X Marks The Spot maps have all but disappeared. This is a plea to bring them back.

  • Once upon a time, before computer issues prevented me from playing Sea of Thieves, the game was in a glorious era. You weren't obliged to get voyages for a certain faction to progress in that specific faction if you didn't feel like it. Nor were you obliged, more importantly, to do riddles if you didn't like them. Why?

    Because on small islands, there was a chance for captains to spawn that would drop X marks the spot treasure maps. And on large islands, there was a chance for captains to spawn that would drop riddles. And everyone was encouraged to go out, cut loose from voyages if they wanted to, and just go out and explore, searching islands for exactly those kinds of mini-quests and rewards they wanted out of the game. PLAY THE GAME HOW YOU WANT TO! Absolutely everyone could get out of the game what they liked and enjoyed most. Can you imagine? It was heaven.
    And since I like X Marks The Spot treasure maps more than anything else in this game... I was hooked. I could set out alone if my friends didn't want to play, and I bought pets to accompany me on my solo adventures. It was amazing.

    Here's why this was so fantastic in general. For one, you were able to gather a little bit of everything. The captains, guardians and key masters dropped skulls that you could sell to the Order of Souls. The X marks the spot treasure maps led you to rewards that were often for the Gold Hoarders, and occasionally for the Merchant Alliance, while you were also able to find mermaid gems and random items along the way that could be sold to any of the three factions. And the cherry on top was that the new emissary system allowed you to zero in on rewards for a specific faction as giving you the most coin and reputation.

    Here's why this was fantastic to me specifically: I love treasure maps. And I don't care about riddles whatsoever.

    Here's why it might have been bad in the developer's eyes: because this system showed just how much more rewarding it is to do treasure maps than riddles.

    The most obvious solution to work on this imbalance would be to make it require slightly more effort to do treasure maps, in the following way. 'Nerfing' treasure maps on the one hand, 'buffing' riddles on the other hand.

    1. It could take longer to do the treasure maps. You visit a small island, it spawns a captain, you kill it and get an X marks the spot treasure map drop FOR ANOTHER ISLAND, maybe even a big island, in any of the wide oceans' areas!
    2. It could be less rewarding to do the treasure maps. The rewards for treasure maps could be slightly reduced as opposed to what they were before (lower chance for high-value treasure, higher chance for low-value treasure). (But for the love of biscuits, let me be able to dig up a treasure from a treasure map and find a Stronghold Gunpowder Barrel or Captain's Chest, for example, even if there's only a small chance.)

    BUFFING RIDDLES: Make the reward for doing a riddle a(n almost) guaranteed high-value treasure. That would make the time investment on riddles much more worthwhile. And perhaps the riddles can always drop on the same island where you have to go search, thus cutting down on time and tedium.

    Instead, everything changed for the worst. I logged back on after not having able to play for so long, to find that every randomly spawned captain now drops a riddle. I have never ever got a treasure map drop from a random captain on a small island anymore.
    But wait! Surely that means they boosted treasure maps when you take Gold Hoarder voyages, right? Wrong. I clearly remember when I was a lower level, treasure maps were a common sight for voyages, but that as I levelled up to eventually become a Pirate Legend, the treasure maps were all but replaced by riddles. And this is still the case. When I finally did get 1 treasure map alongside 3 riddles... it was for 1 treasure on a small island on the other end of the whole map. Turned out to be a Marauder's Chest.

    I don't know what's going on. I can pay 200 coins for a slight chance to get maybe one treasure map, but I would be throwing away my coin and cluttering up my radiant voyages wheel 90% of the time. I can't find any treasure maps in the world. It's ridiculous how my favorite part of this game has become almost unobtainable.

    Please. Nerf the treasure maps if you must, but let me do the X marks the spot treasure maps if I want to do them. I agree that riddles are currently a waste of time (high time investment, low reward) compared to treasure maps. So make riddles better, rather than forcing players to do more riddles instead of treasure maps. I've given you my suggestions, please consider them for implementation in some way, shape or form. Right now, I have little to no reason to play this game anymore. I don't care about riddles. I don't care about doing order of souls quests. And everyone knows merchant alliance voyages are un-fun and the absolute worst (i.e. another area that should be improved). The way the game worked before, allowed you to forge your own adventures AND do what you like most AND level up in all three major factions along the way. I would like to see that return, along with a reliable way to find and do treasure maps.

