Sea Of Thieves cross platform related

  • During my time playing with a few friends today, we had just been out grinding some gold hoarder voyages out. We gathered more than 50+ captain's chests and were eventually chased down by two players, mind you both were PC players. This made it extremely difficult (playing on Xbox because of the lack of accurate aiming) to combat these two players while they were able to laser aim my friends and I with sniper rifles/pistols. We had been grinding money for about 4 and a half hours, while these PC players, jumped on the game and killed us over and over again after we had been attacked by the kraken. I personally find it a tad bit unfair when PC players are going up against Xbox players because the players on the Xbox cannot aim as fast as they can, they also cannot switch weapons as fast, or move around/shoot accurately with the awful sensitivity. Please, if you can do something to fix this because it is extremely irritating to lose all of your progress after four hours of wasting your time on a game that should have been considered fun. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game to bits but when this happens, it's the most annoying thing in the world, there is also a good chance that people will read this and immediately start replying "you're just bad", "get good" "nah you're just trash", but just remember that you're making a fool out of yourself for calling somebody else bad at a video game that they are playing for enjoyment, not to be good.

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  • @coffeemango9866 said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    During my time playing with a few friends today, we had just been out grinding some gold hoarder voyages out. We gathered more than 50+ captain's chests and were eventually chased down by two players, mind you both were PC players. This made it extremely difficult (playing on Xbox because of the lack of accurate aiming) to combat these two players while they were able to laser aim my friends and I with sniper rifles/pistols. We had been grinding money for about 4 and a half hours, while these PC players, jumped on the game and killed us over and over again after we had been attacked by the kraken. I personally find it a tad bit unfair when PC players are going up against Xbox players because the players on the Xbox cannot aim as fast as they can, they also cannot switch weapons as fast, or move around/shoot accurately with the awful sensitivity. Please, if you can do something to fix this because it is extremely irritating to lose all of your progress after four hours of wasting your time on a game that should have been considered fun. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game to bits but when this happens, it's the most annoying thing in the world, there is also a good chance that people will read this and immediately start replying "you're just bad", "get good" "nah you're just trash", but just remember that you're making a fool out of yourself for calling somebody else bad at a video game that they are playing for enjoyment, not to be good.

    Were they really? How do you know? We're you at their house?

    I can jump around and dodge other players too using a controller. I have on occasion slaughtered other crews simply because I was a little lucky, and they were caught off guard.

    X-box players like us can spawn camp too, it's the same game.

    If you want to improve your game play; remap your controller so that the stuff you use is commonly is quick access rather than locked behind the menu.

  • Hoarding chests like that is just bad from a strategic standpoint.

    So you're basing that they were both PC players because they had good aim? Does that mean Xbox players have bad aim?

    What was your reason for collecting 50+ Captain's chests and not turning them in? Bragging rights?

    I'm not going to say "get good" but sometimes bad things happen because you make bad decisions.

  • About Sea of Thieves:
    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    " - Source HERE

    Also, I recommend you reading my post HERE about crossplay and other stuff

  • @m1sterpunch Nope, not bragging rights just logging on during with a few friends who were semi-new to the game. No, xbox players do not have bad aim, but you can tell the difference between playing with a pc player and playing with an xbox player. Not to say they couldn't have been xbox players, but if you were there you might have understood a tad bit better from where I am coming from.

  • @swimplatypus7 No, but like I have said in the reply to the other person's message, you can clearly tell the difference between a PC player and an Xbox player. It's quite easy to tell if someone has exquisite aim because they are using a mouse compared to a controller. I have a friend who is really good at Xbox shooter games, but he also knows when a person is on a PC because even he is getting slaughtered by PC players due to their ability to aim with the mouse instead of two joysticks. I never said anything about spawn camping though, I only said they had killed us over and over again by being able to accurately hit us constantly. To add to the "spawn camping" Xbox cannot do the same because even if they hit the PC player once, they will get completely destroyed after a few seconds of attempting to reload and fire again.

  • @targasbr Yes, I do realize that you think I am just another immature person complaining about "issues" in the game, and you wouldn't be wrong. But I have no problem with a lot of things in the game, but it's just a tiny bit irritating when you are versing somebody out of your level in "accurate aiming", what I mean by that is when you go up against a person who can easily just laser aim kill you, vs a person who has to use two joysticks to turn.

  • @targasbr I also do understand where you are coming from, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to get upset and go running on the forums to post this huge message while being angry.

