Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it

  • The OGs of SOT are the happy ones. They have all these rare cosmetics that are cool looking and a nice flex. People like me that join 2 months before adversity update are in a terrible spot. We had to grind for PL and Athena 10 but still have nothing to show we are OG.

    If you got this game in alpha you have the vanguard stuff and all sorts of things to show that you are cool. People like me have nothing. Why did you stop doing time limited things rare. IDK. But you did stop. Now I cant be cool. I grinded for a year to get athena 10 and now people get athena 20 in a week. Thanks. What do I have to show for the grind. Nothing. People think I just used emmisary. Emmisary has destroyed this game.

    Remember when PL used to mean something. I do. PL means you played the game for 10 hours now. Thanks for taking thousands of hours of my time and saying sorry you have nothing to show for your grind. If I knew about this game in alpha and had all the time limited stuff I wouldnt care because I would have stuff to show for it. I would have the devils roar wepons, the glowing meg eye figurhead, shark slayer title, wailing barnicle set.

    Dang I guess im not cool because I didnt purchase this game back then. If I knew about it I would of. But their is physically no way to get that stuff anymore. You know the wailing barnacle sniper is tactile the best sniper.

    Why not shoot me in the back. 2800 hours is the amount of hours you work in a year if you have a 9-5 job. I have probably have around 2400 in this game taking in count the number of days I have set sail and the amount I play each session. I have almost missed out on a full time job for a year playing this game and I have nothing to prove.

    I had to have PL but that quickly became worthless. I had athena 10 and that quickly became worthless. I had legendary sea dog and that is twice as easy to get now with almost half the time shaved off each arena match.

    I know this is going to get so much hate but put youself in my shoes. I feel like I deserve the special feeling you OGs do. I simply didnt know about this game back then.

    Bring back all time limited items to save your game and give us grinders a way to prove we are all OG grinders before FOTD and emmisary was a thing. Also reapers bones isnt a PVP faction. 99% of people use it as a FOTD grinding faction. NICE

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  • @mistyxy said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    People like me that join 2 months before adversity update are in a terrible spot. We had to grind for PL and Athena 10 but still have nothing to show we are OG.

    You aren't OG because like you said you joined 10 months after release. Also, you talked about how hard you had to grind for PL but you had Ashen Athenas and didn't have to do any merchant quests. What about the people that got PL in the first few months? Why should you get the same recognition as them when everything was harder and more tedious when they did it?

    If you got this game in alpha you have the vanguard stuff and all sorts of things to show that you are cool. People like me have nothing. Why did you stop doing time limited things rare. IDK. But you did stop. Now I cant be cool.

    You sound so fragile here. Do you really need a glowy sword or a special title to feel cool? Jeez.

    I grinded for a year to get athena 10 and now people get athena 20 in a week. Thanks. What do I have to show for the grind. Nothing. People think I just used emmisary. Emmisary has destroyed this game.

    Emissary did not destroy the game. It made doing trading company voyages and completing them more rewarding while adding a risk factor with the addition of Reaper's Bones. Ships of Fortune was one of the most liked updates this year based on the people I've talked to.

    Remember when PL used to mean something. I do.

    See the funny thing is you talk about how much PL meant but you didn't go through the same grind as the first few people did. You didn't have to deliver merchant animals. You get to do Devil's Roar voyages, which effectively halves the work needed.

    Thanks for taking thousands of hours of my time and saying sorry you have nothing to show for your grind.

    You never had anything for the grind. If you hit Athena 10 you got a hat and a title. Eventually everyone was going to get it.

    If I knew about this game in alpha and had all the time limited stuff I wouldnt care because I would have stuff to show for it. I would have the devils roar wepons, the glowing meg eye figurhead, shark slayer title, wailing barnicle set.

    So this entire rant is because your ego is hurt that you don't have a few of the time limited items. Jeez...

    Why not shoot me in the back. 2800 hours is the amount of hours you work in a year if you have a 9-5 job. I have probably have around 2400 in this game taking in count the number of days I have set sail and the amount I play each session.

    If you've put 2400 hours in this game then it seems that you're perfectly capable of playing without a glowing sword.

    I have almost missed out on a full time job for a year playing this game and I have nothing to prove.

    That is not the game's fault that is your terrible time management.

    I had to have PL

    No you didn't.

    I had athena 10

    No you didn't.

    I know this is going to get so much hate but put youself in my shoes.

