The World Is Changing

  • The world is changing, new dangers there be

    Between boundless sky and treacherous sea

    On rolling waves with sails unfurled

    Ships come to plunder this new world

    This is the text that appears on the screen when two worlds are being merged together.

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

    Text Archive

  • 5
  • @d42striker

    Wow! Well done on your research!

  • @cptann3bonny I have 12 more things to post on here and I am done with what I have recorded, and then after that I dig into the Tales From the Sea of Thieves book.

  • @d42striker How has this not been seen sooner? What a fantastic selection of texts you have here - you've basically made your own little website here on the forum!

    Great job sir, have my upvote!

  • @d42striker that is some very extensive research. Well done mate!

2 out of 5