  • I'm not going to say "get good" but sometimes bad things happen because you make bad decisions.

    ☝️ This!

  • @coffeemango9866 you don't play to get good, but for enjoyment. Than you should also realize that there people out there that will beat you.

    In this game you lose and you win. It is PvP and PvE. So, don't carry around more loot than you are willing to lose.

    I bet we wouldn't be having this discussion if you just lost one chest.

  • @cotu42 Depending on the chest, possibly. I mean I am pretty stubborn, and I also realize that there are people who will beat me, it's obvious. But my point was that PC players have a pretty significant advantage on aiming and being able to turn a full 360 degrees with a slide of a mouse.

  • @x5h3ar3rx Yup, I understand where he is coming from. It wasn't the best decision to carry around how many chests.

  • Yes he shouldn't have had that loot on the boat but the fact is pc does have an advantage over xbox to say there isn't doesn't help the situation. I have faith in rare they can fix this though.

  • @coffeemango9866 said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @swimplatypus7 No, but like I have said in the reply to the other person's message, you can clearly tell the difference between a PC player and an Xbox player. It's quite easy to tell if someone has exquisite aim because they are using a mouse compared to a controller. I have a friend who is really good at Xbox shooter games, but he also knows when a person is on a PC because even he is getting slaughtered by PC players due to their ability to aim with the mouse instead of two joysticks. I never said anything about spawn camping though, I only said they had killed us over and over again by being able to accurately hit us constantly. To add to the "spawn camping" Xbox cannot do the same because even if they hit the PC player once, they will get completely destroyed after a few seconds of attempting to reload and fire again.

    I play with a controller, and because the pace of this game being so slow; I don't often miss shots at reasonable distances.

    No scope shots are made easy and more effective because Sea of Thieves presently has no real hip fire spread to negate the use of a magic marker on your TV.

  • @swimplatypus7 nothing beats that magic marker, though I must say, no scopes happen to have more spread than aiming. (Just a tad bit of personal experience on that part)

  • @weststormborn

    Unfortunately not enough; it's far too effective at this time.

  • @swimplatypus7 I can agree with that

  • @coffeemango9866 said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @targasbr Yes, I do realize that you think I am just another immature person complaining about "issues" in the game, and you wouldn't be wrong. But I have no problem with a lot of things in the game, but it's just a tiny bit irritating when you are versing somebody out of your level in "accurate aiming", what I mean by that is when you go up against a person who can easily just laser aim kill you, vs a person who has to use two joysticks to turn.

    the better aiming doesn't matter as much because the hit boxes are not only all equal they are far larger... so the additional precision for head shots and just aiming in general... just doesn't matter. Controller users stand a pretty good chance against PC users...

  • @natiredgals I agree completely.

  • @swimplatypus7 I can understand reasonably slow shots, but I'm talking about being shot out of a moving ship by a sniper in the water. Which is also possible, but I don't think an Xbox player would be able to that on a daily occurrence.

  • @savagetwinky Yes I can agree, but only in close combat. PC players have a huge advantage in long distances on some occasions, like I said before as an example sniping somebody out of a moving ship while they are running, or mid-air while jumping off of the ship or off of land.

  • @coffeemango9866 said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @swimplatypus7 I can understand reasonably slow shots, but I'm talking about being shot out of a moving ship by a sniper in the water. Which is also possible, but I don't think an Xbox player would be able to that on a daily occurrence.

    It's actually really easy for us to do using a controller.

    There are some tricks that improve your ability to hit targets. There is a really good thread on tips a tricks around here that covers methods to keep a bead and strike most targets at a reasonable distance.

    There is even a good reliable method to counter for the movement of your own ship while taking shots. No exploits or cheating required, just game knowledge and a little practice.

  • @coffeemango9866 said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @savagetwinky Yes I can agree, but only in close combat. PC players have a huge advantage in long distances on some occasions, like I said before as an example sniping somebody out of a moving ship while they are running, or mid-air while jumping off of the ship or off of land.

    Its not only in close combat, even in mid range, xbox players scan still snipe players in water/off ships so long as the ship is still. And its still very difficult because of LOS if the ship is moving... and if its moving and they are not on your ship or are jumping off, than you are winning the fight because you have the better position.

    The tactics matter far far far more. None of the xbox players I play with really complain and they win fights against PC players all the time. We literally practice together.

