Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone

  • Literally the title
    It's a fun game, but friends are pretty much mandatory to really enjoy it
    yet bringing new players here is borderline impossible, forget the gameplay/community (which will or will not ruin the experience for a good chunk of people in the next dozen of hours), bugs are everywhere and they are the most stable part of the game.

    Every time we try to start a new game SOMETHING would happen that would waste at least 20 min of our time right away, and/or force a few reconnects along the way.

    Start - the list of ships just won't load
    Actually were able to start? - DC before loading finished, need to start another session cuz this one died and can't be reconnected.
    Loaded? Glued to the table
    Actually can control your character? Merchants will refuse to give up one of the supply crates that we just purchased
    Set sail? Interface bugged, quickwheel doesn't work, interactions are bugged
    Sailing? Random DC
    Survived to make it to combat? Eternal blackscreen (not even going to try to list everything that can go wrong in PVP, a lot of it might not even get noticed by a new player)
    It's just embarrassing and impossible to explain to a new player that it doesn't happen that often (even through it does), and the game is actually great. Makes for a REALLY bad first impression.

    I can't remember a single session without at least a FEW gamebreaking bugs occurring.
    Don't even try to suggest the problem is on our side, NO other game behaves this way. I remember MMO servers from 2004 with more stability.

    And with sweats and hackers added into the mix it becomes really hard to convince anyone to get involved.

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  • You must bear with the beta, there were clearly problems so let rare fix them. This is the whole reason the beta is being released such a long time before next season - so the bugs can be fixed and the game can be played.

  • Send a Report.
    Posting like this wont go anywhere.

  • I've been coaching some fresh install players and we've reached this point.

    I'm really proud of how well they do in PvP but today they had their first outburst about how bugged the game feels.

    I belive in Rare but to these new players Sea of Thieves is about crashing 10 times a session, shops not working, resources not working, sharks spawning in the dozens when you board and losing chases/tucks/boards/hourglass streaks because your game hard crashes to desktop.

  • @burnbacon said in Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone:

    Send a Report.
    Posting like this wont go anywhere.

    @burnbacon this is so subtle that I almost thought you are being serious.

  • Just block burnbacon, all he does is troll and adds nothing to any discussion but negativity.

    The game's stability took a massive hit with the GDK update, and its taking them a truly disturbing amount of time to smooth it out

  • The thing about this game is some people can't stand the condition of the experience and some people do fine. Bugs show up differently for different people and people are impacted differently by the bugs/performance issues.

    That's why I have always and will always only recommend one thing about this game, "try it out if you're interested in the game and see how it works for you, see how your experiences are in the game"

    I believe strongly that my baggage should not discourage others from trying something like this to see how their experience is.

    It might run alright for them, they might enjoy far more than they dislike, it might be a very different experience for them.

    In my own experience the game has been struggling quite a bit but I still know people that play all the time that do mostly fine, just a hiccup here or there.

  • @wolfmanbush it's a sensible position, but "if you are interested" is something that is normally applied to gameplay, themes, overall experience. The amount of bugs per hour that you can tolerate usually isn't considered, unless we are talking about retro gems or early access, which in both cases, you can expect to get eventually fixed.

    SoT didn't move one bit from where it was in season 7 in this aspect, if anything, it, arguably, seems to have gotten even worse as of late?

  • @remakoro said in Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone:

    @wolfmanbush it's a sensible position, but "if you are interested" is something that is normally applied to gameplay, themes, overall experience. The amount of bugs per hour that you can tolerate usually isn't considered, unless we are talking about retro gems or early access, which in both cases, you can expect to get eventually fixed.

    SoT didn't move one bit from where it was in season 7 in this aspect, if anything, it, arguably, seems to have gotten even worse as of late?

    My gauge has been Season 7 worst and season 9 best SoT.

    Factoring in more than just bugs/performance but also health of the overall organic experience.

    Season 7 was a buggy mess but beyond that it was implemented in a way that lead a lot of veteran players to bounce, and even more after that after they nerf'd Captaincy big time 10 months into it. They hadn't done much to improve risk/reward, just the worst season at that point imo.

    8, 9, and 10 were alright to good, bugs but at least the game was overall seeing improvements in the environment.

    11 is just a mess in my experience and imo. I find that very unfortunate because 11 could have easily been the best season imo. It's a bugfest, an exploitfest, things are just not improving this season in my experience. Ranges from stuff that just makes the experience feel far too nerf'd and excessively cheesed up to serious access type of issues.

    but like I said there are still players, including veteran players, that are still diggin' where the game is at.

    I genuinely think people should just try it out, don't adopt how others feel about the game just let the organic experience influence how a person feels about the game. If it's awesome, that makes sense, if it's not awesome, that makes sense too.

    I also think people should factor in direction of season 12 and 13. The game might continue to be a buggy mess with crashes (hopefully not) but direction-wise they are adding some stuff that should at the very least should be fun to play with for a while. So if this season ain't it check out season 12 and 13, give them a go, see how they work out.

  • I honestly agree. The game is just not in a good state right now and I don't even think Rare would disagree with that statement.

    I have faith in Rare to fix a lot of the issues, but it's going to require a lot of patience on the players' side.

