Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?

  • @vac_-hombre
    So? Yes, that is their choice. I have only given my opinion of those that make that choice. I have not dictated how to play the game.

  • It affects us all, I am now starting to think this is why we are seeing more posts about PvE only servers.

    When all the people who only want to do PvE go into an alliance server it reduces the ammount of people that you come across in the open world who are also PvEing. Therefore you are more likly to encounter a PvP crew, couple that with new players not knowning about the alliance servers means they get a sour taste in their mouth and think that there is more PvP than there is.

    This has always been the arguement against Alliance servers, and it is playing out. I think they should all be banned. LFG should be the only thing

  • @butterybarnacls

    No, you just condemned them and made baseless assumptions about their background, skill level, and motivations.

    Your opinion is insulting and condescending. There are many reasons why some players choose not to PvP, and to generalize them all is close minded and somewhat cruel.

    Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it any less wrong.

  • @vac_-hombre
    My opinion as I clearly stated. Buck up buccaneer. Wah.

  • @xultanis-dragon "You are basically a homing missile going after every ship. Honestly I would have NO PROBLEM with ships doing this if there was a way for me to actually get on these servers.....mwuahahahahah. lol"

    Yes to this. Takes me back to thinking like my Eve Online days being a Proper Pirate and taking a few months to build up rapport within an alliance, make friends, work up the ladder to a position of some significance.
    Then when the time is just right you STRIKE! Tear them apart from within and leave them a wreck of their former selves wallowing in there own failure.

    I imagine you could take a similar approach with SoT and the alliance servers even if only for the Glory of the Tale it gives you to tell.

  • @butterybarnacls

    Oh sorry, did you think I was upset?

    No, I've encountered this school of thought often enough that it's no more than a disappointment to me any more. I'll still call it out though, since I find it an important point to reiterate.

    And like I said; yes, your opinion was very clearly stated and just as clearly wrong.


  • @vac_-hombre My opinion is wrong! My feelings on the subject are not legitimate! LOL!!!!!!
    School of thought - PVEVP game. Not PVP. Not PVE. A combination of the two. Those that go to one extreme or the other leave the ideal balance and lose the spirit of the game.
    BUT! I am wrong.
    Aw. triggered are we? Wah.

  • I don't think this is a big deal. Taking over a server doesn't violate any rules, and it's not that easy to do. They have to log in and play by the rules just like anyone else. They have to approach other players and try to convince them to give them their ships. That can be a hard sell sometimes. In over two years of playing, my crew and I have only been approached once to give up our ship. We reluctantly agreed, but only after we finished the fort we were doing. I can't remember exactly what went wonky, but eventually fighting broke out and the whole server ended up in chaos. Not only didn't they get our ship, or the server, they got sunk and eventually gave up.

    If they can find a server where every player they meet agrees to submit and surrender their ships, that's fine. The game still plays exactly the same. They have no control over the mechanics of the game, or who joins what server. They can't sell "access" to anything aside from the chance to play on the same server with other like-minded players. I don't have a problem with this.

  • I don't think taking over a server breaks ToS.

    Selling access to server alliances might break ToS.

    That's up to MS/Rare though.

    My take on this is: if people are willing to buy such a thing I think Rare should be the ones selling it.

    I don't want Rare to be looking for cash while some nerds are off raking in fat stacks selling tickets to the safezone.

    Personally, I think paying RL cash to play on a PvE server is a complete waste of your time and money, but how idiots bankrupt themselves is none of my concern. Rare not getting their cut irritates me though.

  • I couldn't tell you if this actually breaks any rules, as its "optional". But from a player's perspective I do have the opinion that such a farce is utterly pathetic. Paying money to a third party in order to actively avoid PvP content to grind out loot? Preposterous.

    I can't believe people would stoop to such lengths so they can run and hide in fear of real player interaction.

  • @crazyt101 said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    I do have the opinion that such a farce is utterly pathetic. Paying money to a third party in order to actively avoid PvP content to grind out loot? Preposterous.

    Playing on the alliance server is free, they're just paying to support a community they like and they happen to skip to the front of the very small queues as a bonus for supporting the people who run that community. It has nothing to do with SoT as well since they have similar things for other games as well.

  • peOPle whO waNT PvE seRveRs Are jUst a Loud miNorIty

  • [Post deleted]

    EDIT: My point in this reply was off topic and not really contributing anything of value. I dumped it to keep the discussion on track.

  • I only link up with these discord’s to gain trust and that way the knife in their back will feel so good :)

  • @butterybarnacls

    Hey man, I just said that I thought your opinion was wrong. You're the one who was going off on people about safe spaces and Legos, or whatever. I mean, if you can't find something fulfilling and rewarding without direct competition, then okay. But not everyone is like that. So yes, I believe the hypothesis you put forward in your original post is wrong.

    Oh, and please let us refrain from using internet buzzwords like "triggered". It degrades us all.

    Please and thank you.

  • @vac_-hombre
    LOL....nice "triggered"response. HA!
    My opinion is right. You may not agree with it. That is fine. Your opinion is that you do not agree. That is okay. Your opinion is not wrong.
    Opinions are not wrong. Feelings are not.
    Facts are wrong.
    My opinion is not.
    Buck up Buccaneer.

  • @butterybarnacls said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    Opinions are not wrong. Feelings are not.

    Make sure to tell the flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers that. =P

  • [mod edit]

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • @triheadedmonkey

    Sorry Cap'n. Even I get a little rowdy sometimes.

