Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned

  • Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned

    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update 2.0.19, which introduces our next Content Update: Fate of the Damned!

    Release Notes - 2.0.19


    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 49
  • the cosmetics are cool
    glad to see the skeleton pets are back

    new content looks fun

    they really made those ashen lord events a lot more appealing

    everything lookin' good

  • @xtinamcgrath
    This update is lookin great!
    Well done Rare!
    Glenn Snackwell

  • Xbox series console optimizations, go on 😃

  • this update is awesome for halloween. really digging the new event thing in the game and the graphics/music/vibe is great

    the reward system of 1k gold and 10 doubloons for little random things around the seas is a great feature I'm glad that was incorporated into the game itself for tracking progress

    also the skeleton dog is everything

    and glad to see open crew fixed again

  • The Soulmate crew outfit has this description:

    Pirate Legends who have completed the Fated Fortune Challenges can purchase this outfit set for them and their crew!

    Does that mean that I have to achieve Pirate Legend before the event and complete all the events before it ends to be able to buy the outfit set, or once I become PL can I buy the outfit if I completed all the events before the deadline?

  • @xtinamcgrath do we get any more information about the series x update?

  • @schwammlgott
    It apparently means... Make the game look horrible on current Xbox Ones. Yikes! My graphics took a serious downgrade!

  • There’s a glitch in the greymarrow ritual. If you’re in the fight and get moved to a new server the lanterns disappear.

  • So we can auto-skip the front menu intro but not the Arena intro... good one. I'll wait 3-4 months.

  • Worst update going. Honestly so bad, No good content, Rehashed files and stuff people didn't ask for. we had such high expectations for the Halloween update and instead we get a boring voyage to earn a single ritual skull, Loads of bugs and bad optimizations with the game for example high ping spikes, broken matchmaking, Items not rendering, cant see whats in our inventory and cant see our instruments or anything. What happened to the big content that we got last year, and please say theres something good coming for next month. Your gonna loose a lot ofg players this month but you may regain them next month.

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    high expectations for the Halloween update

    You do know what past Halloween updates were like, right? This one isn't really any different.

  • @d3adst1ck I suppose at least this one cant be rushed... It takes some dedication over the 4 weeks (which is slightly different).

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    Worst update going. Honestly so bad, No good content, Rehashed files and stuff people didn't ask for. we had such high expectations for the Halloween update and instead we get a boring voyage to earn a single ritual skull, Loads of bugs and bad optimizations with the game for example high ping spikes, broken matchmaking, Items not rendering, cant see whats in our inventory and cant see our instruments or anything. What happened to the big content that we got last year, and please say theres something good coming for next month. Your gonna loose a lot ofg players this month but you may regain them next month.

    I'm not sure where the high expectations for a halloween update thing came from

    we knew that it probably wasn't going to be some big thing and we knew it was gonna be in line with most other things which is grinding for cosmetics

    I think many if not most of us pretty much got what we generally expected. snazzy cosmetics some more grinding and a general spooky halloween vibe and some halloween pets

    Not sure why you had such high expectations

  • @WolfManbush
    Well lets look at last Halloween firstly, We got an amazing update with the Fort of the dammed content, Some big stuff and something that lasted a long time, However, This year they release update, Something that takes about an hour to complete and gives you a single ritual skull, and you can finish the whole weeks comms in about 2 hours.

    Lets look at the patch rotation, So this update should have been a tall tale update, As thats the current rotation from previous patchs, Again nothing new and no new content.

    Then lets look at standard past few month updates, We get rehashed yes, But content that's actually playable, this isnt playable.

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    We got an amazing update with the Fort of the dammed content

    That's a reskinned fort, re-using the lights from the previous Halloween update and the boss fights from the Tall Tales.

    If you want to complain about reskinned and re-used content, that is probably one of the more recycled events in terms of re-using things implemented in previous updates to the game.

    Lets look at the patch rotation, So this update should have been a tall tale update, As thats the current rotation from previous patchs, Again nothing new and no new content.

    Nowhere have they stated that there would be a regular tall tale in the update schedule. I don't know why you think we would get one for a seasonal update.

  • @d3adst1ck We took it from the previous rotation of tall tales, and how long its been since the update, And honestly, I know of at least 10 players who logged on, did 1 of these voyages, and logged off. Boring points rubbish.

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    @d3adst1ck We took it from the previous rotation of tall tales

    There is no rotation. They are released when they are ready.

    I'd also like the point out that the main feature of this update is the Events tab and the Mysterious Notes system, which is probably why most people view it as a small update. The voyages are not that exciting, which is typical of the monthly updates going back as far as I can remember, but these features if used properly could work to notify players of events going on so that they actually participate in them.

    There has been so many times where I've approached other players to try to get some of the alliance commendations done and they have no clue that there is even an event happening.

  • "Players who have not had their Xbox achievements carried over to Steam will find their achievements correctly synchronised when logging in following the Fate of the Damned update."

    This does not work unfortunately.
    Stuff like "Kraken Good Job" or "Ignoring the Rules of Engagement" that I unlocked in December 2018 are still not registered on Steam :( - I even created a second XBox Account to unlock some of the basic achieves (like set sail for the first time) but it is so frustrating to not get achievements that unlock for all my friends (that started playing the game on Steam) but not for me.

  • @eggyboffer97 you are right, i think the only good thing in this update is the autorun function. At least they fixed the emote bug, wait? No, but it was in the patch note.

