Sword play

  • I'm not sure but it seem there is a problem if your hit with a sword if freezes you and your stuck and cant move or jump this need to be addressed I play on xbox one

  • 13
  • @dcxhansolox5745
    When geting hitt block and jump and your free

  • Yes, my husband and I both had this problem today. It cost us our loot from a skull fort. Not always possible to block when it’s two against one and you’re getting slashed from the back.

  • @xxizgreenxx You can't jump while blocking a hit. I've tested this extensively - the game's on-foot combat is ridiculously broken and woefully favors the offense.

  • @galactic-geek
    Yes you can block and jump sidevays with A buton. when getting slached. Same works when your on the lader going on to a enemy ship and a player is slicing on top you get one hit then you just jump true him

  • @xxizgreenxx
    Its not 100% but it does work most of the times

  • @xxizgreenxx If you're talking about the sword dodge then I definitely know you're wrong as I have also tested this extensively while blocking a hit, it won't let you sword dodge at all. Ironically, it'll let you do it if you take the hit, but if they're comboing you they may stop it anyways as they hit your block with their 2nd attack as you attempt the manuever. Again, the game woefully favors the offense.

  • @galactic-geek
    Strang it works for me...
    But not if ther more than one player hitting you then you dead instantly.
    Try it some more.... im sure you get the hang of it. its all about timing.

    Sometime it dosent work then it has to do with lag, framerate,ping

  • @galactic-geek

    We could increase the knock back distance for blocking sucessively 3 hits of the same player.
    It will allow 1vs2 players to have more ways to survive.

  • @rakan-le-rouge sagte in Sword play:


    We could increase the knock back distance for blocking sucessively 3 hits of the same player.
    It will allow 1vs2 players to have more ways to survive.

    I think the knockback is fine after blocking a combo, i dont want to be too far away to counter attack.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    When you fight 2 pirates with sword, they just constant attack you.
    You can block the first hits but if one of them hit you from the side or from the back, you are dead.

    Increasing the knock back will let you breath and moove (because you have a really low mobility while blocking).

  • @xxizgreenxx said in Sword play:

    Strang it works for me...
    But not if ther more than one player hitting you then you dead instantly.
    Try it some more.... im sure you get the hang of it. its all about timing.

    Sometime it dosent work then it has to do with lag, framerate,ping

    I have tested this as simply as possible - have an alliance crew member attack me while I block. As the attack hits, you can't move, jump, sword-dodge, or (obviously) attack. All you can do is turn, and even that isn't always guaranteed. I have also run tests while moving and doing various actions before and after the attack as well as seeing what's possible when the attack hits and misses.

  • @dcxhansolox5745 said in Sword play:

    I'm not sure but it seem there is a problem if your hit with a sword if freezes you and your stuck and cant move or jump this need to be addressed I play on xbox one

    That is a feature, you get stunned every time you are hit by a sword slash.

    There are many posts on the forums where people express their disapproval of this feature, especially in relation to the recent addition of being able to move at normal run speed while attacking with sword.

    The general notion is that sword combat is poorly balanced and favours offense too much... Which i personally agree with! ;3

6 out of 13