    I actually can put myself in your shoes because I am an OG player. I was playing in the first few weeks. I got some cool limited time items. I had the Hungering Deep and Cursed Sails stuff. And then I reset my pirate and lost it all. I thought that since they were exclusive items they would stay with my pirate but I was wrong. The difference between you and me is that I don't need these cosmetics to enjoy the game.

    I feel like I deserve the special feeling you OGs do.

    I don't think there is a single person out there that feels more worthy because they have a specific sail or weapon. Also, again, why do you want the feeling that the OGs have if you aren't an OG?

    Bring back all time limited items to save your game

    If they bring back limited time items then they are no longer rare and lose all value. Kinda like PL huh? Y'know, how you complained that PL became super easy to get? Well if they release the old cosmetics then the OGs will be upset, similar to how upset you are about PL and Athena 20.

    Also, the game does not need to be 'saved'. It's doing incredibly successful, especially with the Steam release.

    and give us grinders a way to prove we are all OG grinders

    But you aren't OG. I don't understand why you want credit for being here since the beginning if you weren't. I don't understand.

  • @mistyxy said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    The OGs of SOT are the happy ones. They have all these rare cosmetics that are cool looking and a nice flex. People like me that join 2 months before adversity update are in a terrible spot. We had to grind for PL and Athena 10 but still have nothing to show we are OG.

    If you got this game in alpha you have the vanguard stuff and all sorts of things to show that you are cool. People like me have nothing. Why did you stop doing time limited things rare. IDK. But you did stop. Now I cant be cool. I grinded for a year to get athena 10 and now people get athena 20 in a week. Thanks. What do I have to show for the grind. Nothing. People think I just used emmisary. Emmisary has destroyed this game.

    Remember when PL used to mean something. I do. PL means you played the game for 10 hours now. Thanks for taking thousands of hours of my time and saying sorry you have nothing to show for your grind. If I knew about this game in alpha and had all the time limited stuff I wouldnt care because I would have stuff to show for it. I would have the devils roar wepons, the glowing meg eye figurhead, shark slayer title, wailing barnicle set.

    Dang I guess im not cool because I didnt purchase this game back then. If I knew about it I would of. But their is physically no way to get that stuff anymore. You know the wailing barnacle sniper is tactile the best sniper.

    Why not shoot me in the back. 2800 hours is the amount of hours you work in a year if you have a 9-5 job. I have probably have around 2400 in this game taking in count the number of days I have set sail and the amount I play each session. I have almost missed out on a full time job for a year playing this game and I have nothing to prove.

    I had to have PL but that quickly became worthless. I had athena 10 and that quickly became worthless. I had legendary sea dog and that is twice as easy to get now with almost half the time shaved off each arena match.

    I know this is going to get so much hate but put youself in my shoes. I feel like I deserve the special feeling you OGs do. I simply didnt know about this game back then.

    Bring back all time limited items to save your game and give us grinders a way to prove we are all OG grinders before FOTD and emmisary was a thing. Also reapers bones isnt a PVP faction. 99% of people use it as a FOTD grinding faction. NICE

    if cosmetics bring you down so hard quit

    literally no game should make you feel so sad over cosmetics

    i mean this as no insult or any attempt to offend you but seriously

    cosmetics are cosmetics i've meet people who have all these rare things and still suck at the game

    i won't go "cool cosmetics" only thing i care about is your skill

    cosmetics is a side buisness if i kill you and steal your loot is all that matters "og's" cosmetics won't save you from my gun

    literally nobody stops and goes "wow your cosmetics are cool" literally nobody so if you have them nobody would care

    the only idea that i get behind is PL is a joke i've played for 3 years now and i can honestly say PL is the most disapointing title in the game hell even sailor has a bigger meaning than PL

    but cosmetics are only cosmetics nobody will think your "OG" or powerful or think of you any higher than the nub they sank 10 minutes before just because you have a rare cosmetics trust me nobody will

    this whole notion of "cosmetic makes me mean something" is stupid just stop

  • Frist the games grind was progressivly getting easrier and easier there no reason to blame Emmisary or FOTD which has done alot to save PvP dispite there flaws that i would agree they have.

    Second the time limited stuff still exist there just slight variations on cosmetic you can still obtain.

    Lastly if you join that late into the game life i would hardly call you OG many of the grind issues were fixed and your main compliant is time exclusive items? I'm OG as a founder when the grind was real. I appreacite all the changes as it improved the game. The game was grindy due to lack of content having less grind means it now has more content. Show off with your skills in-game and worry less about the shiny.

    What suggestions would you make to improve FOTD and Reapers to make it more pvp?

