture]

  • Ahoy! My name is Travis! On the sea I go by Bootyflake!

    Came to see of theives to earn my keep and live out a pirates life! Oi!

  • Ahoy there, one and all! The name's Nexrum, but you're also welcome to call me AngelOfIron, as that's my handle practically everywhere else. I wish I could say that I'm excited to become a part of this community, but that would be a half-truth. My life is, for the lack of a better word, "chaotic" right now, so I can't spare much time for this place right now. Hopefully that'll change in the not-so-distant future, but until that happens...

    In any case, I wanted to seize this rare chance to drop in, give my best to all my fellow seafarers, and also tell them about somethin' that I'm tryin' to do for the community. You can read all about it here, in this Twitter thread of mine. However, if you don't have access to Twitter, or otherwise don't want to hop on over there, I'll lay it out for you in the following paragraph as best I can...

    On most days, from 2 PM to 4 PM PST, I will be in-game playing the part of a castaway stranded on Old Salts Atoll. I will also have with me one or two chests of random quality. Players who discover me are welcome to take the chests, I will not attempt to stop them. However, if they agree to take me to my outpost of choice, I will donate anywhere between 1$ to 5$ to Wounded Warrior Project in their name!

    As the saying goes, "A little kindness goes a long way." It's that train of thought that drives me to keep this social experiment going for as long as I possibly can. So if you happen to sailing by Old Salts Atoll and see an old, one-eyed, one-legged, one-handed man with a tangled mess for a hair and beard and with the name Nexrum above his head waving to you, please consider coming ashore! I promise that the only thing that you'll have to worry about are those pesky Skeletons that like to pop up every now and then!

    And, on that note, I must depart.

    Until next time, mateys!

  • AVAST! My Name Is VyseM4H (GT: Vyse The Merc)

    I've set sail to the Sea of Thieves to become THE Pirate Legend.... I WLL be Vyse The Legend.
    You can watch my adventure here! https://www.twitch.tv/vysem4h

    Me interests consist of Adventure, Grog, Shanties, BUT More than anything THE LOVE OF THE SEA!


  • Ahoy! My Name Is Ixxolos

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves seeking Adventure and Mystery (there must be a way past the edge, i'm sure i can find the way out)

    Me interests now mainly consist of sampling the fine Grog's of this strange place we seem doomed to sail in for eternity as alas my dreams of adventures past the Red Sea are but a fleeting dream only to be fulfilled when the rightful Skellington Lord comes to dethrone me.
    Until that day i sit in wait.

    Good Hunting and Fair Winds Fellow Pirates.

  • Ahoy there mateys! I'm Captain FishSt1ck!

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves for gold and glory, but found so much more. I've found it to be a place of relaxed sailing and exciting adventures, a place for honor among pirates and sometimes being stabbed in the back.

    Following my own moral compass, I've managed to find my place among the thieves, murderers, gold hoarders and scared merchants. You'll find me alone on my trusty sloop or with a crew of crazy and vocal pirates.

    If you see me approach I'll usually leave your ship afloat unless you shoot first, the crew I'm with might act differently though. Either way don't think for a moment that all of your treasure will be safe when I don't open fire, if I can smell treasure I just have to take a look.

    Happy sailing and remember thieving and murder is fine as long as you do it respectfully :)

  • Ahoy ! My name is OrEbene, i'm a french sailor
    I've come to Sea of Thieves for spending fun time with cool players... However I found a lot of stupid ones (oh yes kill me and steal my boat ! I'm just here for it, no matters the time i spent for getting this chest...)

    Me interests consist of making some gold, having fun with sailing wisely, having a full and fun experience with cool teammates... (still looking for them ;) )
    Oh and I'd like to play music as often as possible !

    text alternatif

    See ya,

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Skitzo D. Klown, captain of the infamous Moist Lady
    I've come to the Sea of Thieves for grande adventures on the high seas with me ruckus crew of swarthy scalawags, to gain fame and fortune upon the waves, and to murder all you scabrous dogs what don't follow the code.
    Me interests consist of red squeaky noses, friendly hugs from sharks, rum, booty, and treasure.
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  • Ahoy! My Name Is Morgint

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to have fun and maybe stream some pirate shenanigans lol
    Me interests consist of grinding and having fun

  • Ahoy pirate friends!
    I've spent nearly 4 days searching for my ideal pirate and this is what I have finally come up with.
    She's not completely what I wanted and totally not worth 4 days of my life but shes pretty cute.
    She has some knuckle tattoos on her other hand that you can't see but I really like them! Makes me feel like a bad a*s.

  • I guess we have to post here before we can reply in other topics?