    TL,DR: Please bring back the X marks the spot treasure map drop on random island captains, maybe make them drop treasure maps for other islands (big or small) than the one they're on and/or tweak rewards if you want to balance them out. X Marks The Spot is the single biggest reason I played this game, and now I'm not sure if there's enough content I actually enjoy to keep me invested in playing.

    (Edited for grammar, ease of reading and better structure.)

  • 17
  • Emergent skeleton captain drops were always random. It never mattered if you were on a small or large island.

    If you're only getting riddles, that's just bad luck. X marks the spot maps still drop.

  • @d3adst1ck I really can't, in good conscience, say that you are correct from my personal experience, unless I got really, really, unbelievably lucky way back when. I played very often, and I never got any other result than the following:

    Big islands spawned either captains that dropped riddles for that island, or Ashen Guardians that dropped riddles for that island leading to an Ashen Chest.

    Small islands spawned either captains that dropped treasure maps for that island, or Key Masters that dropped treasure maps for an Ashen Key on that island.

    It happened 100% of the time in that fashion, without exception. I can only speak from my experience.

    Clearly, this is no longer the case NOW, that much is true. I have now been playing for days and I must be exceptionally unlucky to not have gotten a single treasure map... or things have actually changed to exclude treasure maps. I now see Ashen Guardians on small islands and captains that drop riddles on small islands, and Ashen Guardians and riddle captains on big islands. Not a single Key Master so far, and not a single treasure map drop so far. I've been playing a couple of hours per day for three days now.

    I'm going to test whether I can get a treasure map drop over the course of a whole week. If I can, that will be a reassurance that the rules have just changed to make it much harder to get treasure maps, but it is still possible. If I can't, then it probably goes beyond 'bad luck' or something is affecting the drop rates for my account specifically, somehow.

  • @lucidaxe6 I don't know what to tell you other than I get X maps all the time.

  • What are you even talking about? Do you even do gold hoarders? So youre missing the lazy x marks the spot bottle maps? or is it the lazy reskinned x marks the spots that duke offered every month which gave you 0 credit towards achievements despite just being a lazy reskinned X marks the spot voyage?

    Go do gold hoarders if you want Xs its still there........

  • So. I said I would test it. Here are the results of a long play session today.

    Note: Bottles and scrolls have a chance to spawn Order of Souls voyages, which take away captain / Ashen Guardian / Key Master spawns from an island, so I didn't pick those up.


    2020-06-07: Steam version, EU Servers.

    Spawned at Sanctuary Outpost.

    Boulder Cay: No special skeleton spawned.

    Sandy Shallows: No special skeleton spawned.

    Salty Sands: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Smuggler's Bay.

    Picaroon Palms: No special skeleton spawned.

    Scurvy Isley: No special skeleton spawned.

    Black Sand Atoll: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Black Water Enclave: No special skeleton spawned.

    Plunderer's Plight: No special skeleton spawned.

    Blind Man's Lagoon: No special skeleton spawned.

    Isle of Last Words: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Tri-Rock Isle: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Shiver Retreat: No special skeleton spawned.

    Shark Tooth Key: No special skeleton spawned.

    Barnacle Cay: No special skeleton spawned.

    Paradise Spring: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Cutlass Cay: No special skeleton spawned.

    Mutineer Rock: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Booty Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Lookout Point: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Shark Bait Cove.

    Chicken Isle: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Snake Island.

    Fool's Lagoon: No special skeleton spawned.

    Castaway Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Twin Groves: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Rum Runner Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Lonely Isle: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Cannon Cove.

    Rapier Cay: No special skeleton spawned.

    Preliminary conclusions: I'm not going crazy. I have gone around the whole map. There are no treasure map drops, only riddle drops. There are no Key Master spawns, only Ashen Guardian spawns. So far, it seems there is something going on in my game that is behaving differently, beyond reasonable 'bad luck', considering I've been seeing this pattern already for multiple days. I just didn't note it down in detail before.

    However, what is the cause? Is this an issue with my specific account? Unlikely. Is this an issue with the PC version versus console versions - maybe? Or is this an issue with the Steam versus Xbox app version of the game on PC? I have both, so I could try to test if I get different results on the Xbox app after installing the game via that platform.

