NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...

  • I agree

    1. The skeletons swords, almost everytime you dig the chest, atleast 4 or more spawns on you and immediately all sword attack you while digging the chest sometimes almost killing you instant or bringing your health down over 70% and they're always defending, taking over 7 to 15 hits to finally kill em and you got another 4-8 chests to go plus more spawns nearby

    2. The skeleton TNTs, are very annoying spawning in lots of numbers, most time always have to run everytime away from em if you dont carry useless pistol or sniper after trying to get em to ignite and blow up behind you and take atleast 70 80% health damage almost everytime or killed in action or if lucky not to take damage or unlucky they cancle the fuse until close again. Then another will spawn...

    3. The skeleton shooters, if a hoard spawns with all the guns, good luck, you'll need to die atleast 5-15 times before killing em all, because your best chances is trying to kill the 1 gun skeleton at a time for each death and just hope you dont keep getting aimbotted by more than 3 skeleton shooter, killing you before you get up close to em either sword or shooting em....

    Theres no skills, just based on a lot of time consuming work to deal with all of these skeletons with just 5 bananas in your inventory that you need to have atleast so you have extra health to finally kill 1 or 3 of em after they done 150% damage to you or more before you die lol.

    Nerf the skeletons already or allow us to carry 20 30 bananas instead of suffering from frustration and boredom on deaths/black screen waits over and over and taking long time to deal with the skeletons....

    It should be fun to play.. volcano's are already bad enough with the aim bot tsrgetting system and constant erupting, nerf the skeletons jeez....

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  • @linkline its the most rewarding voyage in the hardest zone on the map. nerf your expectations and do something easier that is at your level.

    Don't ask for the hardest voyage to be nerfed so that everything in the game is easy :/

    like why would you want a game that has nothing in it that presents a challenge ?

  • @freaktmonline said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    @linkline its the most rewarding voyage in the hardest zone on the map. nerf your expectations and do something easier that is at your level.

    Don't ask for the hardest voyage to be nerfed so that everything in the game is easy :/

    like why would you want a game that has nothing in it that presents a challenge ?

    I could kiss you mate, I'm getting a little fed up with "THE GAME IS HARD" kids...Nobody wants to work for ANYTHING! What generation of people are we breeding where they all want everything for nothing, it isn't as if they have made it twice as fast to hit A10 and people want to just eradicate any slight challenge!

  • Why would we nerf Devil Roars Athena? It's the only thing which is a little bit hard. It takes me 1h30m duo to do this voyage. If it's too hard for you go do Athena in the regular map.

    Offtopic: If Rare doesn't make the fortress at DR at least twice as hard as the normal forts I'm out..

  • @the-clyff said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    Why would we nerf Devil Roars Athena? It's the only thing which is a little bit hard. It takes me 1h30m duo to do this voyage. If it's too hard for you go do Athena in the regular map.

    Offtopic: If Rare doesn't make the fortress at DR at least twice as hard as the normal forts I'm out..

    Noobs are systematically destroying this game.

  • Oh my god another player whining,
    about the difficulty how difficult is it to kill a brainless husk?
    I have no intention to he mean but the game is too easy already after nerfing the meg the kraken the volcano in Devil's Roar people just GET GUD and stop crying about every kind of difficulty jesus i bet alot of people would remove enemies and pvp if they could.
    Skeletons with swords are easy move around them and youll hit them even if they are guarding and yes sometimes there are too many explosive skeletons but still they are easy to counter and skeletons with guns well just sprint at them and hit them with a sword try to group them up to hit all of them at the same time and that would prevent them from shooting you but for the love of god stop complaining about good things.....

  • @faceyourdemon SMH man, skeles are easy to deal with, and if they can't handle some skeles they shouldn't be doing Athenas let alone DR Athenas...

  • I just wanna say, Athena skelles take 9 hits, if you're slooping you can dig the chest up 9/10 fast enough and pick it up before they kill you, if they are blocking, lead them somewhere narrow it sprinting away...turn back sword dash into another sword dash. It really is experience lacking with all these nerfs that people who are high level expect to breeze through stuff well that's simply not the case, the higher the level the higher the difficulty, this is what happens when people who are not ready to be doing endish game content, do endish game content, and what's most upsetting is with enough of you INEXPERIENCED players getting to the top without even knowing basic game mechanics and how to kill skeles, you're going to ruin teh and your notreadyforthecontent friends are going to flood the forums, get what you want, ruin the game and then leave when Fortnite2.0 comes out, leaving rare scratching their behinds wondering what they did wrong....I wonder if they'll ever realize lol

  • I don't know about nerfing the DR any more than has already been done??? But Skeleton's just suck in general.

