Trying to buy two copies...

  • I am having an issue buying a second copy of the game: I own two PC's and both have Windows but are registered to the same Microsoft store account. I have two XBox accounts (which is all I needed for the betas). I already pre-ordered SoT for my main account (from which I am adding this question) a while ago. Now when I go to order a second copy (so's we can play together, my daughter and me), it tells me that I already own it, because that computer uses the same Microsoft account. I assume I need two copies of the game (and am happy to buy them) to play together, but any ideas how to get it for the second XBox account?


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  • game share with your daughter. you play on pc and have her play on xbox. not sure if u can gameshare with two pcs though.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Trying to buy two copies...:

    If you have an Xbox and a PC and your daughter has her own account, you can play together with one digital copy of the game.

    Nah. Just two PC's. But, hold on. To play together on the Xbox and PC, you only need one copy?

  • @baldmunkee Yes, and also on two different Xbox one, i'm pretty sure it work also on two pc. Google something like win 10 family game share. Also search game share here on the forum, there are some topics with useful links 😉

  • @ant-heuser-kush Sorry to beat a dead horse, so to speak, but you seem to know what you are talking about...

    Just to be clear, you think it will work between two PC's (assuming they are set up to share in the family like an XBox and PC)?

  • @baldmunkee dijo en Trying to buy two copies...:

    @ant-heuser-kush Sorry to beat a dead horse, so to speak, but you seem to know what you are talking about...

    Just to be clear, you think it will work between two PC's (assuming they are set up to share in the family like an XBox and PC)?

    I don't think so, you can share one PC and one XBox, but I believe two PC's is not possible. But not 100% sure.

  • Just going to leave this here....

  • @baldmunkee i think yes, you can beetween one pc and one win 10, you can beetween two xbox, so i guess you can also beetween two win 10. The link that has been provided is the right one.

    Anyway if you have already one copy just try it. We can already download the client of the game so if work you will be able to download it on both pc. Easy to verify 😉

  • I'm planning on attempting the one copy/two PC accounts trick myself. My wife seemed to enjoy playing with me during the final beta, but I don't know if she enjoyed it enough to justify another $60. Method during beta was simple: log in to my account on the second computer long enough to install the game, then switch accounts to launch it so my wife gets her own character. No idea if that'll work on release, but I'm gonna give it a shot!

  • Why dont you just make a second microsoft account for your daughter, and switch users on the second pc

  • @Baldmunkee
    You only need one copy of the game if you have two PC
    Sign in the account(own the game) in both store , and you can download the game in both PC(actually up to 10 devices)

    You only need to sign in different Xbox accounts in both PC(change the xbox account via the xbox app ),

    I had shared my games to my friends by this approach, and we can play togehter by only pay one game's price.

  • What my friend did is he transferred $65 to my paypal and just purchased the game using the money he sent me.

  • @william-snail have you done this with a multiplayer Windows store game post-release? I did it with SoT during the last beta, but that's not the same thing. I'm certainly hoping it'll work, but I'll be kinda surprised if it does.

  • @onerobiwan said in Trying to buy two copies...:

    Just going to leave this here....

    Thank you. This is the article I had found as well. The steps were long enought that I decided to go to bed and try in the morning (now), but it sure looks like this should work and is not an exploit. I don't want to sound old fashioned, but my goal here is not only to able to play with my kids, but to do it on the "up and up." So, as long as this is the intended use for the Win 10 Family options (which it looks like it is) this is pretty great (and unexpected).

    Now to find out if they get the Black Dog stuff or not. Dayenu.

  • @cr0n0d @MickeyC13 Update if you're still following this: I followed the instructions on the Microsoft page listed above to link our Win 10 accounts as "Family" accounts and it seems as though we are set to play on both PC's from one copy. Final test will be launch day, but in the meantime, there it is.

  • @baldmunkee That's great, i'm sure it will work just fine. You were able to preload the game on both pc's correct?

  • @cr0n0d said in Trying to buy two copies...:

    @baldmunkee That's great, i'm sure it will work just fine. You were able to preload the game on both pc's correct?

    Yes, but I was able to do that before if I logged in to my Win 10 account on each. My concern was that we wouldn't be able to have two instances running at the same time using the same account, but it appears that Xbox Play Anywhere and the Win 10 family settings make it pretty... cool, if not straightforward to set up.

  • Does anyone know the limitations of this family sharing ?
    I was hesitating to buy this game with a friend, but if we can both play with only one copy we'll surely by it.

    • Is there an IP limitation or something ? Like you need to be in the same house ?
    • How many people can we share the game with ?
  • I followed the steps in that link, but when i log back in on the second PCs microsoft account, it then says purchase 59.99 instead of you own this product after i installed from my main account and switched back.

