Rowboat Despawns with loot

    • Did you know a Rowboat could despawns if it's far away from you and if you attach another rowboat to your ship?

    Well, we didn't know that...
    We were in this piratey state of mind that we thought we could just leave our rowboat hidden between some rocks and go Pirate another ship that just finished a Fort.
    It happened we blow them up "accidentally" with the Supa Dupa Master Gunpowder, but they had everything on their rowboat and to save time we just attached the rowboat to our ship and got away to where we left our own Treasured Rowboat to make the transaction.
    When we arrived, there was no Rowboat and no loot on the water... It was really, really quick, all the situation. It was literally: Leave rowboat, sail to the fort, blow them up, attach their Rowboat and leave, and nobody went near the spot we left our own rowboat.

    What left us to think the reason for the rowboat to disappear was the fact that we attached another one to our boat! Are we Right?! Is this somehow new? It's a Bug? It was always like this, since ever?

    Strange thing was, we were previous on an island where there was a Wild Rowboat and after this happened, we could see the rowboat remained there... this Wild Rowboat didn't despawns even after we used it while in the Island, but our own did... even with our Loot in it...

    I need your thoughts please.

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  • I pulled up to cannon cove and there was a rowboat on the beach. After a little bit, it slid into the ocean by itself. Nothing weird, I see that a lot. Before I left the island, it had disappeared. Maybe rowboats had their despawn time lowered and if they aren't interacted with for so long, they disappear. Maybe having a player nearby would help keep it alive. Since I died a lot, the island would be empty frequently.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar had something similar today but I left a wood crate on a rowboat at plunder. Ship went to another fort to takeover. Finished fort came back to plunder 30 mins later to find only the wood crate. I think it’s the whole float time for the loot is why the loot vanished, but it seems rowboats if not watched over for long enough disappear. Makes sense or else we could have a bunch of rowboats out at sea.

  • @nunoazuldimeter

    1. How do u know no one took it? did one of u guard it constantly? Im a pirate who tends to swim out 1 or even 2 islands to surprise my enemy. They have NO clue where the kraken i came from. I like my 5+ min swims.

    2. Even if rowboat despawns and such. I would put items on the beach. If anything happens u have a LOT more time before it despawns.

  • @weakdexx Im pretty sure no one took it because the only 2 ships around were our own and the ship we sunk.

    It all happened in Old Boot Fort, and our rowboat was left in the nearest rock formation (that arch one north of snake island). It was so fast if someone took it we would see. I think...

    Now that I'm thinking, there was a skeleton ships around. Is it possible they sailed against the rowboat and move it and/or damaged it making it to sink?

  • @NunoAzuldimeter

    Wether they ran into it i dont know. I do get the feeling "docking" a rowboat (read leaving it on the beach) doesnt really dock. It tends to drift back out into the ocean.

    Than there might be that possibilty that it despawns. Instead of drifting around.

  • @weakdexx
    The thing is, as I mentioned before, there was a rowboat on snake island that we used while there.
    It was in the ocean and it didn't despawn even after we went sell and came back it remained where we left it.

    Maybe it's like you said, is due to land proximity.
    The game maybe do not assume rock formations as land and assumed the rowboat was being left in the middle of the ocean...

    Bad luck then, we learned a lesson.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Rowboat Despawns with loot:

    It all happened in Old Boot Fort

    Old Boot Fort is haunted.

    Seriously, at present this is the Bermuda Triangle of SoT.

  • @khompewtur really?! Why? Ahahaha now I'm curious 😁

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Rowboat Despawns with loot:

    @khompewtur really?! Why? Ahahaha now I'm curious 😁

    I have had 3 physics breaking experiences at Old Boot in past month:

    1st: Chased by Brigantine to Old Boot, climb into gun tower. Brigantine off shore, instantly vanished. As I sit in tower looking at empty oceans for next 10 mins, skellies in other tower are firing at "invisible target".

    2nd: Clashing with other crews already there, my sloop is sinking along the west wall when I die. when I get off the Ferry, I am underground inside Old Boot looking up through the "floor" of the locked treasure room, I watch a crew of pirates above me complete the skull fort. they can hear me and are freaked out the entire time trying to find me.

    3rd: Approaching Old Boot we see a brigantine on it, but during our approach it instantly vanishes. We thought perhaps scuttled, or quit. As we get within range the fort is clear, I hop in a cannon to take out the towers. As I'm flying through the air, suddenly the brigantine materializes in front of my eyes.

    All three of these were at the Western wall/gun tower.