    They suck more ENJOYMENT out of the game than they delivery. I'm Athena 9 1/2 and boy are they a real killjoy. How can such a small Island like Cursed Waters Shores ecologically support so many hundreds of Skeletons???

    The worst part about them is actually when you are just hanging out on an island (no quest) trying to sunbathe and take in the sights and sounds of the beautiful world of SoT and they keep "popping up" to ruin your day.

    I'd like to see them be a lot less frequent. Even if that means making them tougher than they currently are. Or maybe even adding in some alternative land dangers. Crocodiles? Angry Natives? The fact that they are a "given" and not a "surprise" kind of ruins them for me.

    In any case, Islands should have a Skeleton quota (limit) like they do with animals. You should be able to "clear" Islands. So you can enjoy a picnic in peace.

    Endless Skeletons just sucks.

  • God stupid people are amazing l**o.... "but he's whining!...." "but its suppose to be hard!..." "but you have to get gud!.."

    It shouldn't be that dying several times to a skeletons is what makes the game hard /facepalm.... dying to skeleton as soon as you approach them before you're about to hit but shot to dead by aimbot does not make it hard, it's stupid. Dying to a skeleton of 4 spawning on chest as you're stuck digging up does not making it hard either. Or dying to tnt skeleton spawning on you whenever they feel like it with almost no alternative to not take damage or die to them.

    The point is they need to add more bananas, or give us some alternative to combat this dying/death problem constantly, I've been in several games with pirate legends and real good players and I see this problem repeatedly dying or forcing to TNT suicide with em over and over.

    It's not even hard it's just very annoying to go through process of waiting through black screens, deaths. If there was no black screen waits and instant respawn back to ship then yeah I wouldnt care dying to skeletons aimbotting or blowing me up constantly lol or having more bananas.

    I would just like to enjoy the challenging hard game, well technically its easy but without going through the annoying long death waits and enjoy the game....

  • @donklol Pretty much, people NEED to play this game more to be good at it insted of screaming for nerfing.
    They listened to these kind of people with how boring and hard merchant voyages were so they buffed them, added crates and all kinds of stuff.


  • @linkline we are stupid people? how hard is to smack a skeleton? do you need aim assist too?
    And those who spawn on you when you dig up a chest never have guns so its easy to kill them.
    and yes GET GUD its easy to handle them without dying hundred times.

  • @linkline said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    I agree

    1. The skeletons swords, almost everytime you dig the chest, atleast 4 or more spawns on you and immediately all sword attack you while digging the chest sometimes almost killing you instant or bringing your health down over 70% and they're always defending, taking over 7 to 15 hits to finally kill em and you got another 4-8 chests to go plus more spawns nearby

    When you hear skeletons spawn you shouldn't keep digging. If you do you'll be cut down if you stop digging and just attack them it's fine. It's supposed to be harder. Otherwise athena's fortune is just too easy.

    1. The skeleton TNTs, are very annoying spawning in lots of numbers, most time always have to run everytime away from em if you dont carry useless pistol or sniper after trying to get em to ignite and blow up behind you and take atleast 70 80% health damage almost everytime or killed in action or if lucky not to take damage or unlucky they cancle the fuse until close again. Then another will spawn...

    That's why you always have one in the crew carry a pistol or EOR so that you can deal with them. Added bonus is when you get one while doing skeletons because you can kite them into a group and quikcly kill them.

    1. The skeleton shooters, if a hoard spawns with all the guns, good luck, you'll need to die atleast 5-15 times before killing em all, because your best chances is trying to kill the 1 gun skeleton at a time for each death and just hope you dont keep getting aimbotted by more than 3 skeleton shooter, killing you before you get up close to em either sword or shooting em....

    This used to be a problem, but they fixed this a long time ago, skeletons are a lot less accurate nowadays and they never spawn with more then 4, so with a good team you can easily beat them.

    Theres no skills, just based on a lot of time consuming work to deal with all of these skeletons with just 5 bananas in your inventory that you need to have atleast so you have extra health to finally kill 1 or 3 of em after they done 150% damage to you or more before you die lol.

    I fear you're not using skill to fight the skeletons, position yourself so that pistol and EOR skeletons can't hit you trough the other skeletons, have your friends help in stead of running in alone, I've had groups that run in die respawn repeat and the skeletons just have to kill 1 at a time. If you just wait a few seconds regroup and go in as a group you're set.

    Nerf the skeletons already or allow us to carry 20 30 bananas instead of suffering from frustration and boredom on deaths/black screen waits over and over and taking long time to deal with the skeletons....

    It should be fun to play.. volcano's are already bad enough with the aim bot tsrgetting system and constant erupting, nerf the skeletons jeez....

    And Risk unbalancing PvP? If you can't handle the reach then don't go there untill you and your crew develop better skills. Practise doing normal runs first.
    Me and my crew find that doing Roar Athena's is rather easy. Vulcanoes rarely erupt nowadays and give fair warning and geisers just help with skeleton battles.

