Ship designs, and customization

  • Rare Team,

    I would love to see some level of customization to our statistics of our boats.


    Each size of a boat would have a limit to the number of any one characteristic depending on the size, but allow it to be modified to your specific desires. I think this would add some nice complexity to the game for those who are looking for more.

    Also, making physical ship modifications would be cool too, but I feel like I am asking for too much now.

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  • I don't believe you will ever see the ability to change or manipulate stats for your ship or combat in game as Rare has said since day one they want everyone to have the same tools and same playing level. The only customizations will be cosmetic. The reason for this is to make sure the playing field itself remains even whether you are a day one pirate or year long pirate.

  • @nofears-fun

    I understands Rares intention of giving everyone an equal playing ground, and I don't believe giving everyone the choice to change how the ship behaves would give anyone a specific advantage.

    Example would be I am a player that isn't that great at PvP, and people always chase me around. I want a fast a ship, and I could sacrifice a couple cannons on my galleon to make it so.

    What would be the draw back of doing that?

  • @mcdoodles028 Then you would not be on an even playing field with everyone else. Right now, you need to have skills on sailing to know what your advantages are in each ship type. Against the wind, into the wind, maneuverability. All of it. So that you can out sail your opponents.

  • My opinion this is the natural progression of the game, more things to do on ship, modifications and give the galleon more uses on the lower deck as it is big and empty.

    • It would also be nice to have the ability to track on a small log book in the captains quarters how long your ship has gone without sinking that way you actually look forward to keeping it afloat rather than abandoning ship when ever you run out of supplies or feel its to damaged.
  • @eva1977

    I think your suggestion would be in stark contrast with Rares ideology of the gameplay. Anything that we suggest has to fall under the rule that EVERYONE has access to it when it comes to the mechanic of the game play.

    My biggest contention is that I just want more complexity to the game, and by offering subtle things that it could add more interesting interactions. Going against an enemy Galleon that has 3 cannons, instead of 4 but has the ability to turn sharper or quicker agility would make the fights interesting.

    Crazy idea, giving a Sloop 2 cannons, but slow ship down would be better for taking on those kinds of fights. Instead of those fights almost requiring someone to stay on the Sloop. and the other member of the team going on the Galleon to stay off the enemy team to from repairing.

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