  • @coffeemango9866 well, you don't want a get good post reply. State you are not interested in competitive play, but playing for enjoyment. Still you want to state that PC players killed you and that it is based on a platform and not skill level differences?

    Based on the crew I PvP with and being a mixed platform crew. I can guarantee you that a good controller player will be able to handle themself just as well as a PC player.

    Skill, timing, luck and decision making are the main reasons that people lose or win.

    There is a gap between the two input devices and it might need some tweaks. It is a gap people can overcome with execution and good choices. It is a delicate and difficult matter to balance, which Rare is monitoring and adjusting when needed.

  • @coffeemango9866 Lay down the game and ask your buddies to do the same.

    The (now) majority of users here will constantly tell you the same blabla about "git gud" and "oh, its not a big deal" after they have driven off a reasonable amount of opposition trough reports and bans because they want to keep their advantage.

    Its the best way to handle this matter, if xbox players just quit until Rare is doing something because otherwise you're just wasting your time here by making threads like this one.
    I have a strong guess that Rare knows, that's why you won't find any statistics that are pvp related.

    Check out this forum when arena arrived. Its going to be funny to read all the crossplay threads that will pop up so prepare yourself with plenty of popcorn.

  • @zuwashi I am not a professional grade player and therefore will encounter people that are better than me and lose. The amount of treasure I lose is based on my choices in the game. If you are carrying around 50+ chests and got sunk, well that is your mistake. Are you actually going to claim you could have never hit up an outpost in 4 to 5 hours of playing the game? Don't sail around with more items than you are willing to lose.

    So, your advice is to quit instead of improving crossplay? Which clearly is the future within the game industry. You want to go back to a seperated gaming community and NOT play together? How is that a good thing in a multiplayer game, reducing the potential size of the people joining in.

    Also, the fact that there enough controller players out on the seas wrecking and creating havoc even against Mouse and Keyboard players (which btw is going to be supported on xBox) shows that the issue people have is not input only based, it is also plain and simple their own abilities vs that of the other side.

    PC players for the majority do not give one bit about the advantage. They just want a larger playerbase to play with and against. Come up with improvements for the system rather than a cheap cop-out or just practice and become better.

    You will find out there will be a lot of people open for tweaks to the system, most people just are against: "I don't want to play with others, because ... so give me a PvE server, give me a xBox only server, etc." It is a PvEvP game, where both aspects are crucial for a good and decent eco system.

    Rare has already addressed some of the major flaws they had at the start like sensitivity levels not going up high enough for controllers. They are addressing the double gunning (not platform but PvP related) and they are adding the input scheme of a PC to an xBox. They are monitoring and making improvements where they deem them necessary. The fact that they don't show their numbers, well that is industry standard.

  • @coffeemango9866 hey look, another new forum poster with 0 activity on sea of thieves.

  • @coffeemango9866 Don’t let people bully you out of your right to an opinion and feedback mate.

    I can assure you there is a whole lot of people who agree. It’s just the majority give up tryin to start a discussion on the topic because the threads usually get bombarded by trolls and end up getting locked.

  • @cotu42 I believe he meant like in a strike. I mean, it works. Strikes work. If the majority of the xbox players just stopped playing, that would send alarm bells ringing cause player counts dropped by a large margin. I mean, the game already has a abysmal return player amount. They touted 5 million players last official count? And a few months ago some people gave a guess by using different data that they could get a hold of and had figured that the active player base hovers somewhere around the 400k mark. Maybe a little higher then that but no where near the 5 million figure Rare gave us a few months back now. So, now if the remaining players left on the XBOX just stopped playing, what do you think would happen to the game?

    And I will get a lot of flak for saying this but I personally do care about the advantage and I would personally prefer to play with people on the PC. No more open mic. No more horrid xbox party chats with the PC's terrible UI for the xbox app. But more importantly, there is not just a hardware advantage but ermm, a mental and skill ceiling most of the console users have yet to ascend. This does not go for all console users, but example as this has happened too many times for me to count, the controller itself. I have had to explain the button layout to console users too many times, I don't even use a controller but I have had to explain to controller users which button does what, and that's pretty bad. Granted, not every console user is like this, but the fair amount I have met through my adventures on the sea the majority of them are like that. I don't mind teaching new players how to work the sails and tips and tricks but having to teach the 15th xbox user how to use his controller and which buttons do what is a bit too much for "player driven learning" when there is a literal layout in the options menu that shows exactly what keybind does what for both the controller and the kb+m.

