Celebrating our great community

  • Hello everyone :)

    I have seen a fair bit of negativity in the forums of late, and I wanted to take a moment for us to celebrate the great people who brave the waters in game. I consistently find dedicated, nice, hard working and fun people online.

    I would like everyone to share screenshots in game of great people they have met, of teams achieving their goals and of having a great time in game.

    I would like to share a screenshot from a few nights ago.
    These 3 people were all random matchmaking pick ups, we braved the DR together and completed an Athena, declaring ourselves the "best friend squad" from the start.
    This screenshot was from just after we had completed and handed in our Athena chest together.

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    (Image link for those on incompatible browsers)

    So please, take a moment and share with us all a great moment from in game :)

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  • @ant-heuser-kush
    Thanks for the heads up, I edited with another link to the picture.

    Also thanks for sharing your story in celebration with an example of a great people you met :)

  • @eelporridge

    Here's a fine crew we sailed with on the seas a little while back, we helped them in a battle against the kraken and another ship, fought off Meg then celebrated in the tavern!

  • @eelporridge Great idea...can’t say I have a screen shot. How about a link to a short video? :-)

  • @eelporridge Rubbish screen shot I'm afraid, but I didn't think to take one until it was too late!

    I chased this guy for about 10 minutes, exclaiming I wanted to form an alliance. When I finally caught up with him at an outpost he told me he was rather new and didn't actually know what an alliance was.

    After explaining the alliance system and new cargo runs, I sent him on his way with a level 50 Gold Horders voyage, much to his delight (I'm sure he thanked me later for all the skillies!).

    It's really cool to run in to all manner of folk out on the open waves, both new hats and old sweats. Something I hope we never lose....

  • Sea of Thieves big Family!


  • @katttruewalker Great shot, thanks for sharing and helping celebrate our community!

    @SpecialAdvisor yes please! Videos would be great too!
    in fact here is a super boring video of me just hanging out with another great pick up crew, playing some tunes. It's probably not worth even watching due to us just playing music and jumping around, but the moment was a nice one due to the crew getting along so well, so I captured it!

    @LucianSanchez82 its not rubbish, glad you are enjoying the community and are having great moments!!

    @Skulliah wow that sure is a lot of people!! Nice work getting such a big group together!!

    Thanks everyone so far for joining in, sending nice moments you had in game with others, please keep them coming :)

  • Great crew... hope to do a 3x Devil's Roar Athena run soon. (OGDirtyApe behind the camera)
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  • @eelporridge
    I have had loads of great moments and memories meeting other crews in this game -

  • @rayzback Wow that's a lot of chests, nice work!!

    @stacky-a thanks for sharing so much! I especially like the two sloop's crews all cheering at the end there!

  • This is a video I made awhile back. A full server cooperating for commendations. I met two of my core crew on this day...truly a golden moment in Sea of Thieves history for me :-D

  • Sharing great moments, where to start? :-)

    My first great moment was when I joined my discord crew, they welcomed me with open arms and we're still sailing right now, 12 active recurring players all helping eachother and even having social fun outside of the game. (we went to the Efteling theme Park with a few guys from the discord).

    I've met many great people on the seas, some hostile and some friendly. They make each encounter unique. We once had 2 galleons and 3 sloop crews all at an outpost dinking ale playing music and having fun. Getting some of the more wacky achievements together like throwing a bucket of vommit on another person etc.

    The game is great the community is great and some people sadly only see the forums as a place to rant. Thank god there are more then enough nice people on the seas!

  • Don’t have any pictures but I definitely want to thank SirGentleman, DeadHeadZed, and SlayingVictor (plus his awesome son) for sailing the unknown seas with me back in beta and when the game launched. My greatest moments in SoT have been thanks to them and even though they have all moved on from SoT, I still raise a grog to all the crews we sunk and the booty we stole.

  • @specialadvisor That's amazing, whole server coming together is beautiful to see!

    @Hynieth thanks for sharing :) glad to hear you found a tight community within the greater community, keep up the great work!

    @Sytoki sorry to hear your best crew mates have moved on, but glad that you managed to find some great people to play with!! Hopefully you can find some new great crew members which live up to their memories!

    Please keep it coming everyone! Loving seeing and hearing about great moments/crew members.

  • I believe from the same night as @Skulliah 's picture, we had a bit of a Splish Splash fight! :D

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