How a Galleon wasn't so clever in the end.

  • So it all started when i was doing a voyage i was heading to the island but when i look back i see a galleon so i try to escape them because i knew pretty well they wernt so friendly, which they wernt, and so it went on for a bit as the galleon chased me very slowly. Until suddenly the Meg showed up for me, so what better way for a solo guy with no loot at all go? Well the simple answer is shoot the meg, charged at the galleon and see how it ended. Mainly i didn't stick to see the battle as I believe that when the main target leaves it goes after someone else near by. So by my guesses as I left the server since there was no point to continue in that place im just thinking right now that the meg is now attacking the galleon, and if they escape it, well they just mostly waste resources and time as I had nothing, what a shame for them.

    Of course this story wasn't too long, but I find it just funny how much length some go to sink somebody when they dont have anything on them and in the end, but until the next story happens ill see ya in the seven seas!

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  • @emerald-hyper Cool story! I had a similar thing happen to me except I
    decided to drive straight through some rocks and then the meg pushed the galleon off course leading them into driving straight into a massive rock.

  • @xshaduh lol just reading that made my day i can just imagine the reactions of the galleon crew from that, well played

  • They literally scared you off the server 😂

  • @emerald-hyper sometimes what i like to do as a solo sloop being hunted by a galleon is get good bit of lead and go behind some island or rocks and scuttle haha. i just know they go around the corner and are like... where the hell did he go!? especially if there is a storm. you can scuttle in there and you know they are just looking all over trying to find you haha.

  • @emerald-hyper nice tale but I think that you could've found out of they wanted to talk and not fight also did they have the jolly roger up or the reapers mark?

  • @closinghare208 well it be one of those cases that they have the alliance flag up but doesn't really say anything or join in the alliance as i had that flag up as well, so it was more of a safe than sorry and pretty much when i drop my sails they do the same and just chase me. So you can never know what be there intentions until its too late or made a chpice from it. But in the end i wouldnt know what they would of achieve in the first place

  • @emerald-hyper ok I see thanks mate

  • One time while solo slooping I had galleon chase me and the Kraken spawned on them. I sailed back and from a distance shot cannonballs at them while they were tied down by the Kraken. It was hilarious.

    They eventually freed themselves, I give them props. But by then I had made my way to the outpost and unloaded. Stayed there watching from a distance.

    As for stuff I actively do when getting chased: Storms, Skelly ship events, and erupting volcanoes are some of my favorite things to sail into. It can be amusing to see what some crews will go through to try and get to me.

    The most effective (and rare) is an active skeleton fort, especially when its already occupied by other players.

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