  • @ENF0RCER Improvent to FOTD and emmirsty = delete them and add more ships to a server

  • game gets less and less players each year. Will be dead in 6 months in my opinion. After this whole covid thing people will move on. Unless rare takes action

  • This game is growing; not dying. Surely you can see that!

    Why do you care about cosmetics so much? They're not even all that important in the grand scheme of things... And no, they don't make you look cool - that's what your personality and demeanor towards others does.

    I guarantee you that most pirates won't give a hoot what you have; only what they have. You should too - look at it as a means of personal pride and accomplishment. By caring about what others have, what they have accomplished, and how they did it, you're missing the whole point and are lacking in humility. What others have gained and how they have gained it doesn't diminish your own accomplishments in any way whatsoever - unless you let it. That's not a fault of the game, the developers, or anyone; just you.

  • @mistyxy said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    @ENF0RCER Improvent to FOTD and emmirsty = delete them and add more ships to a server

    Adding more ships Can't be done. Even if they could you haven't done anything to encourage pvp.

  • @Deckhands @Galactic-Geek has come in my post and given me no constructive criticism. Only a rude picture that makes me feel bad about myself.

  • @mistyxy

    The OGs of SOT are the happy ones.

    I'd say that most of the player base is happy, not just the OG's

    They have all these rare cosmetics that are cool looking and a nice flex. People like me that join 2 months before adversity update are in a terrible spot. We had to grind for PL and Athena 10 but still have nothing to show we are OG.

    OG? You started playing 1 year after the release of the game. Yes, you played earlier then all of the new steam players, but what constitutes, "OG?" In my opinion the term, "OG," is people who have been around since either before, or during the release of the game back in 2018.

    Why did you stop doing time limited things rare. IDK. But you did stop.

    Because people like you got mad that people who have played the game consistently for 2 years and are dedicated to the game got rewards for being faithful to the game.

    I grinded for a year to get athena 10 and now people get athena 20 in a week. Thanks. What do I have to show for the grind. Nothing. People think I just used emmisary. Emmisary has destroyed this game.

    Emmisarys didn't destroy this game, it actually helped because it made more people play the game since you could level up faster. While I do agree it can be annoying that players can get PL in 1 week, compared to back then when you got 8-12k per fort and it took months to get PL, it doesn't really matter. It just changed the fact that being PL doesn't mean as much now.

    If I knew about this game in alpha and had all the time limited stuff I wouldnt care because I would have stuff to show for it. I would have the devils roar wepons, the glowing meg eye figurhead, shark slayer title, wailing barnicle set.

    If you had all the cosmetics, would you still feel that all of these time limited cosmetics should be released to everyone? Or would you wish that since you played the game when it was void of content, and still stuck with it when hit reg was absolute garbage, that you should be rewarded with these items, and that players who didn't know the struggle shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing?

    Dang I guess im not cool because I didnt purchase this game back then. If I knew about it I would of. But their is physically no way to get that stuff anymore. You know the wailing barnacle sniper is tactile the best sniper.

    Yes, you are very uncool. The wailing barnacle sniper is BARELY smaller then the free unskinned sniper you spawn with, it has no effect on anything important when it comes to PvP.

    Why not shoot me in the back. 2800 hours is the amount of hours you work in a year if you have a 9-5 job. I have probably have around 2400 in this game taking in count the number of days I have set sail and the amount I play each session. I have almost missed out on a full time job for a year playing this game and I have nothing to prove.

    Don't blame SOT that you decided to play this game, don't blame SOT because you decided to play this game for 8 hours a day, don't blame SOT because you didn't get a job and instead decided to play a video game. That's childish to blame someone else for your problems.

    I had to have PL but that quickly became worthless. I had athena 10 and that quickly became worthless. I had legendary sea dog and that is twice as easy to get now with almost half the time shaved off each arena match.

    Okay, and?

    I know this is going to get so much hate but put youself in my shoes. I feel like I deserve the special feeling you OGs do. I simply didnt know about this game back then.

    No, put yourself in the OG's shoes, we played this game when it sucked, we played this game when there was no content, we played this game and stuck with it even when everything about hitreg was garbage. Now these players who have all this content to explore, and all of these tall tales and PVE missions to do loop themselves in with us and pretend that they had to struggle to get anything done, they think they deserve to have these time limited cosmetics because they are sad they didn't play the game when it was released in 2018.

    Bring back all time limited items to save your game and give us grinders a way to prove we are all OG grinders before FOTD and emmisary was a thing.