    If for you, treasure maps AND riddles are dropping in equal measure, please let me know if you are playing on PC or Xbox. If you're playing on PC, please specify whether it's the Steam or Xbox app version. Let's get to the bottom of this.


    2020-06-08: PC Xbox app version, EU Servers.

    Spawned at Plunder Outpost.

    Lookout Point: No special skeleton spawned.

    Booty Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Mutineer Rock: No special skeleton spawned.

    Cutlass Cay: No special skeleton spawned.

    Paradise Spring: No special skeleton spawned.

    Chicken Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Fools Lagoon: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Snake Island.

    Castaway Isle: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Twin Groves: No special skeleton spawned.

    Rum Runner Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Lonely Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Rapier Cay: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Crescent Isle.

    Decided to go to Crescent Isle to check out if the riddle maybe does anything special. Maybe you can find a treasure AND a treasure map? Nope, just found a treasure chest with ritual skull and brimstone caskets. No special skeleton spawned.

    Sea Dog's Rest: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Mermaid's Hideaway.

    Sandy Shallows: No special skeleton spawned.

    Boulder Cay: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Salty Sands: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Smuggler's Bay.

    Picaroon Palms: No special skeleton spawned.

    Scurvy Isley: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for Old Faithful Isle.

    Black Sand Atoll: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Black Water Enclave: No special skeleton spawned.

    Plunderer's Plight: Ashen Guardian spawned.

    Blind Man's Lagoon: No special skeleton spawned.

    Isle of Last Words: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for The Sunken Grove.

    Tri-Rock Isle: No special skeleton spawned.

    Shiver Retreat: Random captain spawned. Dropped a riddle for The Crooked Masts.

    Shark Tooth Key: Random captain spawned. Dropped another riddle for The Crooked Masts.

    Barnacle Cay: No special skeleton spawned.

    Preliminary conclusions: the pattern continues unabated, and unexplained. Playing on Steam versus Xbox app does not seem to make a difference. For my next testing run, I will try visiting only the large islands to check if they do spawn Key Masters and treasure map captains (if only very occasionally perhaps?).

    If what D3ADST1CK said is true, then this is a bug in either my account, or perhaps a bug on the PC version, causing disparity between different versions of the game. If what he said is not entirely accurate, then what I'm seeing is a 'feature' change that I abhor, and in that case every point I made in the original post still stands.

    Whatever is going on, 'completely random spawning' is not going on in my game at all, going by the evidence. Only Ashen Guardians and riddle-dropping captains spawn on the small islands. I'm curious about the big islands now.

  • you are not bugged my friend, since latest update there is only ashen guardians and roaming captains on both small and big islands. Atm there are no key masters in the game other than doing the skelly forts. (1 will spawn on the penultimate wave)

    And you are correct, the roaming captains only drop riddles now, there are no X marks the spot maps currently in retail when killing a roaming captain. It will always be a riddle for a nearby big island/the big island where you killed him. Killing them on a big or small island makes no difference.

    If this is intentional or a bug... well only RARE knows :)

  • @lucidaxe6 this has bothered me since the update launched! It's really frustrating, I used to always kill skelly captains for their maps but now I just ignore them, also riddles are everywhere and for Gold Hoarder quests they always reward you with shoddy chests with a couple of trinkets (not even 3)

  • @d3adst1ck sagte in X Marks The Spot maps have all but disappeared. This is a plea to bring them back.:

    Emergent skeleton captain drops were always random. It never mattered if you were on a small or large island.

    If you're only getting riddles, that's just bad luck. X marks the spot maps still drop.

    Actually he's right...since the last update they ONLY give you riddle maps

  • @schwammlgott said in X Marks The Spot maps have all but disappeared. This is a plea to bring them back.:

    Actually he's right...since the last update they ONLY give you riddle maps

    It's possible. I haven't done very many in the last week, and the ones I do kill I don't bother picking up the orders, because I've been focused on the reaper and tales retold events.

  • @d3adst1ck sagte in X Marks The Spot maps have all but disappeared. This is a plea to bring them back.:

    @schwammlgott said in X Marks The Spot maps have all but disappeared. This is a plea to bring them back.:

    Actually he's right...since the last update they ONLY give you riddle maps

    It's possible. I haven't done very many in the last week because I've been focused on the reaper and tales retold events.

