Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: January 16th 2019

  • Ahoy maties!

    It's that time of week again, another amazing developer update!

    Join Executive Producer Joe in the tavern as he discusses cheating bans, install size changes, upcoming quality of life improvements and other things we're working on!

    Talking points include;

    • The next update will be February 6th
    • The next update will require a full game download to allow for future smaller patches to keep game sizes around half what they are now.
    • The next update has fixes for QoL, combat and a fix for the double gun exploit.
    • The next update has something different coming that hasn't been released/mentioned yet.

    After the update, install sizes shrink from/to (estimates):

    Xbox One X
    From: 47GB
    To: 25GB

    Xbox One
    From: 35GB
    To: 10GB

    Windows 10
    From: 47GB
    To: 27GB

  • 41
  • Is that the Ban hammer? 😂

  • @musicmee Get Joe going all Liam Neeson hahaha

    “We will find you, and we will ban you!”

    That made me chuckle xD

  • @musicmee
    Feb 6th then... all is good!

    Loved his "Outro"... !!

  • @knifelife Who, this guy?

  • man, what a tease. we have something you'll think is fun... but I can't tell you what it is.

  • @musicmee OMG!!! Just spat my drink over my phone hahahahaha

    There’s not enough upvotes on the forum for that!

  • @knifelife Hehehe... saving that for future use!

    PS Fixed your post :)

  • @musicmee Thanks bud!

  • The next update seems to be some pre-spring cleaning to get ready for The Arena! Can't wait to discover more about what they are still hidding :D

  • The Arena, soon to pioneers, oh baby I'm ready!!

  • @Musicmee

    As always thanks for these posts and the highlights. While I am not looking forward to downloading the entire game, it will be more than worth it for what it will deliver in February and in the future.

  • so new install sizes should be:
    xbox one - 10gb
    xbox one x - 25gb
    pc - 27gb

    that's pretty good.

  • @musicmee

    Oof, full DL. There hasn't been a patch that large seen around these waters since the first week!

    Guess that's one way of making sure people follow the never play on patch day rule.

    No chance of a pre-load either coz the game is already live.

    That's the bad news out of the way, now onwards to the 3 weeks to go hype!

  • Maybe since the fun thing is coming in February it will have something to do with Valentines Day. Maybe a red cursed cannonball with a heart swirling in the center. When we fire it at skeletons or players they fall in love. In their bewitched admiration they load their loot on our ships. Skellie captains even take off their own heads and hand it to us as a token of love. :)

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: January 16th 2019:


    Oof, full DL. There hasn't been a patch that large seen around these waters since the first week!

    Guess that's one way of making sure people follow the never play on patch day rule.

    No chance of a pre-load either coz the game is already live.

    That's the bad news out of the way, now onwards to the 3 weeks to go hype!

    Yep. Unfortunately there is never a good time for this in a live service but at least it will improve things for the future.

    I hope it also means less problems with bugs and glitches as they'll have more control over what's in the install at any one time.

    3 weeks can't come fast enough!

  • so wait... can we download the game now with the new file size or is that coming later?

  • @marsmayflower said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: January 16th 2019:

    so wait... can we download the game now with the new file size or is that coming later?

    No, we have to wait. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to actually play the game at all until February 6th.

    They're just giving a heads up so early because some people have data caps.

  • @musicmee is it a hammer for the game the new thing?

  • @closinghare208 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: January 16th 2019:

    @musicmee is it a hammer for the game the new thing?

    It's a brand new feature for some players, but I'm not sure these players will like it. It's called the 'ban hammer'.

  • @murkrage ok

  • Short, sweet, and to the point! I'm really glad they're doing another QoL update. That seemed to be a HUGE hit in Shrouded Spoils. It's also interesting that they're taking the entire month of January to build this patch. I'm really excited to see what kind of improvements it brings to the game, and to see that fun little thing they have planned.

    This also begs the questions, since we haven't had a Bilge Rat Adventure or DLC in quite some time does this mean that we'll be seeing a couple of DLC's drop fairly close to one another? I'd imagine that while a large portion of the community will want to check out the Arena, there will also be a large portion that won't and therefore Rare will probably want to keep them entertained with something...something like the Tall Tales DLC?

    Thanks for the update Joe!

  • I hope the combat tweaks include some changes to weapon knockback because i've noticed lately it's more of a "knock them to the left 90 degrees of the angle you shot them."

  • This week's 'best Joe Neate Tweet' is brought to you by: the gold hoarders.

  • When they have found a way to save so much memoryspace for the same game , does that mean that there will be more space for new songs and such or does that has to do with a different memory that is used for streaming? This is maybe a stupid question for many of you but i ain't much into computers so i don't know this...

  • @clumsy-george
    Unfortunately no, file storage is different than the game's memory usage.

    They could move shanties to server side, which is what Andy mentioned, a way to stream the song instead of have it loaded in memory. Synchronization of instruments, and delays may be issues with that. Hope they are able to, and soon!

  • Ahoy @clumsy-george

    Unfortunately, at the moment shanties are stored in RAM and streamed to the user that way. So client size will not affect that just yet.

    But it does mean room for more content in general!

  • 10gb size for my old video cassette player sized Xbox One?

    I wonder if the extra thing for the 6th of February will be a Valentines day themed Bilge Rat Adventure?
    alt text

  • Thanks Mr Dryfin and Mr Musicmee.

  • @musicmee

    Just found a webpage which summarises what's been said in the video regarding the change in file sizes and when that kicks in!

  • So glad they have developer updates so they can tell us vaguely they have things coming.

  • Thanks, @katttruewalker ! Updated original post :)

  • Nothing new today then, just a tease that we will be teased of future content sometime this year.

    And am i correct in assuming we have to suffer this double gun nonsense for another month yet?

  • Wish they would hotfix the double gunning fix sooner rather than later

  • @musicmee You see these updates are already being posted on YouTube and Joe Neate as well made a post. You are not a dev stop making these posts, they are annoying.

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