  • we knew that it probably wasn't going to be some big thing and we knew it was gonna be in line with most other things which is grinding for cosmetics

    "grinding for cosmetics" what????
    I hope you just kidding, we was done with the first weeks challange after 1 hour, it isn't an update, just something bad joke

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    @d3adst1ck We took it from the previous rotation of tall tales, and how long its been since the update, And honestly, I know of at least 10 players who logged on, did 1 of these voyages, and logged off. Boring points rubbish.

    sounds like people looking to complain

    people don't stick around for the voyage grind it's for the fun and adventure found on the seas on whatever server a person lands on

    a person that does 1 voyage and logs off bored wasn't compatible with the game to begin with

  • @wolfmanbush Do you play sea of thieves? What about us that are PL, 75 everything? What do we get to do? Nothing. We have no pl stuff, Nothing that actually makes pl worth getting and we get bad updates like this? How is that a good update?

  • @eggyboffer97 The new Soul Flame Crew costumes are Pirate Legend only cosmetics too.. so you are benefitting extra from the voyages/event over the month.

  • @guilleont I can skip the arena intro by pressing B on an Xbox controller, and when I use my keyboard, I press Esc. to skip. Which button were you pressing?

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    @wolfmanbush Do you play sea of thieves? What about us that are PL, 75 everything? What do we get to do? Nothing. We have no pl stuff, Nothing that actually makes pl worth getting and we get bad updates like this? How is that a good update?

    I've been maxed in everything including athena since shortly after emissaries were released. There is always something to work on and there are always battles to be had and gold to be earned and glory to be gained.

    It's fine to not like something that's your opinion and your right to have it but people just like to complain and can never be made happy no matter what is added or released. That's not the base of the game. The base of the game is out there daily stealing treasure or just having fun grinding or just enjoying sailing with no real plan in mind. The pirate life. They have given us to freedom to create our own fun and adventure if you have a hard time enjoying the game with that sort of opportunity I think it's more your incompatibility with this specific game than their lack of content that pleases you.

    Pirate Legend is just a thing you get from some casual grinding. It's not an entitlement for mind blowing content that must please you on a regular basis. The game is fun for a lot of us if it's no longer fun for you and if the free content doesn't impress you maybe it's time to find something you do enjoy and that lives up to your expectations

  • And here it is... the single worst update we've had since the beginning of the game. I want to love this update because the "of the Damned" stuff has been my favorite SoT thing for awhile but this... this is just hot garbage.

    We don't get anything new content wise. I mean you can argue that that's ok because Rare is struggling with Covid-19, I get that, but in comparison to everything else they released during this outbreak this takes the cake for most underdeveloped update. The most we got out of it was ingame event tracker, which I admit is ironically the greatest thing they've added in a few months.

    Now there's also the elephant in the room to discuss; the Soulflame set. We can purchase a weapon set for Reapers, a shipset, fishing rod, and costume for Hunter's Call (which also hasn't received any love since it's conception), a shipset, blunder, and costumes for the Shrouded Ghost, and now a shipset for Athena's Fortune all through Pirate Emporium. Rare has 100% got greedy with the PE as I'm sure you're well aware if you partake in the ever so active Insiders, and I highly suggest each and every one of you protest this so we can get actual change. SoT items do not belong in the PE. Legacy Shipsets, Emotes, and Pets ONLY.

  • @pixlisreal said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    And here it is... the single worst update we've had since the beginning of the game.

    You think it's worse than the Skeleton Thrones? The one where you had to sit in chairs?

    It's not the flashiest update in terms of gameplay, but it's not as bad as Skeleton Thrones.

  • Am I the only one that was sad that there were no new achievements added to the game with this Update? I was a bit sad to see no new achievements to go for. We always get a few new ones with each Update, so I hope this was a one time thing and we continue getting new achievements again in future Updates. 🙁

  • My review from this (joke) update:
    I manage the grind out the first week's challange after one hour, and it was full with glitch, just like if I light a Beacon in the Ancient Isle, it count like the Wilds, i dont know who is the person in charge for the technical thing, but i am sure about he was surfing on facebook at the work.
    My secound detection is that little joke in the patch note "When performing an emote, you should now consistently perform that action for any players observing you.", what is funny, because I see a lot of player for run while they was in sleep, hide, and sit emote.
    I can say only, maybe next time, because it is nothing.

  • After the whole debacle surrounding the cosmetics that have come with this update you as a company decide to give the ship set away in full as well as 550 Ancient coins and a Skeletal Alsatian pet to anyone that purchase the game between today and Nov 3rd...
    Wonderful PR move there, I can see no ill will coming your way for this in the slightest.
    Good job old chap, Well played Well Played.

  • @d3adst1ck Hindsight is 2020. This releasing after a new ship battle and raid boss as well as being the successor of among the best updates ever, Fort of the Damned, is way worse than Thrones being the FIRST bilge rat adventure. Skeleton Thrones may be the least amount of content added by present standards and it sucked to get it after megalodons but it was still during a time where very little was expected and the game had very few players anyways.

  • @spiralout46and2 I believe that, because they aren't really adding anything new except cosmetics, the previous Fort of the Damned achievements are meant also for this update. Also, with the events tab, it's kind of like miniature achievements.

  • @violetcandy333
    Yup, agreed. There wasn't really any new content added that they could tie new achievements to, sadly. 🙁 I did the old Fort of the Damned achievements last year when they were released.

    I'm going for the new event challenges for the cosmetics as well, but I still enjoy the fact that they usually add new achievements regularly, too. I hope that they continue adding new ones going forward, but I guess it will depend. Fingers crossed for the future Updates. 👍🏆

24 out of 49