    The only good thing about this is, in every collector chest from emergent skellies I had a ritual skull in it so far...

  • Note: I decided to do a few large islands and then focus my investigation on The Devil's Roar since I hadn't checked there.

    No special skeleton spawned (NSSS).
    Ashen Guardian spawned (AGS).
    Skeleton Captain spawned (SCS).


    2020-06-09: Steam version, EU Servers.

    Spawned at Plunder Outpost.

    Shark Bait Cove: NSSS
    Thieves' Haven: NSSS
    Devil's Ridge: NSSS

    Searching the large islands honestly feels exhausting, especially if you don't find anything.

    Roaring Sands: NSSS
    Ashen Reaches: SCS. Riddle for Ashen Reaches (same island).
    The Devil's Thirst: NSSS
    Magma's Tide: NSSS
    Glowstone Cay: NSSS
    Brimstone Rock: NSSS
    Flame's End: NSSS

    Hazelnutbeard disconnect occurred. Reconnected. Another Hazelnutbeard disconnect occurred. Is it because I alt-tabbed to make notes and look up what that error is? Now a Marblebeard upon trying to reconnect. Next reconnect succeeded.

    The Forsaken Brink: SCS. Dropped a riddle for Flintlock Peninsula.
    Cinder Islet: SCS. Dropped another riddle for Flintlock Peninsula.
    Flintlock Peninsula: NSSS
    Ruby's Fall: SCS. Dropped a riddle for Ruby's Fall (same island).
    Cursewater Shores: NSSS
    Scorched Pass: NSSS
    Fetcher's Rest: NSSS
    Kraken's Fall: NSSS

    Seems it's all but confirmed - you can wave your chances of coming across treasure maps goodbye. And if you're a high level, you can hardly find any in purchased Gold Hoarder voyages either. So X Marks The Spot is out. I'm really hoping this is actually due to a mistake: for example, spawn chances for maps being accidentally set to 0 or some number approximating 0, or something being off about the code identifying what type of captain can spawn where. But I'm not sure that's the case.

    Hope they come back.

  • @lucidaxe6 Wow. I have to give it to you. You went through the entire Sea of Thieves not once, but twice! And you recorded it to! I agree with you on the X Marks the Spot maps, and I have only gotten riddles, while they might be fun to solve, get really boring after a while.

  • @d3adst1ck said in X Marks The Spot maps have all but disappeared. This is a plea to bring them back.:

    @lucidaxe6 I don't know what to tell you other than I get X maps all the time.

    same I have no issues finding xmark the spot maps too.

  • The topic opener is right.

    Skeleton Captains on small islands dropped at least for a month now, only maps that lead to x-spot maps ON THE SAME SMALL ISLANDS which was very nice, exciting and also profitable.

    In other words a SkellyCaptain on a small island was a win already in a certain sense.
    And now they are just trash leading me to the next bigger island nearby.
    I am very disgusted and disappointed by this garbage change.
    And I hate it and I will not even sugger coat my words, since this is how much I hate it.


    2020-06-17: Steam version, EU Servers.

    Spawned at Golden Sands Outpost.

    Twin Groves: SCS. Dropped a riddle for Cannon Cove.

    Rum Runner Isle: NSSS.

    Lonely Isle: NSSS.

    Rapier Cay: SCS. Dropped a riddle for Crescent Isle.

    Sandy Shallows: NSSS.

    Boulder Cay: NSSS

    Salty Sands: NSSS

    Picaroon Palms: NSSS

    Scurvy Isley: AGS.

    Black Sand Atoll: SCS. Dropped a riddle for Old Faithful Isle.

    Black Water Enclave: NSSS.

    Plunderer's Plight: SCS. Dropped a riddle for The Sunken Grove.

    Blind Man's Lagoon: NSSS.

    Isle of Last Words: NSSS.

    Tri-Rock Isle: SCS. Dropped a riddle for Kraken's Fall.

    Shiver Retreat: NSSS.

    Shark Tooth Key: SCS. Riddle for The Crooked Masts

    Barnacle Cay: AGS.

    Paradise Spring: Killed by hostile players.

    Conclusion: the Spooky Shores update did not bring random treasure maps back to prominence.

6 out of 17