Flag of the Reaper's Mark - skin set

  • @RARE we got the flag, could we please also have the rest of ship skin set to go with it?

    I'd like my whole ship and sails glow in bloody red... evil, murderous, no mercy, bloody red.

    So that there is no confusion about what happens next, about who is the hunter and who's the prey.

  • 11
  • @bumbumbac

    From what? Reaper's chest commendations? And the Reaper's Mark is cursed, it isn't easy to just mass produce entire ships like it.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Flag of the Reaper's Mark - skin set:


    From what? Reaper's chest commendations? And the Reaper's Mark is cursed, it isn't easy to just mass produce entire ships like it.

    I got pirate legend stuff glowing green, but I'd like it glowing red to go along with the flag. Maybe the PL stuff could change color to bloody red if Reaper's Mark was flying?!

  • @bumbumbac
    I want this so bad. I feel we need way more glowing and "flashy" cosmetics. What i wouldnt give for an entire red glowing ship. Some of us dont care about being sneaky and just wanna make a good entrance

  • @bumbumbac

    I didn't mean the ship itself, I can well envision what it would be like. I meant, what would these be locked behind? Commendations? Doubloons? Perhaps both. I have a few ideas:
    Reaper's sails - a black background, slightly tinged with red, and a large glowing Reaper's Mark icon, possibly torn and replaced with similar off-color fabric akin to the Bone Crusher sails; unlocked by sailing a few hundred nautical miles with the Reaper's Mark up
    Reaper's hull - a dark red/near black hull, accented with a bright red and bearing the symbol of the Reaper's Mark on the bow; unlocked by doing several voyages with the Reaper's Mark up (possibly using the Shrouded Spoils or Cursed Crews commendations)
    Reaper's figurehead - a statue depicting a robed skeleton with a scythe, accented with a faint glow on the bones and scythe blade, and a strong glow in the eyes; perhaps unlocked by selling reaper's chests?
    Alongside these, a capstan and helm unlocked similarly to the sails, and cannons unlocked by shooting enemies (skeletons, pirates, creatures, ships, skeleton ships, etc) with the Reaper's Mark up. A Legendary Reaper's set wouldn't go amiss either, the same commendations with higher numbers and required to be done as a legend. Not sure about equipment or weapons, but clothing could also be done.

  • @ultmateragnarok I leave that to rare and others to suggest possible campaigns/missions/commendations etc, I just wanna glow red cause when I'm on fire sinking ships and killing people it would compliment my style beautifully. =)

  • I like the PL ghost set turning to red with the flag idea.

  • @galactic-geek said in Flag of the Reaper's Mark - skin set:

    I like the PL ghost set turning to red with the flag idea.

    ^this. Kinda makes me wish every flag would change the colors of the rest of the livery...

  • What if the ghost set changed color with the lanterns on your ship? More than 1 color? No problem!

  • @galactic-geek

    I think that would more be for a different set, as the Ghost set is built around its black and green aesthetic, but another set would give both another reason to spend gold on something and the color still changing based on the lanterns or flags.

  • The cuttlefish set! Yeah!

4 out of 11