  • @hynieth wait PVP is balanced?

  • @donklol More balanced then it would be with 20 banana's.
    Imagine anyone being able to just tank shots constantly untill someone is out of ammo by eating bananas.

  • I'm not a fan of 4 barrel skellies spawning every other minute on any part of the map. I really do think they need to tone it down at least a little bit. Other than that, I don't think the devil's roar really needs any sort of nerf. In fact, the skellies on the devil's roar are a little too easy with being able to guide hordes over the geysers.

  • @cstrap The walking kegs are the most fun about this, don't reduce them.

  • @linkline

    If you choose to do a Pirate Legend voyage in the most difficult area of the map, expect for it to be a legendary challenge.

    I always say this game needs to be harder than it is. The nerfs need to stop. Let us adapt to our challenges rather than have Rare accommodate an unwillingness to study a challenge and become better.

    Let our rewards be a reflection of the challenges we faced rather than simply be handed out to us.

  • @crimsonraziel I like barrel skellies, but we definitely don’t need them in the sheer amount that we currently have them. The fact that I can say without exaggerating that you sometimes run into 10-15 barrel skellies while doing one quest on one island is ridiculous. Like I said, I like them, but they spawn too much and they need to be reduced.

    EDIT: I just want to add that it's not that I don't think they are hard. I know they are easy to deal with. It's not that. It's more of an annoyance thing. It's annoying to have to stop what you're doing, run to get some distance between you and the barrel, shoot, and then go back to what you are doing - just to have it happen again - and then again - and then again. They are NOT bad for the game. They just spawn too often.

  • I can totally empathize. I do enjoy the Keg Skellies (now). I didn't at first but I learned that as long as you listen for them, you can get away and use them to your advantage. I'm also hearing impaired, so it took a little time to notice what to listen for. They add that extra little bit of danger!

    My biggest challenge, how to deal with those pesky Flintlock and EoR Skellies. When I'm solo (about 99% of the time) I get insta-killed when multiple ones spawn.

    On another note, I'd love if Skellies would have a % chance to drop a banana.

  • @cstrap said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    Like I said, I like them, but they spawn too much and they need to be reduced.

    Except for the quoted line your entire post has nothing to do with my comment. I did not assume you dislike walking kegs. I did not assert they are being to hard for you. I did not claim you think they are bad for the game. And I'm pretty sure my answer didn't imply that I believe you wanted them to be removed.

    Right now the frequency of these suicidal skellies is the only thing that spices Athena voyages up. They are the most fun about it. Less of them means less fun to me. Until rare finds another "spice" to add in - no, please don't reduce the walking kegs.

  • @crimsonraziel said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    @cstrap The walking kegs are the most fun about this, don't reduce them.

    It had everything to do with your comment. You said don’t reduce them and I gave you an in depth explanation on why I think they should reduce them.

  • @linkline If you're being killed by skeletons that spawn when you dig a chest then you're doing something wrong. You get plenty of time to react, so I can only assume that you're trying to carry on digging the chest once they start to spawn?

  • couldnt disagree more. the devil's roar is supposed to be the hardest spot on the map to do athenas, but its actually easier and more profitable.

    A) most players dont roam around roar and there's a hazy fog everywhere so even if they do its harder to be spotted.

    B) the water plumes that spawn when you step foot on any island are easy to kite skeles into and dispatch with rapid succession

    C) Roar is a smaller portion of the map, so your missions are less spread out and you almost always get an island with multiple quests on it

    D) no kraken in roar, that ive seen

    1. Sword-dash 'em.
    2. Start using pistol and, dunno, move away from them perhaps?
    3. Lure the Kamikaze-skellies to them and shoot the bum-bum-barrels
    4. Volcanos don't have aim bot and THEY HARDLY HIT ANYTHING NOW. Learn to manuver yer ship better.


    Besides; what did Ya expected from literally the most dangerous region in the game right now that you should go only when you are prepared for it in both navigatory and fighting skills? Devs even said so in thier announcement of the Roar for crying out loud;
    it never even was intended to be friendly for "green" players!

    And ya could have at least edited this post a lil so it would at least appeared to not be bluntly copy and pasted from different thread. Thats just lazy :/

  • some tips for dealing with vulcanos.

    1: If earthquake starts, get back to boat and raise anchor so you are ready to drop sails and get away when you see black smoke. (Eruptions always start with earthquakes but earthquakes only end in eruption about 50% of the time)

    2: Look for ash fallout... if you see falling ash rocks will follow soon. (Falling ash indicates that you are in range of an active vulcano)

    3: Look at the vulcano while it's erupting to prevent vulcano aimbotting. (Rocks from vulcanos can teleport right ontop of your ship to ensure they hit you but only if they are not in view of a player... keeping the eruption in view greatly reduces the amount of rocks that will hit your ship)

    following these tips should make vulcanos a mere nuisance that robs you of 5-10 minutes per eruption as you are forced to leave the island and come back later.

