Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance [UPDATED - Read OP]

  • @reapinglegion yeah somehow i cant edit posts here... what i meant to say is:

    You get the armory of pl weaponry once you get grade V

    This is something every PL gets when they get that commendation but us grinders just get them a bit earlier AND get a sweet special cosmetic to boot

  • 1 month is more than enough time. Thanks Rare.

  • @moronicstraw We really need the cannon kill commendation lowered 200 kills is way to many.

  • @moronicstraw
    It would be nice if we could have a hint about the cosmetic name.
    We know it's weapons skins, but will it be a ''New sets'' or put in the Overachiever set to fit with the sails ?

  • @callmebackdraft ye its just a game but the change came so quick;)

  • already got my legendary sea dog here I hope as the new cosmetics will look more dangerous then the current pirate legend weapon set

  • The only people that will have a problem with this are the people who did way to much pve in this game

  • @eddythecaptain same brother I would like the cutlass as the primary cosmetic of choice

  • @fyresails I agree that that's a HUGE amount of cannon kills, but I don't think it needs to be lowered solely because it doesn't yield a reward. It's just one we'll knock out with time.

  • So to be clear we need to hit 100 to get the special reward or 240

  • @thecharliemd cannon kills has a very incosistent registration. I really dont understand how it works yet.

  • @wesley-sanguin Dude I need to play games with crews like you, I'm fed up of trying to get crews from xbox LFG. Seem to only be matched with the sh*t teams you're talking about.

  • @skilledgnome0 not everyone who wins is just PvEing... I got my 200 Flintlock kills in my first 40 games... I got my Sniper in 40 games too (my 80th game) I am 170 wins out of 181 games as of now with guessing over 1200 kills now (recorded all games just haven’t tallied the kills up yet)... all to be said it is 100% possible to win while succeeding to do 200 specialized weapon kills at the same time.

  • @skilledgnome0 said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    this is because 99.9% of the players who have the 240 wins or close to it run away the entire match collecting chests... ITS A PVP GAME MODE. And tbh it’s not hard to win matches especially when doing something like that.

    You can just board their ship and drop their anchor :P If they're digging up chests then they need to stop at some point.

    I agree Arena should be more PvP focused, but claiming that going for wins has to be collecting chests and running all the time is BS.

    If you're really that good of a PvPer and all you do is go for kills, then go for kills on the team in first place. Or the team that just dug up 20 chests at crooked masts. Board them, drop their anchor, and fight them. If you win then you just got 20 chests without doing ANY PvE. Better yet, camp the outpost and wait for the kills/chests to come to you. You just need to play smart, go for the right kills, and you automatically win.

  • @skilledgnome0 said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    99.9% of the players who have the 240 wins or close to it run away the entire match collecting chests... ITS A PVP GAME MODE. And tbh it’s not hard to win matches especially when doing something like that.

    Wrong its not a PVP game mode, and nowhere has it been stated it is... its a competitive game mode and if someone is able to get more points then you and following that is able to stay out of your grasp by outsailing or whatever then in this competition they where just better.

    Whenever i have garnered enough points for the win i go fight other ships, because i like it but thats not necesarilly what needs to happen.

    Tactics my friend, tactics

  • @moronicstraw

    Any chance we could know what the special cosmetic is so we can determine if it's worthwhile to try for it?

    EDIT: Nevermind, just did the math for the 240 wins. There's no way I get it before June 24th without playing Arena minimum 4 hours a night lol. Not gonna dump all of my time into that.

    Congrats to anyone who's going to be getting it!

  • Oh man. I didnt even know this was a thing. Even with 100 wins instead of 240 I dont have the time this next month to pull this off... I wish i would have caught this sooner.. Sad day

  • Oh man.. Even with it dropped to 100 I dont think i have time to pull this off. I've been listening to the Dev updates but I totally missed we had a dead line. I should have payed more attention i guess. Sad day

  • @testakleze not to hard I have been doing 14 a day

  • @wesley-sanguin yea the people that are going for 'weapon kills' only are the ones that are decent at FPS's but not so much at team tactics.