    Edit. after closing the microsoft store and re-opening it on the 2nd PC, It now says Not sold separately where it normally says you own this product, and underneath says Installed and can now hit the play button. It goes as far as kiwibeard since the servers arent up. We'll just have to see if it works after luanch. Is this what shows up for you guys as well?

  • @mickeyc13 said in Trying to buy two copies...:

    @william-snail have you done this with a multiplayer Windows store game post-release? I did it with SoT during the last beta, but that's not the same thing. I'm certainly hoping it'll work, but I'll be kinda surprised if it does.

    I had shared my Forza 7 and horizon 3 with this approach,
    And My friends and me can play at the same time and also can play in multiplayer session togehter(I play with 3 friends at the same time).

    This approach )don't require the family account setting at all,
    the resason why they can play your game is because other pc is one of your device if you login at the store. They just play your game with their xbox accounts.

    I can shared game by this approach up to ten windows 10 devices.

    also reply to @Nagrom42 and @Baldmunkee

  • By the way if you don't want your firend know your account's password, just use Quick Assist(windows 10 build in app) to login their store and download the game but still share the game with trustful friends.

  • where are people getting the info saying that you only need one copy and family share to play at the same time? As far as official Microsoft resources go this is juts not true. Family share lets you designate up to 10 other XBL accounts to share your games with and they can play them whenever and wherever with one exception, the actual owner of that game cant be also playing. If you want to play WITH your daughter you will definitely need 2 copies on 2 different accounts.

  • @BlackElite-ID16

    I can share the game and play with friends in mutiplayer at the same time and doesn't need the family setting at all, only need to login the store at the other PCs.

    You can't play the same game with the same XBL account at the same time but you can do this with the same game own by one MS account with different XBL accounts play on it.

  • @william-snail this is just a slight loophole because as far as the Microsoft servers can tell, the windows 10 version is a separate game from the xbox version, maybe it's intentional but more likely just something they missed that will be patched out later

  • @blackelite-id16
    I had used this approach to share my game more than one and half an year(since FH3)

    What you said about the Family share 10 other XBL accounts funtion is the originally xbox one's plan, that was already withdrawed before the xbox one launch in 2013

    And this approach can't use on xbox because xbox one can only sign the same account once at a time, if sign in the same account on other xbox, the original one will be kick out.

  • @nanach said in Trying to buy two copies...:

    Edit. after closing the microsoft store and re-opening it on the 2nd PC, It now says Not sold separately where it normally says you own this product, and underneath says Installed and can now hit the play button. It goes as far as kiwibeard since the servers arent up. We'll just have to see if it works after luanch. Is this what shows up for you guys as well?

    Finally got home and got it pre-loaded on both machines, but I'm seeing something different. If I'm logged into my wife's account through the Microsoft Store app, it still shows a Pre-Order button, not a Play button, and no indication of the game already being installed. However, I can still log in to her account on the Xbox app, even if I leave myself logged in to the Store. Launching the game from either account right now just pops up with a "You're too early" message and doesn't even get to the launch screen, so I'll have to test it tomorrow night and see if this'll work then.

  • Don't know if anyone is still wondering this at this point, but FYI, we own one copy of the game and play on two PC's and it works great playing together. Love this game.

  • @baldmunkee That's a super great piece of information, I was waiting for it. I'm gonna try the game this week-end, hoping they solved the gold and rewards bugs...

  • @nagrom42 the bugs aren't game breaking at all. It just delays when you get the reward sometimes or makes you wait to buy more stuff. Irritating but almost no impact on actual gameplay. They'll get it ironed out.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in Trying to buy two copies...:

    where are people getting the info saying that you only need one copy and family share to play at the same time? As far as official Microsoft resources go this is juts not true. Family share lets you designate up to 10 other XBL accounts to share your games with and they can play them whenever and wherever with one exception, the actual owner of that game cant be also playing. If you want to play WITH your daughter you will definitely need 2 copies on 2 different accounts.

    Home console license plus a user roaming license. Anyone can play on your Xbox while you are logged in on PC, so long as they aren’t playing under your Xbox Live ID

  • Posting this like three weeks later, so I don't know if anybody's gonna see this, but you CAN log in to a second account on a second PC with only one copy of the game. Tried it on launch day and couldn't get it to work, so I gave up on it, but I got the same error last night logging into my own account on the second PC, so I looked into it further. Turns out I had accidentally linked my Windows profile to my wife's Microsoft account. If you aren't logged in to an account at that level (or maybe if you're just logged in to an account that owns the game, not sure), and you log in to a second account on the Xbox app, that account can load in to the game. Only thing I haven't checked is whether or not it'll kick that account off if I'm logged in to my own account on another machine at the same time, but I doubt it. Excited to get the missus back on the seas now :)

  • UPDATE: Just tested and was able to get both accounts logged in on the same crew :)

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