Come on rare so close to there when it comes to mouse and keyboard support for Xbox.

  • So I hooked up a keyboard to my Xbox one and turns out it partly works.....

    These are list of what works.
    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 : equipment and weapons
    Space-bar : jump
    Tab : select
    Escape: start
    Enter: accept other half of a button of controller.
    Arrow keys: are directional but doesn't move character just select items in menus.

    So my conclusion is rare is being lazy or something not to complete keyboard and mouse support. Maybe they are scared of us Xbox users kicking butt with keyboard and mouse. At least allow me to use the chat I find it annoying I can do so much but talk with keyboard. ;-) come on rare test my PC skills by giving me support completely and see my 28 years of PC shooters with keyboard and mouse. I'd rule the seas if I could use both because when I'd wanna be lazy I can use controller keyboard mouse when I want wreck for PvP.

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  • @personalc0ffee there was no keyboard function and now there is clearly rare changed something

  • @personalc0ffee I tried keyboard early on in may 0 response to any button tried again yesterday and I listed buttons that function

  • Plus anyone can make there own support for USB devices in there games despite Xbox support so in theory they could. Unless Microsoft is blocking USB function.

  • @green-giant-530 the keyboard support for xbox is up to MICROSOFT to support the adequate driver for the proper functioning of the hardware.
    Keyboard works for typing messages to ppl, navigation of the dashboard/store and for EDGE and apps alike.. I tried it with pubg before SoT release and had very much the same result as you have with SoT

    Rare have no call as to what software goes into the xbox one main OS drivers, the latest changes were made by microsoft because the hardware support is coming in the future. (although that was made a while ago) once Microsoft releases support I don't think Rare would even need to patch it in.

  • @green-giant-530

    This is probably the latest info, still waiting to hear from Microsoft about official support, they were rumoured to be working with Razer earlier this year..

  • Update yesterday I was able to get keyboard function to work with moving around on a new account I found it odd. Here's some of the results so the keyboard is usable and rare is just not working on having it work well 100%.

    Aswd : directional movement
    Q: quest wheel
    E: equipment wheel
    L: lantern
    I: instrument

    And no I don't have a razor keyboard so riddle me that Batman everyone standing up for failure.
    Think about it when I brought up the wheels it said f for more not x . it's there but broken. I attempted to mess with one setting and it broke the keyboard working field of view. It's buggy and that's why they won't say it has support because as soon as I changed that one setting It stopped allowing to use that keyboard layout it went back to previously mentioned one.

  • @nayfe-pacewell you are aware it's coding on rares side not Xbox. Because if you knew how coding works there are layers to OS and as long as OS layer which does support USB keyboard is there you can code game to accept it. Granted the coding on OS layer for keyboard could be bad its still there. Plug in a non wireless USB keyboard and press Windows key and watch it bring up Xbox menu same as pushing Xbox button. It's app layer that is broken at the moment the mouse support may not be there yet I will give that to them

  • @green-giant-530 Something really needs to be done. I play on Xbox, I could play on PC but I'd rather use my Xbox. There is no balance and as an Xbox player I feel that I am at a disadvantage when facing people on PC in pvp. What usually happens is as soon as they get in range I get quickscoped one shot in my head and my ship gets kegged. This happened again last night when I was trying to do commendations. A galleon full of pirate legends did it and when I messaged one of them they tried to tell me that pvp is the meta of the game.

  • @rainn-flutterrs Just so you know, head shots don't do anymore damage than a hit anywhere else on the body, be it the foot, arm or torso all damage is the same.

  • @octopus-lime Then how do I get one shot?

  • @rainn-flutterrs You must of had a bit of health missing before they shot. An EOR will does around 95% damage (really estimated just going from the health bar) so if you had a slight bit of health missing then an EOR will seem to one shot.

  • @octopus-lime That's what I thought too then I clipped it and went back but I had full health its happened multiple times

  • @octopus-lime he is right I've been one shot with only eor with 100% health by PC players never happens with Xbox one's . could be cheaters I know people use aim bots on PC and go around griefing I've seen it when they can be mid air and shot you one shot while facing other way with 100% accuracy never missing out of over 30 shots so there's hackers using one shot kill and aim bot.

  • @rainn-flutterrs Could you provide that clip please? As I'm positive all damage is the same irrelvant to where the shot lands.

    I've boarded sloops and shot the person on the wheel point plank in the head with an EOR and still needed to hit them once with the sword to finish them off.

  • @personalc0ffee man, Rare belong to microsoft studio, so Rare or microsoft, it doesn't matter.

    I agree, there should be a keyboard support, like in EVERY other great MMO but this would have been done for long if so.

    A written text isn't necessary personnal and can be copied. This is not so easy with your voice. Cutting the means to chat by text is the way to force you on microphone.