    For me, it's been a chance to take a semi-break from the game. I've gone from 20+ hours a week to maybe 2 hours... and that's mostly just chilling and island hopping (even Safer Seas sometimes).

    I've been playing a lot of puzzle and escape room games with my time instead.

  • Not a bug but no third person no play no say

  • @mystery-dojo said in Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone:

    Not a bug but no third person no play no say

    You have been posting the same thing through different topics in the forum. If this is something that interests you just make a post and see how people feel about it.

  • @metal-ravage I don’t wanna done all that six years ago

  • No bugs, just features. Also, finding players better than you doesn’t mean they are “sweats”.

  • @realstyli said in Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone:

    I honestly agree. The game is just not in a good state right now and I don't even think Rare would disagree with that statement.

    I have faith in Rare to fix a lot of the issues, but it's going to require a lot of patience on the players' side.

    For me, it's been a chance to take a semi-break from the game. I've gone from 20+ hours a week to maybe 2 hours... and that's mostly just chilling and island hopping (even Safer Seas sometimes).

    I've been playing a lot of puzzle and escape room games with my time instead.


    Sea of Thieves has always been the game I come back to play often, for its whole lifespan.

    I've finally had enough of the problems in the past couple months. I lost the spark and other games are more fulfilling at the moment. I even quit halfway through the Chest of Fortune grind for those awesome ship parts I've been waiting for for months! Hopefully I get the spark back in the S12 update...

  • @grumpyw01f

    Yeah, I'm honestly just sad at the situation, not angry. I'm sure those at Rare working on the issues are equally unhappy at things right now. It's a tough time for all.

  • @burnbacon Bad attempt at trolling.

  • @mrflomflim said in Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone:

    You must bear with the beta, there were clearly problems so let rare fix them. This is the whole reason the beta is being released such a long time before next season - so the bugs can be fixed and the game can be played.

    Can I come live in your parallel universe where Rare actually fix important bugs? Hourglass has been in the same state then before I took a break around the implementation of EAC. Rest of the game is marginally more stable but not by a great deal.

  • the game right now is a pure bugfest, but honestly sot wasnt never stable the game cant handle more then 2 playerships in a battle fps drops ,laggy and it seems they never solved this issue instead they drop update after update they created a mess....

  • @da-german420 said in Bugs make the game impossible to recommend to anyone:

    the game right now is a pure bugfest, but honestly sot wasnt never stable the game cant handle more then 2 playerships in a battle fps drops ,laggy and it seems they never solved this issue instead they drop update after update they created a mess....

    I think part of what got us here is that some people act as if it's always been in bad shape.

    I've played through it all, all the lows, I never took weeks or months off the game, so I've personally seen and played through every major widespread issue for years.

    It's very different now than it once was. It hasn't always been a mess. Issues, sure, but a mess is different than just having issues to work through.

    In the past crashing and disconnects might last a weekend, maybe a week tops. We are on a couple + months now.

    The game has shifted from a "wait a week or till the next monthly patch" situation to "wait a season or longer and it might be multiple seasons" situation for fixes.

    Megs have been bugged almost all season, skelly ships a big chunk of the season, some of the features haven't worked well since they were released.

    The game had some lag, hit reg issues, random issues pop up in the past but it was never unplayable or anything like where it ended up currently.

    I think people calling the live service game broken the entire time played a part in where it ended up. It makes the feedback areas unreliable over time.

    A couple of months of crashes that lead to boats being stuck in a dive which then leads to a lost session and needing to use work arounds to access the captained ship again, etc, is a severity of bugs that has not lasted long in the past.

    Game had bugs and issues as any live service game has, it wasn't always in a severe state of bugs like it is now (for many people in quite a few different scenarios).

  • @mrflomflim This has NOTHING to do with the beta.

    All of these bugs have been in-game for months, the beta has only been this past week.

    The problems are constant and consistent.

    I spammed my bucket for a solid 8 seconds before my pirate actually scooped up water last night.

    I spent 45 minutes quitting and restarting the game just to get both my mouse and keyboard to work.

    The previous night I disconnected 5 times in 30 minutes.

    Don't try to act like this has anything to do with the beta because A LOT of the issues Sea of Thieves faces have been present for months and even years.

  • I decided to jump on last night for double gold. It didn’t seem possible, but the crashing is even worse now. It took me 3 tries just to load into an open crew gally, so I could get the guild boats to load. Then 4 more crashes before I could get into a guild boat. I played one server that included 2 more crashes, along with ridiculous rubber banding and stuttering, before I realized that this game is not worth the trouble anymore. I work hard all week, and my weekend leisure time is very valuable to me. Too valuable to waste on a game whose developers are more interested in turning pirates into flying magicians than in fixing their game. Such a shame.

  • at least on play station they can use the excuse that "oh its still in beta" lol this games been in beta for 7 years

  • @soulstinger2k20 im noticing this too. might start blocking all the people on here who are super condacending and dismissive. ive always heard how bad the xbox community was but being my first in the xbox space is showing how truely bad it is. ironically everyone can openly bad mouth the game, developers, players everywhere but any kind of commenting on steam is disabled because we are the toxic ones..... reality check ppl.

  • @outlander3234 The whole xbox and disconnect bug have been fixed on thursdays patch! Clear evidence that rare does work on its game and doescare about the bugs.

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