    All back to ship shape and Bristol fashion, sir. =)

  • @ghostpaw said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    @mc-rossco said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    Nothing that happens there affects your game / gameplay so not sure why you're bothered.

    But it does. That many people working on PvE content earning money and reputation on closed servers removes them from the general community. It skews the mix of players working on PvE and PvP. Players in that community can work on content without risks, then when they are satisfied with their progress on rep, tall tales, or whatever, they can return to the normal servers to just focus on PvP. It undermines the game and the balance Rare has attempted to strike between various play-styles. The same arguments against PvE only servers applies in this situation as well. The ones this impacts the most are the players in the general community who are trying to focus on PvE content and have a higher chance of encountering more aggressive crews as a result of this.

    Do you feel the same way about Arena?

  • @ghostpaw

    "It skews the mix of players working on PvE and PvP..."

    Sounds like the PvE players have banded together using the game mechanics and are removing themselves from the PvP players that others have made threads on for 2 years here..


    So, if they make a thread here that some would call 'whining', the 'PvP'ers then say it isn't a game for you.. (Basically, Uninstall, don't play the game).

    But, in this case, they make their own servers, it still bothers the PvP'ers...

    Haha this is rich...

  • @lord-szarvas said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:


    "It skews the mix of players working on PvE and PvP..."

    Sounds like the PvE players have banded together using the game mechanics and are removing themselves from the PvP players that others have made threads on for 2 years here..


    So, if they make a thread here that some would call 'whining', the 'PvP'ers then say it isn't a game for you.. (Basically, Uninstall, don't play the game).

    But, in this case, they make their own servers, it still bothers the PvP'ers...

    Haha this is rich...

    Weird right? I said something a little similar a few days ago...

    In no way do I feel proper PvE servers should ever exist.. yet if people are going to put in the work, and play within actual mechanics and features given to them by the devs and the game to secure a "safespace" server... shut up and let 'em.. it's as close as anyone'll ever see to private or PvE servers, and it still comes with its own issues to work out.

    This "it pulls them out of the general gameplay" arguement is a bit of a sad joke, when on the flipside the other complaint to come out of you who make those complaints is that "omg all people do is run, not carry loot, everybody scuttles, nobody fights back.."

    Plus.. as said before.. arena would like a word with you with all that whining about players being pulled from the general population..

    Also... lets not act like people who end up in those types of servers play this game like that EXCLUSIVELY... that's not realistic..

  • @theprogramer64 said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    @ghostpaw said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    @mc-rossco said in Breaking ToS and Making Money Off of It?:

    Nothing that happens there affects your game / gameplay so not sure why you're bothered.

    But it does. That many people working on PvE content earning money and reputation on closed servers removes them from the general community. It skews the mix of players working on PvE and PvP. Players in that community can work on content without risks, then when they are satisfied with their progress on rep, tall tales, or whatever, they can return to the normal servers to just focus on PvP. It undermines the game and the balance Rare has attempted to strike between various play-styles. The same arguments against PvE only servers applies in this situation as well. The ones this impacts the most are the players in the general community who are trying to focus on PvE content and have a higher chance of encountering more aggressive crews as a result of this.

    Do you feel the same way about Arena?

    I do and was open with that opinion before it was released. I think Arena was a mistep in many ways. But Arena is not for PvP. Teams who ignore PvE put themselves at disadvantage during the match. Killing and sinking each other does not reward nearly as well as digging up chests and turning them in. Arena is really just a short version of the full game. Once I realized that, it alleviated some of my concerns about pulling out combat from adventure mode. It doesn’t. It is not a PvP mode.

    Before this goes any further though, if you read my replies in this thread, you will see I stated very clearly that I am not really bothered by the Requiem group. Seriously. Go back and read my posts here. THEY DO NOT BOTHER ME. My posts were stating that these groups do in fact impact the game for everyone. I was replying to someone who was claiming others have no right to speak up since they believed these groups do not impact someone else’s gameplay.I was not whining. I was not suggesting they get shut down. I was not saying they were doing anything illegal. I was just saying the existence of these groups (Requiem is not the only group doing this) does make the general servers more aggressive, which is probably a problem for players with a more passive play style. This may be a difficult distinction for anyone believing there are only two possible opinions on this topic. I can believe something has a small but negative impact on the game, and also not really care much about it. I personally enjoy the greater chance of sea battles, but I know more passive players are being harmed by this.

  • @mc-rossco maybe because the managers of this community might be in violation of a doccument we all singned to play the game?

  • @fllw3rb0y

    I was kinda confused as to why they needed it signed in blood, but hey, I'm no lawyer.

  • I play on Requiem a lot. Joined them about five months ago.

    I have never donated to their patreon or given them any money in any way/shape/form.

    Not once EVER has that interfered with me joining one of their servers.

    Someone might wait an extra 2, maybe 3 minutes more than normal when joining the alliance because there are constant openings -- people coming and going.

    The max number of players on any server is 24 (6 galleons x 4 crew) and Requiem has about two running at any given time. If you guys are crying about 48 people (max) working together in an alliance, you may need to re-evaluate your priorities in life.

    How Requiem is being portrayed in this post is gross and insulting. OP probably joined the server, tried to do their own thing or just be nuasance/pest/annoying and got banned and then came here to cry about it.

  • I agree this sounds like a break of the ToS, but that is for Rare to decide. Try opening a ticket on

  • @Deckhands

    Erm... NDA? ^^

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