  • @cotu42 Oh, I'm just used to having a fair multiplayer experience on console over the years, that's all.
    I know, that's far too much to ask here on Kumbajaland to preserve something like that. No, instead I get told to play with MnK so that I can step up my game, and that from players that don't even have to pay for a subscription.

    Crossplay is the future? I guess you mean optional crossplay because every other game that offers this feature also has the option to not play with players that are on different systems. Why though? Can you explain it to me?

    And why should I come up with solutions to close the gap between xbox and pc?
    Here: Gimp pc players hard and buff xbox players to the max. Give xbox players auto-aim that directly snaps on the enemy and if you don't like it then just buy an xbox + xbox live.

    You don't like it? Great, me neither. I have no interest in ruining the gameplay of others and I just want to opt out of crossplay.

    As long as that didn't happen, I have to avoid pvp of any kind and I outright advocate to quit the game if one dislikes the imbalance. That's the only real solution. Creating threads about this topic is neither productive nor smart because censorship is the future just like crossplay apparently lol.

  • @zuwashi said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @cotu42 Oh, I'm just used to having a fair multiplayer experience on console over the years, that's all.
    I know, that's far too much to ask here on Kumbajaland to preserve something like that. No, instead I get told to play with MnK so that I can step up my game, and that from players that don't even have to pay for a subscription.

    You are paying for an online service. Fair multiplayer experience? There 3 different platforms in the xBox one generation with different specs, the use of SSD drives in xBoxes that reduce the load screens (one of the advantages xBox players love to throw at PC gamers) and different types of controllers. Elite controller vs standard one? Not to mention the main reason why multiplayer games are never are fair, skill difference..

    Crossplay is the future? I guess you mean optional crossplay because every other game that offers this feature also has the option to not play with players that are on different systems. Why though? Can you explain it to me?

    It is still optional 'cause it is a new appraoch and maybe because they are designed for a single platform? Design choices that focus on pin point accurate execution like headshots? Because the games you have in mind your death actually matters, the main combat is about do I kill you or you kill me. While in SoT it is about do you sink me or do I sink you which is based on way more than just your ability to get a clutch headshot.

    Designing for cross play is new, it is exciting and is the future. RARE with their approach to sea of thieves has kept this in mind and is something they monitor. Think of choices like a singular hitbox on characters, increasing the sensitivity for controllers and such.

    Competitive game play is also a factor, want to create an e-Sport or just a game? At the maximum skill level between equals every single darn thing matters and attach 100.000 prize pool to it. Well, that is something different in normal lobbies does it really matter?

    And why should I come up with solutions to close the gap between xbox and pc?

    Well you are offering a solution which is not a solution but an opt-out which we all know will just be used as an excuse not to address the issues. Don't like it just opt-out, no need for tweaks and adjustments and improvements.

    You could also decide to just sit back, enjoy the game. You are one of the people asking for a change and state that you understand the real issue. That means you should be able to think of a different way than just throwing in the towel or at least stop asking for RARE to do that?

    Here: Gimp pc players hard and buff xbox players to the max. Give xbox players auto-aim that directly snaps on the enemy and if you don't like it then just buy an xbox + xbox live.

    I am personally all in favor of aim assitance, naturally it needs to be well balanced. You think it needs improvement? Than yeah lets try it out! Btw. I guess it was already clear I play PC, though I have played with my xBox 360 controller and did fine - not as good but I hardly ever use a controller in over 20 years of gaming experiece and already can pinpoint aspects of my play with a controller that need improvement if I would decide to play with one.

    I doubt xbox people would enjoy full auto-aim, most people like actually playing the game not just get free hacks or removal of their skill. It is about reducing the gap to a stage that it is neglectable either way. Btw. aiming cannons with a controller is far better in comparison to the keyboard and mouse controls. It isn't a CQC thing, so people don't talk about it - but the coin is not fully one sided.

    You don't like it? Great, me neither. I have no interest in ruining the gameplay of others and I just want to opt out of crossplay.

    Well, that is where we differ. I think crossplay is amazing and the future. I also think opting out is the worst thing Sea of Thieves could do. They aren't trying to make a hardcore PvP game, it is a game for all different types of skill levels on both platforms.

    I think the matchmaking could be improved. Maybe use the stats to actually try to get equally skilled players on the field, but it is hard to judge skill in an open free game where most people do everything from PvE, PvP to just goofing around or sneaky plays.

