!VOTE! for post-launch content [POLL RESULTS]

  • @british-legends LOL same it's been at 3300 for a while

  • All of them

  • I want B,C and T

  • Would like to see
    I, L, N

  • @shoothere4exp H<M<T<
    All are great! I hope for a complete SeaWorld for passive and aggressive play.
    ARTIC SPIN: Possibly unexplored region to the North or Artic, until a certain advanced point; with 4 seasons, snowfall, ice, ice bridging, ship icing, polar bears, whaling, need to advance to a ice breaker style ship and advanced winter gear/supply and/or international import/export trade system? $$$. O.K., I will wait until the "Tropical" region is perfect first. Thx.

  • M...............

  • @shoothere4exp B, F, U

  • @shoothere4exp One question, when will u update the grafic?

  • @shoothere4exp F,H,P

  • B,G,S !!!

  • T,M,A are mine.

  • Lets go people!!

  • i think S, G, O

  • @shoothere4exp B F M

  • E , I , O

  • B, C, H, I, M, U, S, V

    Pirate clans are a must, and they should come with an upgradable/customizable base that members can pool their money for.

  • H, N, S. Like Cryptic Ophion said, "for a game all about customisation, there's barely anything to work towards." We need more options and more colors like purple, orange, white, yellow, etc.

  • G, T, W.

  • @shoothere4exp said in !VOTE! for post-launch content [POLL]:

    alt text

    Respond below with the letters (A, B, Z, etc) of your vote, and I will update the graphic.

    I am having a hard time gasping the fact that 'ship types' is the first piece of content everyone wants to see. I would think that Quest Types/Bounty Exploration or Instanced Adventures (which you are missing on your board there) would be more important. It doesn't matter if you have the Titanic on the seas if there isn't anything beyond or on the sea?

  • @jjblackhat I agree. Many are forcing the fact that it needs more content, and the community as a whole has chosen ship types as #1. It seems quite contradictory to say the least. I know they may be focusing on ship types as in more friends on bigger ships or more small ships for solo players, but ultimately, that doesn't add much to the actual gameplay. Given all these options you would think this is the last thing everyone demanding content would ask for, but it is what the community is demanding!

  • C,N,U would be nice.

  • @shoothere4exp M, N, Q......I don't like the character I started with but now have too much rep to change so being able to change skins or customize would be great. Fishing also would be AWESOME.

  • @shoothere4exp Just want to say that we appreciate all the effort. We hope to see the next update to this thread sometime in the future, even though counting it is probably a pain in the stern. Keep up the great work!


  • B, I, P

  • F, H, I
    Deeper story would be soo nice.

  • (K, M, U)

  • @shoothere4exp F, G, W

  • @shoothere4exp K, S, G

  • @shoothere4exp B,H,G.

  • A, G, and H

    Preferably these should be addressed by more random encounters

  • B, D, F bleh

  • B,D and X : differents types of pirates (doctor can heal other, tank with more life but less domage, maskman who have better fire dmg and fire rate, assasin with more domage and less heal etc..)

  • B,D,H.
    And most of the rest :).

  • @shoothere4exp B,C,F,G,K,M,N,T,W - My top picks, but the game needs everything on that list.

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