  • @khompewtur wow!!!
    It really seems Bermuda Triangle material. 👽👾👻☠
    Did you report all those events to devs through the support page? That definitely something they should look into.

    To be honest this was the only strange event I can remember within that area, I don't go to that fort very often.

  • I've attached a new rowboat and sailed around and came across the same old beat up rowboat we left behind in the general area we left it 20 mins later (waves moved it a little).

    Rowboats to still get beat up on their own in the water and eventually sink.

    Someone probably took it, it sunk, or the sea carried it away.

  • @tre-oni did you left the rowboat in the middle of the ocean or near some island?

  • @nunoazuldimeter I've done both. Middle of the ocean was the example I gave though.

  • @tre-oni
    Hum. So I don't really know what happened... Because the only ship near the place where we left it for less than 5min was a skeleton ship.

    I though initial it disappeared because I attached a different rowboat to our ship.

    Then after some discussion here I thought it disappeared because we left it around some Rock instead of near some island, and the game assumed we left it in the middle of the ocean.

    Now with your experiment I'm confused again..

  • However it happened, this is one of many problems that fly in the face of the "sandbox adventure" game concept. This is also one of the reasons I absolutely hate server migration. Rare often touts "creating your own adventure" as a one of the fundamental selling points of the game. Yet certain flawed mechanics--like disappearing rowboats and game-stopping server migrations, etc.--tend to ruin the most interesting and engaging stories. Certain things should persist in the world for truly immersive adventures. That means if you leave a rowboat full of treasure carefully hidden in some rocks, it should be there when you return (unless stolen, of course).

    I've had so many little frustrations like this, it discourages me from even trying anything creative or interesting, especially involving rowboats. What's the point?

    That said, it's still possible to have some epic adventures. But you have to treat the environment with the same distrust as you treat other pirates. If you leave anything anywhere, you can't depend upon it being there when you return.

  • @genuine-heather Yes, I need to agree with you somehow.
    I've had so many frustrations related to game issues like server merges, as you mentioned.
    Forts being lost to server merges after battling innumerous ships in the meantime,
    Ship raids lost in the last ship due to huge loading times followed by server merges. Well.. it's mostly server merges eheheh.
    Some things are being fixed and adjusted overtime to let us having the best experience possible.
    But yes it frustrated us.

  • @genuine-heather

    I agree with you here about rowboats full of treasure disappearing, if that is the case as well as it restricting some gameplay aspects - the number of times we've tried to leave treasure for people or hide it in some amazing hidey holes, hoping to come back and find it later, but it despawns in the meantime, is somewhat frustrating.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Rowboat Despawns with loot:

    @khompewtur wow!!!
    It really seems Bermuda Triangle material. 👽👾👻☠
    Did you report all those events to devs through the support page? That definitely something they should look into.

    Yes. And since the "being trapped under Old Boot" one lasted so long, I was able to document it with video & screenshots.

    In a side note, last night I joined this CRAZZZYY wild crew on some insane PvPvE action.

    2 Skull galleons literally both wedge ramming our brigantine at the same time, with 1 alliance galleon, 1 skelly sloop, 1 enemy brig, and 1 enemy galleon adding fire, all scrapping in the north see between Old Faithful & Marauders Arch. (add a white Meg to the mix, that wasn't biting).

    I feel like last nights gaming session was soo chaotic it was designed by Katniss & Plutarch Heavensbee. it was crazy, I have no idea how the ship did not sink but we went through 90 planks in 30 high-octane minutes, and died probably a dozen times as these 7 ships cluster bombed.

    the whole sequence started though at edge of red sea where a Meg glitched and got stuck with its jaws wide open, riding alongside the brig for several minutes. got video of that as well. SoT is cray!!!

  • @khompewtur 😱 I'd have an heart attack eheh

  • @Khompewtur if the Meg was really white, then you found the shrouded ghost. Crazy to begin with that story but to have the ghost and not know it is even crazier!

  • I was cashing in all my loot , rowed the row boat onto the shore in devils roar an air pocket spawned under it and destroyed it to where i couldnt use it, i continue to cash the loot in my last thing a captains skull that i was saving for last went to grab it the boat despawned and took my look with it smh please RARE fix this god forbid it happens with hours ull of loot!

  • I just ran into a similar problem, we were doing an Oos and a player joined our team. While we were on the island getting the skull our teammate did something with our rowboat that was attached to our ship, then sank our ship. We searched the entire island for about an hour and in the water and all our loot that was sitting in the rowboat was gone. We also had loot that was just in our ship and it stayed right where the boat sank. I believe there is some sort of bug or glitch with the rowboats that can despawn loot.

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