Once this gets to steam can we transfer?

  • Im sorry but the Microsoft Store interface is horrible compared to other similar services. IE steam. Once it goes live can we PLEASE have a transfer option? If not get me a way to do auto updates and have better acces to launch game.

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  • From the look of it. Unless they can somehow prove you already own the version. Or connect Steam accounts with MS accounts, it look like you gonna not be able too.

  • Your pirate will transfer over to steam as it will still be linked with your Microsoft account but you will still need to re-buy the game.

  • @thatchystudent4 Agreed. Quite frankly, I am excited for the game to be on steam but I will not be buying the game again. I think it's dishonest and exploitative for the devs to be pushing it in that direction.

  • @bootyluvvr how is it dishonest?didnt the devs say on one of the streams u would need to buy it again... wouldnt that be honest?

  • @bootyluvvr said in Once this gets to steam can we transfer?:

    @thatchystudent4 Agreed. Quite frankly, I am excited for the game to be on steam but I will not be buying the game again. I think it's dishonest and exploitative for the devs to be pushing it in that direction.

    How many versions of Overwatch, Skyrim, GTA 5, Minecraft or Diablo 3 are there? These games are across so many platforms and give great experiences still.

    Not sure who would want just a pure PC version separate from Live servers but more users is always a better thing for a game.

  • I won’t be rebuying unless I get into a great bonus at work. It’s just the UI and Way Microsoft does things I hate. Like this forum. Takes forever to find anything. On steam it’s stream lined like 90 percent of other forums out there. Also to change my avatar name I need to log into another site, and if I mess up I get charged to change it? How petty and commercial is that. The main reason I stayed away from this is due to the Microsoft affiliation. I play on pc but use work around a for anything I can with Microsoft. It’s just sad.

    Thanks for the posts.

  • @purr2344 I disagree with the idea of making someone buy the same product twice for the same platform even though they can only realistically use one instance at a time. If it was a new version for mobile or whatever, then fine. But they're capitalizing on how much PC players hate the Xbox launcher to make more revenue off people who already own the game.

  • @thatchystudent4 said in Once this gets to steam can we transfer?:

    Also to change my avatar name I need to log into another site, and if I mess up I get charged to change it?

    I have some bad news for you. Even though you will be able to purchase the game through the Steam storefront, it is still going to be connected to a Microsoft account which means all naming restrictions enforced by Microsoft are going to remain. It'll be like buying a Ubisoft game and still using the uPlay launcher.

  • @mouse-n-keybord You're right about all those games being great cross-platform experiences, but they are just that: cross-platform. This is reselling the game to players who already own the PC version without adding anything. If they give you a bunch of in-game stuff for free when you link accounts, then I'll retract my objection.

  • @bootyluvvr except that arent making u rebuy it they are selling it on steam to try to bring in fresh new players and while i agree the microsoft store completly stinks compared to steam even though steam has its own issues i dont feel like im being forced to rebuy the game at all i can still play on microsoft store after its launched on steam

  • I will buy the Steam edition if it allows me to do away with the Microsoft Store !!!! Money well spent, the store is a broken way to download updates.

  • @jumpmaster21773 said in Once this gets to steam can we transfer?:

    I will buy the Steam edition if it allows me to do away with the Microsoft Store !!!! Money well spent, the store is a broken way to download updates.

    It won't.

    It's still a play anywhere title, still PC to xbox cross platform, and will still need to actually go through the xbox/Microsoft store/launcher

    You're not just booting it up and connecting through your steam account and playing.

  • @burnbacon If Destiny was able to do it when they separated from Activision and BattleNet dunno why it wouldn't be possible. Was simply done by logging into your MS account on the web page and then linking the desired steam account. Sadly it seemed they were a bit lazy or didn't want to make an effort.. mildy upsetting but W/E

  • Do you need to OWN the game on microsoft store to transfer your stuff to steam? I played it using the game pass since it was 1 dollar.

  • @urbannq Ahoy matey!

    If you purchase the game on Steam anything you own, have equipped, or have earnt in the game currently will be there when you play on the steam version since everything is stored in the cloud.

  • @burnbacon said in Once this gets to steam can we transfer?:

    From the look of it. Unless they can somehow prove you already own the version. Or connect Steam accounts with MS accounts, it look like you gonna not be able too.

    Might be possible, the MCC is on Steam and it crosses between the Xbox and Steam version for the same profile.

  • to everyone who owns this game do we still have to buy the steam version ???

  • @grogers126 If you want the Steam version, yes. You don't have to buy it if you already own the MS store version.

  • @grogers126 Woah! A real life necromancer!? You brought back a month old thread from the grave!!!

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