    There are VERY FEW people who think the way you do, so they are not going to, "save their game," because it isn't dying. I like how you think an, "OG," is someone who was here before FOTD, talk to me when you had to get PL when forts gave you 8000 gold per completion.

  • @mistyxy said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    @Deckhands @Galactic-Geek has come in my post and given me no constructive criticism. Only a rude picture that makes me feel bad about myself.

    I wasn't done! 😡

  • @galactic-geek U posted a extremely rude comment for no apparent reason. Did I didnt hurt you in anyway, you just decided to take your anger out on me for no apparent reason.

  • @mistyxy

    has come in my post and given me no constructive criticism. Only a rude picture that makes me feel bad about myself.

    Ah, the victim card, nice. The picture is not rude in the slightest. Stop being an 8 yo child who isn't getting what they want, be mature about this and stop acting like a child.

  • Ok well im out. This community is so unnecessarily toxic. Sure it is a pirate game but you should still respect one another especially outside of the game.

  • @mistyxy
    Imagine complaining about a game and pointing out all of its faults that you see (none of those were faults btw) Then complaining that people are giving you reasons for why you're wrong, not in a rude way or a toxic way, but a constructive criticism way, THEN getting mad that you have no counter arguments because you know they're right.

    You play the victim card and then play the moral high ground card by saying, "This community is so unnecessarily toxic.

    Stop being a baby, I assume you are 9 years old, so i'll give you a pass. Anyone who's 10+ would be able to understand that they aren't being harassed, but that they are being given arguments for why they're wrong. Right?

  • @mistyxy so heres the thing. you are not og. you had it easier for previous mentioned reasons. also it's your fault your missing the cosmetics.

  • @mistyxy I don't really agree with your solutions but I appreciate and fully understand your frustration nonetheless.

  • @mistyxy said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    @Deckhands @Galactic-Geek has come in my post and given me no constructive criticism. Only a rude picture that makes me feel bad about myself.

    i think thats just the way you see it

    in our perspective we just find you silly preaching doomsaying endings for the game over some silly cosmetics

    if the game was about to die the last cause of death would be cosmetics literally nobody could care less about

    i don't think people will quit the game because they can't wear green shoes

  • Idk about you, but regardless of what titles or items I have. I am OG along with my fresh new Xbox and pc friends. Who just all started.

    Why? Because of our bond and time spend together. Along with random encounters with other pirates.
    Our adventures and stories is more of an accomplishment than killing the shrouded ghost.

  • @mistyxy these kind of ego posts are what is wrong with the world. You do not need skins to be "cool". This "me me me" mentallity is so wrong.
    It is only skins it does not matter. I have played longer than you but i couldnt care about cosmetics for a second. In fact i dont even go for any cosmetics it is a waste of time and doesnt add anything to the playing experience of the game. They are 100% useless.

  • @galactic-geek said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    This game is growing; not dying. Surely you can see that!


  • @cat-transfer said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    @galactic-geek said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    This game is growing; not dying. Surely you can see that!


    Do you have proof that it is? In any case, that's not what's important. What is, is whether you enjoy, and want to continue playing, the game yourself. What everybody else thinks about it is negligible.

    Happy sailing! 😁👍

  • @capt-kanna said in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    @mistyxy these kind of ego posts are what is wrong with the world. You do not need skins to be "cool". This "me me me" mentallity is so wrong. Stop being a sheep.
    It is only skins it does not matter. I have played longer than you but i couldnt care about cosmetics for a second. In fact i dont even go for any cosmetics it is a waste of time and doesnt add anything to the playing experience of the game. They are 100% useless.

    While I do agree with you, please don't try to dehumanize people and their opinions by calling them something lesser, like sheep. That will not only hurt them, but you as well.

  • @cat-transfer @mistyXY
    The game is dying ? Hmm where have i heard that before ? Oh wait pretty consistantly sonce the release of the game actually....

    But you want proof of the opposite ?

    Well how about some stats then:

    • consistently getting daily peak player moments between 55k and 60k on the steam client, with and average continuous player count of 30+k over the past 30 days with a 2~3 percent growth over the previous 30 days.
    Source: https://steamcharts.com/app/1172620

    • The numbers for the Xbox/Windows store client ar harder to get but it continues to consistently be in the top 25 games played on a monthly basis with peaks to top 20 and top 15 every so often

    Source: https://www.trueachievements.com/news/type/chart

  • @cat-transfer Trying googling "Sea of Thieves Steam player count"
    In the one month that it has been on Steam, there is 50,000+ players on steam alone, not including all the others that are not on Steam.
    So the question "why is this game so dead?" is completely pointless. The answer is it is not dead, it is alive and kicking.