  • @sandcracka Not necessarily, I believe that you're able to add replies to any existing thread, but need a number of upvotes before creating a new thread, it'd be great to see your pirate though!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is J101399J

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves for the social aspect in a Pirate world.

    I was an Alpha tester for the game Ingress and loved the social teamwork part, but with gas prices in California and the toxic players, the game is no longer fun. I've tried other online multiplayer games, but they don't have the team aspect that you get with SoT. So far, I've had the chance to meet some awesome people and only a very few toxic players, I just hope it stays that way. Look forward to what's to come.

    J101399J Pirate Pic

  • Ahoy! My name is Captain Chipmunk, Captain of the Delight.
    I'v come to the Sea of Thieves because, one day, I was sailing in the Caspian Sea when I fell into a maelstrom. When I woke up, I was in the tavern at Golden Sands Outpost.
    Me interests consist of sinkin' ships, drinkin', diggin' up treasure, drinkin', killin' Skellingtons, oh and did I mention... drinkin'.
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    (Sorry about small pic)

  • Cpt. Crunch


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  • @the-estler said in Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]:

    Cpt. Crunch


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    I fail at posting pics so ...

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Voodoo!

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves in search of fame fortune and adventure! And to hopefully make my mark on the open seas!!

    Me interests consist of sailing the seas, exploring island, searching for treasure, drinking grog and smashing skellies Yarr!!

  • @salazar-armando Death to Pirates!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Vice City Mamba (Just call me Mamba!)

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to rid it of Pirate S**m!
    (Former prominent member of the Spanish Royal Navy turned nomad Pirate Hunter.)

    Me interests consist of collecting Pirate skulls of long-dead pirates, as well as the fresh scalps of those still alive!


    "The Snake Will Always Bite Back."

    [ Follow me on Instagram! @vicecitymamba ]

  • Ahoy me Lads and Lasses!

    Me name be Cap'n AbleThelonius, but you can call me Thelo for short!

    I've voyaged to the Sea o' Thieves for adventurin', explorin', and of course the plunderin! If there be any fellow buccaneers looking for an extra mate, I be your man!

    I also know one or two shanties, if that sweetens the pot!

    Fair winds!
    -Capt'n Thelo
    Captain of the (Currently in the market for a gently used sailing ship)

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Stryker Osiris!

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to become the most recognizable pirate around the sea.

    Me wish to collect at least one of everything (except gold, I'll collect ALL the gold possible!). Be warned, I'll take down any pirate who think they be worthy to challenge me. But if you be friendly, I'll be happy to cheers our tankards and sail seas together.

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  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Redbeard.
    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because it looked amazing and hasn't disappointed me in the slightest.
    Me interests consist of adventure and plenty o' booty.
    The Grand Captain Redbeard

  • Ahoy,

    Captn' JohnJah at your service.
    of the Ship The Golden Chalice

    It be me First post on this official Outpost, i tend to land me anchor off Face tome Outpost , but ventured far over here to say Ahoy and give me tales on the sea's, Adventures had disturbances reported and general pirate stuff!

    I be an honest pirate and tend for a peaceful resolution to shout before attacking *a commodity on these seas i know

    However meet me cannons ablaze and you'll be in for a fight i shall not flee whilst i've got iron in the cannons and planks remaining ill fight!

    Without further ado.
    May the wind be with your sails Chests brimming with gold and may your tankard never run dry.


    Captn' JohnJah

    Ship date 0091

  • Ahoy! My Name Is BlindNev

    I'm actually only colorblind but I didn't want my name to be too long!

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to hoard treasure and not share it with galleons or sloops that follow me around. You no take gold!

    Me interests consist of drinking coffee and sailing the seas for booty or new friends. Or at least pirates that like having me on their ship playing music. I can tell by their happy faces and the sound of their gunshots.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Pyrate

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because it is a fantastic game and i looks amazing!

    Me interests consist of digging up treasure and killing skellies


  • Hello, my name be Blackbeard,

    I be joining the Sea of Thief's to prove that I am a legend among men.

    My hobbies include drinking rum, stealing peoples stuff, smashing skeletons, and drinking rum.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain "Fish Hook" Cook!

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to sail for adventure with a loyal crew.

    Me interests consist of negotiating alliances with other crews and the eye of reach when negotiations go south :) Also grog!

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  • Ahoy! My Name Is Obscure Goddess

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because I am a woman of fortune, and I must seek my fortune.

    Me interests consist of sailing under a black flag! The seas will be my empire!

    And remember kids; Sailors tell stories, Pirates make legends.

  • Ahoy, me name is MarsMayflower. Me interests be gold and the sea.

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130 out of 188