Hello Forumites!

  • I just ate a Snickers bar and I'm debating getting another one. How are you all doing today?

  • 57
  • Chew it over with a twix.

  • @khaleesibot I had an apple. I'm not jealous of either of your Snickers'.

  • @khaleesibot Oooooooh nice a Marathon bar... ;)

    Just about to head home from work! And get in my PJs :D

  • @khaleesibot Temptress! Why tempt me with such sweets?!
    Apart from drooling, i've been working on a few things hehe. I hope you're having a wonderful day so far!

  • @musicmee Those are some lucky PJs.

  • @khaleesibot

    If you have another, that could lead to another.
    Sounds like a bit of a Marathon to me.....

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    Marathon was the name in the UK... for many years :)

    @Musicmee .... well done you beat me!!!!! lol..... :)

  • @khaleesibot said in Hello Forumites!:

    I just ate a Snickers bar and I'm debating getting another one. How are you all doing today?

    I'm very disappointed... where are the tacos?!

    Anyhow, my desk at work is right by the window and somehow the skies are still bright and blue in late October. Can't... complain... at... all.

  • @khaleesibot I just went to the store to get some pizza's

  • @piratecraggy Sorrrrryyyyyyyyy... I just had to show I'm not as young as I look! Regretting it now!

  • @luciansanchez82 Don't you know it! Actual footage of me after work...

  • @musicmee

    It's happens to both of us, this age thing !!!!

  • With Halloween right around the corner, my wife and neighbors have begun the process of preparing for the local "trunk or treat".

    This means they've gone out and bought over 1000 pieces of candy. It's going to be a bad week for my sugar levels.

  • @iisrgntwolfii But your energy levels should be through the roof!

    If you need any assistance with that candy I will forward you my address!

  • @musicmee
    If there's leftovers after Halloween, I may take you up on this.

    And no, energy levels are down, too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing.

  • That's adorable, @musicmee thinks he's people!

  • @xcalypt0x Oooh a twix? That's a strong choice.

    @luciansanchez82 Fruit? That's a bold move.

    @Murkrage I think I'm going to make some nachos after work.. does that count?

  • @khaleesibot @musicmee @piratecraggy

    Did you guys also call Twix Raider at some point? - i know we germans did (and the french too i think).

    Bild Text

  • Great, I missed breakfast this morning and now all of you've got me craving chocolate!

  • @thor-von-blitz Wow, nope... that's a first one on me...

    Hopping on the highly reliable source of all my information... Wikipedia...

  • Well I'll be, @thor-von-blitz! I had no idea!

  • I had me a pumpkin spiced donut this morning. While that Snickers sounds good, I think I am happy with my choice.

  • Haven't eaten a thing yet today, but then again I never normally do during the day... However on the subject of name re-branding, Opal Fruits was my solid staple wholesome food pre exams at school... then years later they changed it WHYYYYY???

    It's the only thing that got me all my passes ! RIP Opal Fruits :( You are sorely missed (not by my dentist)

    Edit: p.s. night time revision food was cheese and ham toastie or Banana on toast... what a lifestyle !

  • @khaleesibot @Musicmee

    Now the really interesting thing is that we don't pronounce Raider the english way, like Rey-dar (excuse my poor attempt at phonetics), to this day we pronounce it Rye-da instead. 😁

  • @khaleesibot Me? Doing very well thank you, main-lining semi sweet chocolate chips right out of the bag!

  • @thor-von-blitz

    Saw one of those on a trip to Germany a few years ago.
    I did wonder at the time.... thought it was a bit 'Twixxy' looking.

  • Bold move @pollyoliverperk! I can endorse this.

  • @khaleesibot ...another day in Paradise! :-D

  • @khaleesibot its been a long time since snickers was called was opal fruits.......
    Anyone know the reference?

  • @khaleesibot Random!! thing ever on the forums

  • @khaleesibot I'll see your snickers and raise you.... undecided next step :D

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  • Oh no.....
    I just realized how many kids will be dressing up as fortnite skins this Halloween smacks face
    @khaleesibot skittles for the win!

  • Perfect gaming treat? Nic nacs from Lu....Yeeeehaaa ( * And a perfect excuse for our moron to finally learn the alphabet)

  • They say you’re not you when you’re hungry. Eat a snickers. But what happens f you eat another one?

27 out of 57