  • So the number of wins you need for the legendary sea dog commendation is going to be reduced, but anyone who got to 240 will get a reward if they get there by June 24th. This doesn't seem right, as it makes it hard for anyone on summer vacation or who are simply busy in life.

    I think you should change it so any who gets to 240 even after the deadline will still get a reward, but you only need to get to 100 to get the commendation

  • @callmebackdraft Reminds me of my Halo days where we would beat teams and they would berate us, challenging us to the true game of skill...1v1 in the Octagon, a circular map with no cover, just a test to see who could aim and bunny hop better than the other...hahaha

  • @archangel-timmy lol same

  • Not to be a negative nay sayer at all I’m glad y’all are now giving new incentives to grind stuff out the champ way. My only question is why now all of a sudden reward people. When I reached pirate legend before the hungering deep & way before commendations, I was not rewarded. When I completed the skull fort commendations before y’all lowered that cap I wasn’t rewarded. Now, I just hope the new weapon lives up to the hype.

  • @callmebackdraft everybody not have much time to farm it. Very hard fo farm it when u play alone. You want give special item for No-Life who play 24h/7d ? Not Fair...

  • @CallMeBackdrafT Better change Commendation like this : Place in the Top three in an Arena Contest 240 times as a Pirate Legend

  • Any hints on what the cosmetic will be? I work full time and haven't played much arena yet, and could pull it off by the deadline, but I dont want to invest 120+ hours into arena over the next month for a disappointing cosmetic

  • Just some general feedback on this. Is there any real reason for a June 24th deadline to exist on this? I understand that they want to add an additional reward for players who did the grind to 240 and I think that's great. But for players like me that really care about collecting cosmetics but opted to focus on tall tales and hunters call first I'm feeling like I'm getting screwed out of my shot at a cosmetic. I understand it's a month away, but it's unlikely I can grind it out in time. What harm would there be in simply having the cosmetic available to anyone who grinds out 240 wins in the future. That way people who did the grind are rewarded and people who opted to focus on other new content aren't left out in the cold?

  • I just checked and my commendation are still at the old numbers. I’m pretty sure we need to make it to 240 by the 24th and not 100.

  • @fullmetalkraken

    The reason for this deadline is FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO is a huge part of SoT with all its limited-time events and rewards... I mean, this is like the third time they've done something like this. People rush to complete whatever commendations they're changing so they can get the reward, and RARE sees a boost in player count/play time.

  • @roguejedi1138 my thoughts as well. It would make sense, otherwise the players who have already hit 240 are being punished rather than rewarded haha.

  • The wording of this post is super confusing.

    ELI5: Do I need to get 240 wins by that date to get the weapon or will there be an update before then that reduces the amount to 100 meaning we only need to do 100?

  • I'm not a fan of rewarding speed of time to accomplish longterm goals.
    Your call, of course, but I just thought I'd add my feedback. I enjoy this game's openness for variety of things to do. And for how everyone's story is different. I don't begrudge giving an extra reward for things, but, I don't know - I don't entirely jive with this tendency to reduce commendations - if you're going to reward the 240 wins with a cosmetic, I'd rather see the 240 wins remain as a high-end commendation with that reward. It gives further reason for pirates to strive for, beyond the 100 win commendation.

    Either way... fair seas!

  • Is it 240 or 100 before June 24th?

    I've been taking care of TT and insiders and haven't been on Arena much due to the buggy nature of it and finding a dedicated crew to repeatedly take it on hasn't been easy to say the least. I mean this thing just came out for crying out loud, opt-in/out hasn't even been put in place yet, and I know quite a few players who are waiting for that before even starting. Congrats to the dedicated that have it or will, but with an average match taking 30+ minutes from start to finish I don't see it happening for a lot of people. If you think about it, 14 wins a day is a good 8 hours that most normal people don't have the luxury of pulling off. This feels more like the cursed sails fiasco if the goal is going to be set at 240.

  • @alfamajkel its just a sweet little extra they give for the HC players which i dont mind, i have a job a wife and go to shool still probably manage to do this. I can allocate time for it and so i will, if you cant then dont its just a cosmetic for those that put in the work they wanted in this small amount of time.

    The regular cosmetics will still be there and for the people with less time they will have a smaller grind thats their perk

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