Ridiculous Chat Censorship

  • Can we please have the option to disable this absurd chat censorship?

  • 12
  • @dawson-dev Yeah censorship is getting out of control nowadays. Some people don't mind having language unfiltered.

  • Yeah. Someone typed into chat "Polly want a cracke r" but it came out "Polly want a *******". That's when I decided to make this post; it just seemed so ridiculous.

    Other things that you can't say that we should be able to:
    [mod edit]

    • sucks (but suck works)

    [mod edit]
    etc., etc.

    It's just so absurd that we can't type these things. The game is rated T for teenagers. Why are we being treated like children in communist China?

  • @dawson-dev Agreed. It's ridiculous. I typed boobytrap(but 2 words) and it was censored. I was trying to type doornob(but 2 words) but it was censored... There have been a couple of other ridiculous words that Rare censors but I can't remember what they were off the top of my head. UK and Europe is really PC so I guess it's not that surprising.

  • @dawson-dev said in Ridiculous Chat Censorship:

    Yeah. Someone typed into chat "Polly want a cracke r" but it came out "Polly want a *******". That's when I decided to make this post; it just seemed so ridiculous.

    Other things that you can't say that we should be able to:
    [mod edit]

    • sucks (but suck works)

    [mod edit]
    etc., etc.

    It's just so absurd that we can't type these things. The game is rated T for teenagers. Why are we not children. Why are we being treated like children in communist China?

    Surprisingly, it's because people want to be regulated in this way. People simply don't know better. When I was young I used to get cursed out and had death threats, back when games said "play at your own risk" the moment you got online. None of it bothered me, it was really a joke. Nowadays everyone gets offended by everything. People also use words like toxic, which means something different for everyone and generally can be considered literally everything.

    This new generation of gamers are really ruining the gaming experience. I understand if you're griefing or cheating, but back in the day, if you didn't like what someone said, you muted them yourself. Now, you report everyone for everything and you can't say basically anything either. The funny thing is, you can still say whatever you want in voice chat, but they'll soon enough find ways to regulate that as well. It's disgusting what people are doing to games nowadays, the PC crowd is definitely to blame.

  • Some time ago, I started a list of words which I had noticed caused trouble...

    • D* - an abbreviation for Data Processing (as in the title of Stan Kelly-Bootles book: The Devil's __ Dictionary)
    • P** - The name of the 16th letter of the alphabet
    • a** - a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae.
    • b**** - plural of ball
    • b**** - a female dog
    • b***** - covered in blood
    • b******* - curved muscles in your bottom
    • damned - a word that okay for a Ferry, but once was not in the Forums
    • d*** - first name of US politician Cheney, both actors that played Darrin Stephens on Bewitched; and last name of whale, Moby
    • futtocks - curved timbers in the bottom of your ship
    • h*** on - How Rare devs might work on the game to meet a release date
    • k*** - a ball-like handle, rotated to open a door
    • p*** deck - the aftermost and highest deck of a ship
    • r**** - first name of actor Quaid, and musician Newman
    • s*** - an Italian brand of home appliances
    • w**** - a young female servant, or server of food or drink
    • w**** - a female wizard
  • @betsill said in Ridiculous Chat Censorship:

    @dawson-dev Agreed. It's ridiculous. I typed boobytrap(but 2 words) and it was censored. I was trying to type doornob(but 2 words) but it was censored... There have been a couple of other ridiculous words that Rare censors but I can't remember what they were off the top of my head. UK and Europe is really PC so I guess it's not that surprising.

    LOL yeah I did the same thing.

  • @dawson-dev I can't remember exactly what thread it was in, but I was using the "reply" function and when I clicked submit, the post kept getting thrown back. I was confused and looked as to why it wasn't working. I didn't use any bad words or anything, and as I was checking I found out the reason. Was it me? nope.....the issue was the players name I was using the reply option on.

    The forums classified his name as taboo and at that point I just gave up. Trying.

    Some of the words I've found as being taboo have been crazy. VERY crazy. People need to stop being so offended by words.

  • @xultanis-dragon yeah that's for sure.

  • Soon they will censor our thoughts, first they need to get Alexa into every home

  • @trenix90 When did a post about pirate potty mouths turn into a political ranting?

  • @dawson-dev Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please keep the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in mind in future.

    Thank you.

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