WHO is the Bald Lady?

  • Me and every other player spotted a creepy NPC at Crook's Hollow calling her the Bald Lady, that watches you from afar, even at the end on one of the update videos when the developer starts talking if this woman was real or not, the video glitches out and reveals herself on the screen for a moment, could this mean she has some role to play in the game? I'm beginning to suspect that she might be a new villain that comes after Flameheart, but who or what is she? I've got a few theories...

    1. She's the last of the Ancients that used to live in the Shores of Gold and the SoT like the Merfolk and somehow was cursed to live forever.

    2. She is a goddess worshiped by the Ancients, since the island reveals paintings of them praising a red figure in front of them.

    3. She's possibly a member of the Order of Souls that went rogue and was removed from the alliance.

    What do you all think of this Bald Lady?

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  • I hope she is related to the ancients, I really want to know what happened to them and why they disappeared.

  • @cptmeridian Number 1 is my main theory besides the other two, although she could be a possible goddess bound in human form, kinda like Tia Dalma, who was the goddess, Calypso from Pirates of the Caribbean.

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