Need help with the Art of the Trickster Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • Ahoy maties!

    Are you stuck? In need of a helping hand? Or have some pearls of wisdom to share with others?

    Well, look no further...

    And remember, if you are offering help, I would also advise not to give the whole game away, and so, in the spirit of exploration and adventure... try by cryptic with your help and give to the point answers.

    Post below and collectively we may be able to guide each other through...

    The Art of the Trickster Tall Tale!

    (Ps - If we have redirected you here, please don't be offended but we are trying to gather all the hints/clues and tips into one easy to read post)

  • 34
  • You should definitly Watchout for the Trickster Sign all over the Place !

  • i defintly don't know what i have to search for..i looked all the signs but nothing comes out at my eyes

  • So just lost all my progress in this because the trickster key can explode apparently.

  • I got the spyglass but I have no clue what to do next

  • Only one shot at the final part and if you die after taking that long it fails the whole voyage, that is stupid.

  • Even the final tall tale voyage doesn't just fail you if you're at the last boss and you die one time, you just respawn and continue fighting him.

  • okay, my Mate and me where on this Quest and we just found the Barrel (after 1 Hour searching on Discovery Ridge).... on the Way to Sailors Bounty we ware attacked by a Kraken... we defeted him and where looking for some Loot (never worth it). I spotted a Skull,jumped into the Water, and a Text came on my Screen, and couldnt move anymore,i where in panic so i didnt read all of it, but the last Words where "and we ..... to new Islands."
    After that, our Ship gained dmg on all possible Places. Mast broke, Anchor was broken, Steering wheele as well AND we lost the Gunpowderbarrel of the Mission and the Mission where FAILEd.... we need to start from the Beginning...... but WHY?! What just happend to us?

  • so we're at discovery ridge and don't know what to do, if anyone could help that would be great :)

  • yep been running round discovery for most of the night my clue is
    through leafy palms i stumble and tread through rum and greed i lost my head.

    now i have actually counted but there a hundreds of palms here and as for the last libe i am guessing barrels but can only see one from where i am but nothing there.

  • @bazrutuk I would look for rum bottles and a headless skeleton. I am pretty sure there is one near the center of the island up top. A headless skeleton that is leaning against a tree or rock? I can't remember.

  • Has anybody been able to do this one without a crew? It's the most frustrating of them all so far. Had the sign glitch with the wrong clues so I had to start over, had my key barrel go missing on a death and had to restart, and finally wound up trying to defeat waves of skeletons for two hours before I just gave up. I kinda hate this one. Loved the previous tall tales.

  • @caledre Yeah, I have done it solo several times now. I just made sure to have plenty of fish for the Sailor's Bounty battle and kept eating fruit from the barrels near the lair. The barrels restock pretty regularly. Also, use the lever on the right around when they spawn. The right lever is the back row spikes and takes out like half of the skeletons each wave.

  • This is a harsh one solo.

    So youve got to get the explodable barrel to the next island and down a mine with traps and skellies without letting the barrel explode which will end the tale?

  • For anyone who is doing this tale, if you step on the boards in the tunnels of Sailor's Bounty they trigger the top tunnel traps (not the spike at the bottom). Just move around or jump over them.

  • @bazrutuk i still havent found this one

  • Well, we can't finish the art of the trickster tale, in the middle of the skelly fight after you put down the key, they stop spawning... happened 2 nights in a row now... anybody else experienced it?

  • @thor-haakon Hmm, not yet. Have you tried resetting the island?

  • @klutchxking518 Did you happen to take a picture of the page where it shows you should stand? I think I have an idea of where it is.

  • @ionei-falcon worked again the next day 👍

  • I know how the spyglass works. I do now know however where this clue or where these 2 objects are. I cannot find any post about this riddle. "Through leafy palms I stumble and tread, through rum and greed I lost my head"

  • @sgt-w0lfe Look for a headless skeleton throughthe spyglass. 😉

  • Me and my friend got to the final part of the voyage and killed all three captains but we’re missing a medallion so we can’t leave or complete the voyage

  • Hi,
    I just finish part 2 : The Cursed Rogue and i tried to find Tasha, Sudds, Salty and Wild Rose with the 4 Olivia's hints.

    I succedeed to randomly find Salty, but i'm curious to know how I was supposed to find him with only "Salty... trembling before a blade, revealing the lair of a Trickster" ?

    Thx for your help

  • @studiok2r Ahoy matey!

    On the Tall Tales reputation pages there is the option to choose More Info... this will reveal the starting place for the Tale.

  • @studiok2r
    Head inland, off to your right, near the other side of the island (big bird statue across from it) you'll find a cave. A little bit into that cave there will be another cave to the left. (I think there's a bat on the wall right next to it, could be wrong about the glyph, but its the first left lol)
    Keep going but stay to the right, wont be a hard turn, but you should end up in an open area with a series of skeletons. They all have action points to move them a little.
    One set needs to hold hands, another should put a mask on, another needs to rest it's tankard on the ground and one should point to the campfire between the mask and tankard skeletons.
    A cage will lower with the quest scope and next set of notes.

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Need help with the Art of the Trickster Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]:

    This is a harsh one solo.

    So youve got to get the explodable barrel to the next island and down a mine with traps and skellies without letting the barrel explode which will end the tale?

    Nope, after the skellies, you get another key (that doesn't explode) and sail to another island and fight more skellies for the prize. (Which you have to take back to Salty for the complete)

  • @musicmee
    Thx for your answer.
    So, there is no way to find them just with the hints?
    I mean Tasha is findable just in searching her in every tavern on outpost (possibly long time (i found her at Ancient Spire), but doable without easy looking in Reputation menu), but not the others? It's pretty disappointing in my opinion if it's that so. I like riddles and hope to find by myself.

  • @pithyrumble
    Thx for your answer, but i'm french and I don't understand which island do you speak of.
    Is this place linked to a Tall Tale? Or is that accessible anytime? 'Cause such a place seems wonderful to discover :)

  • @studiok2r

    It's on Plunder Valley. The cave with the riddles is always accessible, the Tall Tale will guide you

  • Hardest Tall Tale EVER!!!!
    One mistake in the trap cave the 'key' explodes and you'll start all over again from finding the 'key', carrying it to Sailor's Bounty and dodging your way into the cave.....nightmare...our 4-man crew spent 6hrs only finding this too difficult and gave up.

  • @flint-deadeye maybe you already know this but that's a server merge. either you merged into a new server or another server merged into yours. it happens when there are too little ships on a server.

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