Hit markers a bit wonky with the gun powder skeletons.

  • Seems it doesnt blow up every time you shoot them. Or it its a near by skeleton even though you're aiming at the gun powder.

  • 12
  • @howdoishoot926 hits*

  • the barrels have always been like this. Some times you don't hit them accurately enough or close enough or the barrels are just like kind of dud like, its good that way as even in battles that can be a major factor

  • @ant-heuser-kush yeah, or the skeleton right next to em.

  • I am extremely surprised at how poorly I did on this challenge so far, tonight.

    We didn't manage to get a single 3 kill challenge and I can't entirely tell you why - other than, our OOS voyages were CRRRRAAAAAP tonight (single captains, often FAR away on the map (really odd)), there were never 3 in range of the skelly's barrel range (often weren't even three there!), our shots kept on not detonating the barrel before he lit the fuse and blew himself up...
    I'm not sure if we were so terrible, luck was greatly against us, or if this challenge is a lot more stacked against us than I had expected (probably a mix of all three).
    Granted, we only did a couple of hours, but... we didn't get a SINGLE three-kill commendation. Only the chain reaction one.
    I'm shocked.

    Here's to better luck next time!

  • @pdt-mindstream ive actually been doing alright. Have almost all the master ones done already. Its definitely chaotic. I learned not to worry about dying. The only thing that kind of bothers me is when you die before the gun powder skeleton lights its fuse or before you shoot it, it'll light the fuse and blow up anyway. Which basically wipes a whole wave and doesnt give you credit toward the challenges.

  • I give Rare credit, though. They figured out a way to make oos not completely awful.

  • @howdoishoot926 Or Forts - they can be completed a LOT quicker now!

  • Hah, so, right after I posted that, I hopped on and did some Forts... wow, yeah, that sure worked a lot easier.
    Funny how different those sessions went, lol. When I tried to focus on it, I got squat... just went to do forts, and massed a whole bunch of the challenges.

    Whew, turned into a great night on the seas.

  • @howdoishoot926 The hit detection is just bad in general lol.

  • I haven't tested this completely and it may just be in my head, but it almost felt like it was harder to get the 'boom' when the skellies hit the fuse themselves first. I'd get hit markers but it wouldn't blow up, though it very well could be that my aim is d****o and I ending up hitting the skeleton instead. Still, though, it makes me wonder, maybe there's a bug with lit fused barrels that makes them harder to explode?

    Again, super speculative at this point. Further testing necessary.

    Edit: wow, that was censored? I even chose it because I thought it'd be the tamest synonym.
    lol. Anyway, it rhymed with tutu.

  • @lady-allrin i'm not sure about the fuses. But i'll be right on the gun powder with my pistol or eye of the reach and im like 'Where's the kaboom?' There was suppose to be an earth shattering kaboom'........marvin the martian reference anyone?

5 out of 12