  • Oh wow, I'm glad this is still going and some of you guys are agreeing or discussing about this on some solutions even minor fixes, I thought it was just me finding some things that are absolutely getting beyond ridiculous and there could be some minor fixes.

    I went to get some sleep after I posted this and didn't expect anyone was going to pay attention, I hope the devs are checking this out.

    It's not about how hard it is, I understand legends needing to be hard but it should be fun too, not in frustration and getting very annoyed with the deaths and the waits in almost several times, this still needs working or fixes to reduce deaths for many reasons and more focused on enjoying and having fun with this while its hard.

    Dont get me wrong I love this game and athena but it defiantly needs some work done to modify some parts, I'm all ok with it being hard but it needs to be more fun not sad and frustratedworking towards to lvl 50 athena.

  • @freaktmonline Question, if you take a boss from a game. You defeat this boss. The next boss is the exact same boss from before but it's health and damage it does is increased. Does that make the boss fight more challenging?

    Video games are notorious for doing this. Sea of Thieves is no exception. It is what I like to call a false difficulty. Some people could call it Health/Damage Asymmetry. But I prefer the false difficulty.

    False difficulty is where the developers of the game try to push something as being more difficult when it is not. The main way of doing this is by the above mentioned boss method. Instead of having new and fresh monsters to fight with different skill sets, all they did was increase the health of the skeletons and increased the amount that get spawned in. It's not more difficult then it is choking. There is no new special way to kill them, there is no new ability you have to look out for, they are just the same skeletons since launch but now take more hits to kill and there are more of them. It's not really difficult, but tedious. And tedious does not equal difficult.

    I personally find little challenge in facing the exact same skeletons I have faced since 0/0/0 at end game and the only difference is how many hits they take and how frequently they spawn. That's it. Nothing new. We can only thank the Crab God that someone at Rare decided not to incorporate the Athena skeletons health and numbers to actual OoS voyages. You only have to deal with the side legendary spawns in addition to the special ones. Can you imagine having to fight a wave of gold legendary skeletons that took increased damage?

    They should have came out with new skeleton types of the Athena voyages. New monsters to fight. Something that warrants the title of being difficult.

  • @zihn-wrath said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    3: Look at the vulcano while it's erupting to prevent vulcano aimbotting. (Rocks from vulcanos can teleport right ontop of your ship to ensure they hit you but only if they are not in view of a player... keeping the eruption in view greatly reduces the amount of rocks that will hit your ship)

    Do you have a reliable source for that claim?

  • @crimsonraziel I have no source, it is based on my own experience playing in roar a lot and based on a freecam video i once saw on youtube where a rock that would have landed in the water teleported/moved horizontally a considerable distance to drop right onto a ship (i dont have link or any proof of this)

    You can label it as superstition in sea of thieves and it might be but to me it feels like it makes a considerable difference when i look at the vulcano when running away from an erupting vulcano.

  • @zihn-wrath said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    @crimsonraziel I have no source, it is based on my own experience playing in roar a lot and based on a freecam video i once saw on youtube where a rock that would have landed in the water teleported/moved horizontally a considerable distance to drop right onto a ship (i dont have link or any proof of this)

    You can label it as superstition in sea of thieves and it might be but to me it feels like it makes a considerable difference when i look at the vulcano when running away from an erupting vulcano.

    I could write an entire essay about this, but I guess it would be a waste of time. If you don't see what's wrong with it after your own response then I'm likely not able point it out to you either. But at least have the honesty to not assert things as fact when you already aware it's only based on gut feeling.

    Somehow this reminds me of the claims about the red eyes of skull clouds.

  • I remember that DR was introduced as a end game map for pirates legends, to increase the challenge and reward, the nerf zone exist is called Acient, the wilds and the shores of plenty.

  • @crimsonraziel so, do you have any constructive crtism or suggestions or do you just go around nitpicking what everyone says to try to prove them wrong?

  • skellies arent 'hard'. they arent a 'challenge'.
    they are just tedious.
    id rather face fewer skellies that are better skilled and less predictable than wave after wave of scripted zergmob skeletons.
    powderkeg skellies popping up every time i look at my map/riddle just plain annoying.

  • @tehstepford said in NERF the Athena devil roars SKELETONS jeez...:

    skellies arent 'hard'. they arent a 'challenge'.
    they are just tedious.
    id rather face fewer skellies that are better skilled and less predictable than wave after wave of scripted zergmob skeletons.
    powderkeg skellies popping up every time i look at my map/riddle just plain annoying.


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