  • This thread makes me want to hoist the over achiever sails, wear my day 1 eyepatch, and shoot the launch crew rifle.

    Be thankful we played the game in its early days when just about every review on it was damming.. Thanks to our playtime and feedback it grew into the game it has become today.

  • It took me 6 months to get to Athena 10 and 6 days to reach Athena 20.

    Where is the game of the Hungering Deep? Rare took a diamond in the rough and ground it into powder. Still useful in industrial cutting tools, but certainly not something of wonder and beauty.

  • @mistyxy sagte in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    If you got this game in alpha you have the vanguard stuff and all sorts of things to show that you are cool.

    I rarely use this stuff, to say i dont use it anymore, i used it un year one, but to be cool i dont need this.
    I'm cool by nature :-)

    Remember when PL used to mean something. I do. PL means you played the game for 10 hours now.

    When was that, when the first PL got to it by cheesingthw system crewhopping to get rewarded without playing the game, but hopping crews of his Twitch followers?
    Wasnt that the guy who was recently permanent banned from Twitch with his questionable aproach, claiming it's just a role he's playing. Ridiculous and pitiful, sorry to say.

    Thanks for taking thousands of hours of my time and saying sorry you have nothing to show for your grind. If I knew about this game in alpha and had all the time limited stuff I wouldnt care because I would have stuff to show for it. I would have the devils roar wepons, the glowing meg eye figurhead, shark slayer title, wailing barnicle set.

    Would you? You cannot know, you would maybe have hated the original Roar and gave up, you could have an accident and a broken right Hand or arm or both and were unable to play.
    You dont know anything about any if's...

    Dang I guess im not cool because I didnt purchase this game back then.

    You arent cool because you cant stand it and complain about pixels.

    If I knew about it I would of. But their is physically no way to get that stuff anymore. You know the wailing barnacle sniper is tactile the best sniper.

    Why is that?

    Why not shoot me in the back. 2800 hours is the amount of hours you work in a year if you have a 9-5 job. I have probably have around 2400 in this game taking in count the number of days I have set sail and the amount I play each session. I have almost missed out on a full time job for a year playing this game and I have nothing to prove.

    If this is the cause you play i feel sorry for you.

    I had to have PL but that quickly became worthless. I had athena 10 and that quickly became worthless. I had legendary sea dog and that is twice as easy to get now with almost half the time shaved off each arena match.

    You joined 2 month before Anniversary?
    You git to PL and A10 already 10 times easier than me playing regularly in year one and got to PL and A10 before Anni.

    I know this is going to get so much hate but put youself in my shoes. I feel like I deserve the special feeling you OGs do. I simply didnt know about this game back then.

    You feel you deserve it, but you dont, because you wasnt there.
    You would maybe have quit in year one, because "lack of content" or whatever.

    Bring back all time limited items to save your game and give us grinders a way to prove we are all OG grinders before FOTD and emmisary was a thing. Also reapers bones isnt a PVP faction. 99% of people use it as a FOTD grinding faction. NICE

    No one to blame but gamers gaming the system rather than playing for fun and having a pirate adventure.

    Put yourself into a Founder with having said things, said they are and stay exclusive and then rare breaks their promise.

    You complain about Arena rewards or A10 is much easier today, but you want that for yourself what you didnt get and show all who did a middlefinger?

    Please some more thingking. Thanks.

  • @mistyxy sagte in Why is this game so dead? Maybe because you killed it:

    Ok well im out. This community is so unnecessarily toxic. Sure it is a pirate game but you should still respect one another especially outside of the game.

    Look at your Avatar!
    Funny troll you are XD

  • I think its a good thing that everyone cant get everything. If everyone would get everything we would have a sea full of same looking pirates.
    A good example is all the small and slim pirates, wearing dark or black clothing to be tuckers. That play style may be fun at times, but its also very boring when every other pirate is exactly the same.

    No lets keep limited stuff limited, so that we can have a sea full of unique looking pirates. The only thing i wear at all times is my day-one-patch... otherwise i try to change between a scuffy looking bilgerat, and a tidy merchant, as we do not see nearly enough of those on the seas.

  • Never think to just play a game because it’s fun to play?

  • @needsmokes Congrats on the Overachiever sails! I missed it by a day and only 4 chests! It's 1 of the few things that I don't have. 😅

  • @dekeita you have no idea what that means to me

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. Posts baiting the community with predictions that the game has died do not offer anything constructive for the community to engage with. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in Feedback & Suggestions. This topic will now be locked.

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