    By using the microphone, the xbox gets EVERYTHING that is said in the room, even when you doesn't speak.
    Isn't that stealing?
    Isn't that what pirates do?
    Is SOT a pirate game from a pirate company?
    At least, they go the spirit...

  • @fancyathlete182 What on earth are you talking about?

  • @octopus-lime something that gamers doesn't want to see : reality dude !

  • @fancyathlete182 Fair enough, personally I can't make head nor tail of your post though!

  • @personalc0ffee lol, no, just an attempt to make fun of real facts.
    Personnaly, id love to use my keyboard with the Xbox, especially when i have to writte something, so i don't need to use my PC.

  • @personalc0ffee Like with my fingers.
    Have you tried speech recognition when you have buddys speaking all the time? Or music loud in the background. Plus it is tricky if you have cortana on with win10.
    So i use the simplest way, the way we all use to write since computer age, the way it always works 100%: the KEYBOARD.
    When DNS works, it is quite good, but we are going off topic there.

  • @PersonalC0ffee The keyboard support falls on Microsoft sure, but the chat pad support falls on Rare. Like I said in my thread that I up everytime a new update is here, text chat support MUST be available on Xbox One too. They promised parity between Pc and Xbox, but this feature stays exclusive to PC, It just make no sense to me.

    Rare please! 5 months since realase (not counting beta) and still nothing !

  • @pwn3d-l-inc
    If only someone was constantly reminding them of this missing feature on every patch :) Oh hey there @Hudson-RL!

  • @fishst1ck Well, nice to see that I'm not alone !

  • @green-giant-530 said in Come on rare so close to there when it comes to mouse and keyboard support for Xbox.:

    @octopus-lime he is right I've been one shot with only eor with 100% health by PC players never happens with Xbox one's . could be cheaters I know people use aim bots on PC and go around griefing I've seen it when they can be mid air and shot you one shot while facing other way with 100% accuracy never missing out of over 30 shots so there's hackers using one shot kill and aim bot.

    so you are saying that the PC has an advantage because the devs programmed the EOR to do 100% damage on PC while the xbox version was nerfed at 90-95% damage...
    am i getting that right???

    I think that your problem is with cheaters and not PC players...

    we PC players also have issues with cheaters, they also 1shot us.

  • @pwn3d-l-inc Even the Rocket League game has it

  • @squaz05 not all PC players are cheats but all cheaters use PC for this game

  • @fancyathlete182 lol someone likes conspiracy theories

  • @green-giant-530 so your issue is with Cheaters and not PC players.
    people need to stop putting both in the same category

  • @squaz05 they are same category be you are on PC if your using cheats yes that's just how it is if you don't like it make a point to report the cheaters As you find them but as I said not 100% of PC players cheat but 100% of cheaters are on pc. So unfortunately as in life a few bad apples make a group look bad I enjoy playing with whom ever I just hate cheaters and I don't have a problem if I run into cheater I change server then try to deal with it because that is best way. So if you are to get upset with anyone get upset with cheaters making PC look bad. I have many PC friends and will continue to make more but I've got people whom have messaged me saying they had aimbots I report them if you see it do same only way to make the seas a fair playing field for all this was subject that was off topic end of discussion.

  • Oh hey @fishst1ck !
    in all fairness it’s not every patch... I’ve calmed down as of late! :)

    In my defence, it’s a small QoL addition that’s already in the game for half the player base. Asking for text speak on Xbox isn’t the same as begging for huge amounts of new content to be added. I love the game just think that text speak will make it a more enjoyable experience!

    I’ll stop asking for it when it’s in! 😂

  • @hudson-rl said in Come on rare so close to there when it comes to mouse and keyboard support for Xbox.:

    Oh hey @fishst1ck !
    in all fairness it’s not every patch... I’ve calmed down as of late! :)

    In my defence, it’s a small QoL addition that’s already in the game for half the player base. Asking for text speak on Xbox isn’t the same as begging for huge amounts of new content to be added. I love the game just think that text speak will make it a more enjoyable experience!

    I’ll stop asking for it when it’s in! 😂

    I didn't mean it in a bad way mate :) I actually think it would be nice to have. It's not that I'd ever use textchat but having a whole lot of extra keybind options would be neat. It also seems like a pretty easy thing implement and it would give Xbox people that don't want to talk or refuse to use gamechat to at least communicate better than just the chat options.

  • Yesterday in the Inside Xbox, Microsoft announced that Mouse and Keyboard will be suported if devs wants to. No more excuses Rare :)

  • @pwn3d-l-inc said in Come on rare so close to there when it comes to mouse and keyboard support for Xbox.:

    Yesterday in the Inside Xbox, Microsoft announced that Mouse and Keyboard will be suported if devs wants to. No more excuses Rare :)

    Joe said in the stream today that they didn't plan to. But will look into it.

  • @treefittymonsta If they only add text chat for Xbox (which should be in the game at launch), I'm fine honestly

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