    As long as that didn't happen, I have to avoid pvp of any kind and I outright advocate to quit the game if one dislikes the imbalance.

    Practice, learn, adapt and thrive? There enough people on these forums, that I know and even people that are big advocates of optional crossplay that play exclusively on xBoxes that state they have no issues defeating full PC crews with their xBox crews. There still is a gap, but clearly people are able to overcome it by their descisions, skill and teamwork.

    That's the only real solution. Creating threads about this topic is neither productive nor smart because censorship is the future just like crossplay apparently lol.

    I don't see how this is censorship, aren't you expressing yourself? Asking not to play together is a bad idea and is something I won't support.

  • @shinten-rai said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @cotu42 I believe he meant like in a strike. I mean, it works. Strikes work. If the majority of the xbox players just stopped playing, that would send alarm bells ringing cause player counts dropped by a large margin. I mean, the game already has a abysmal return player amount. They touted 5 million players last official count? And a few months ago some people gave a guess by using different data that they could get a hold of and had figured that the active player base hovers somewhere around the 400k mark. Maybe a little higher then that but no where near the 5 million figure Rare gave us a few months back now. So, now if the remaining players left on the XBOX just stopped playing, what do you think would happen to the game?

    Rare would continue to promote the game, add more to the game and the people that like the game would still play it.

    And I will get a lot of flak for saying this but I personally do care about the advantage and I would personally prefer to play with people on the PC. No more open mic. No more horrid xbox party chats with the PC's terrible UI for the xbox app. But more importantly, there is not just a hardware advantage but ermm, a mental and skill ceiling most of the console users have yet to ascend.

    Don't you high light yourself here the entire point that people bring up? Become a better pirate, practice, adapt and improve as a gamer. PC gaming has always been about that, 'cause guess what a lot of PC games have 'sweaty' players that are try-harding.

    Just to get it straight, not everyone on a PC is on an high end and the latest xBox one models are pretty decent pieces of equipement which the game is designed to run on. Therefore I always mute the xBox hardware issues, 'cause yes people have different budgets to spend and even within the xBox community this is true.

    This does not go for all console users, but example as this has happened too many times for me to count, the controller itself. I have had to explain the button layout to console users too many times, I don't even use a controller but I have had to explain to controller users which button does what, and that's pretty bad. Granted, not every console user is like this, but the fair amount I have met through my adventures on the sea the majority of them are like that. I don't mind teaching new players how to work the sails and tips and tricks but having to teach the 15th xbox user how to use his controller and which buttons do what is a bit too much for "player driven learning" when there is a literal layout in the options menu that shows exactly what keybind does what for both the controller and the kb+m.

    Just so you know, I had a PC player like that yesterday on the ship. He was new to the game and needed to learn all the controls. I also doubt he will be the cause of someone claiming PC player killed me they are unbeatable for a long time.

    Getting questions like: how do you find out where to go?

    Most people that make the claim: PC players are always better, don't realize that they might be crushing PC players at times without even knowing they are beating one.

    We have bad, decent, good and insane PC players. We also have bad, decent good and insane xBox players. What did you face? I usually just know I got my a*s handed to me or I did some a*s kicking myself.

  • @cotu42 And it is much easier for a PC player to teach another PC player how to play then it is for a PC player to teach a console player how to play. I don't have to stop, pull open my options and list out what each and every button does cause I don't play with a controller. If they were playing on PC, I could literally be able to teach them as we played instead of having everything come to a stop and have to spend 20 minutes out of our session to teach people basic controls. It will always be easier to teach others if they have the same system you use. Always.

    That and the turn speed is terrible for console users, I have a xbox controller for my PC and I have tried it out. I can do all the same things that I could do with my kb+m but it was definitely more trickier.

  • @cotu42 I can agree completely, skill, timing, luck and decision making are all major factors while playing this game. But when said "I can guarantee you that a good controller player will be able to handle themself just as well as a PC player." I can beg to differ because, even if there is a good controller player and they can fend off PC players there is still a good chance that not every controller player is, or ever will be as good as said PC player. I am not saying that controller players cannot advance to the PC player's skill level, but it will be quite a difficult challenge is they have a disadvantage such as, like I've said before two joysticks instead of a mouse and keyboard.

  • @enticed-malice Just to let you know, this isn't my main account.

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