• @kalgert a dit dans TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM :

    @thagoochiestman I am currently reading Lord of the Rings. About 45 pages in and there is only one ring that is being referred to as being special. Where are these "Rings" that the book promises? And the lords as well!? I have been falsely advertised to!

    The title is actually accurate tho. Sauron created 19 rings of power (3 for the elves, 7 for the dwarves, 9 for the men) and one to get control over them (so 20 total). Sauron is the Lord of the Rings and the plot is about destroying his power. The characters will come to meet several bearers during their journey.
    In most editions (At least every editions I ever saw) there is a poem before the first chapter about it, so 45 pages in you should have read it. But in the case you didn't, this is explained around page 60 of the first tome.

    I'm nitpicking of course. ;p

    I agree that using the title of the game as an argument isn't a good idea. The same title could have been used for a solo RPG game aswell.

    Anyways, I'm glad to see that you're sticking with the game despite never missing a chance to tell how bad it is. Maybe it does something right after all. ;)

  • @krushak-arankis please go and watch material from the development team for the last 4-5 years. Players being an unknown variable is a substantial part of how this game was and is developed.

    Take development choices in no particular order:

    Kegs were given fuses so we didn't have to depth charge boats or shoot/slash them on deck.
    Blunder bombs and fire bombs were designed to do more when fired from a cannon at a boat.
    Cursed cannonballs were added.
    Trident do fantastic damage and knockback.
    Ashen winds skulls will incinerate fellow players.
    Reapers Mark was added so players could invite people to know their location.
    Reapers were added as well as all emissaries so add risk/reward.
    PvP on is a default setting that can not be changed, even in alliances you can murder the other members.

    The development team has made it clear that there will not be pve servers, and when private servers do emerge they will be progressionless. No gold, No reputation, No Commendation credit, No renown.

    I'm not attacking you, just pointing out that in Sea of Thieves, PvP is encouraged. All players consent to it when they sign on.

  • @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

    Why do I need to be a reaper to sink people? If I am flying gold hoarder and see another gold hoarder I'm going to want their loot. Many of us have been hunting noats since way before reapers were introduced.

    Also the person parked at the outpost looking at the stores is gonna get sunk if they are in the way. Like we want to see our loot, you remove all possible threats. That's just good practice.

    Yeah then I kill you and sink your boat while camping you. See how that works cause I've done it. Quite literally you have voice and text to say something if i need to move my boat I'll move my boat but majority time after i dump my loot at the sovereign and need to do something on that island i move ny boat out of the way. Communication is key. And I didn't say you had to have reaper. I said unless you are wearing reaper there is literally no reason to chase someone. I literally ran my boat for an hour, had no loot and wasted their time and their loot just cause I was sailing. Literally trolled them acting like I had good loot to hide. Again, just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should. As well as there are plenty of habors to unload and I'll go to a different one. There is literally like what maybe at the most 8 boats on a server? Lol.

    Again, stop making excuses when you can literally talk in a game. This is why people do what they do because they just assume everyone is a D.

    We both know if you're parked your most likely losing your boat a d losing your spot at the outpost. We don't need an excuse to hunt and kill in this game. We don't have to ask you to move your boat.

    This isn't being rude, it's designed mechanics. We are just out to adventure the way we want to, usually high on the murder.

    If you can't see past that, you sent understand this game.

    I find it hilarious how one person (Bloodybil I think, when he posted just as I was viewing the thread) was scolding the OP by saying "Learn to communicate" in the context of Player Encounters, and then you come in and pretty much prove how that is a pointless endeavor with the "I don't care, you're in my way" attitude.

    I was planning on outlining how "Communication" in this game is complete bupkis with some examples, but I think the conversation here is more than enough to show why.

  • @grog-minto said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert a dit dans TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM :

    @thagoochiestman I am currently reading Lord of the Rings. About 45 pages in and there is only one ring that is being referred to as being special. Where are these "Rings" that the book promises? And the lords as well!? I have been falsely advertised to!

    The title is actually accurate tho. Sauron created 19 rings of power (3 for the elves, 7 for the dwarves, 9 for the men) and one to get control over them (so 20 total). Sauron is the Lord of the Rings and the plot is about destroying his power. The characters will come to meet several bearers during their journey.
    In most editions (At least every editions I ever saw) there is a poem before the first chapter about it, so 45 pages in you should have read it. But in the case you didn't, this is explained around page 60 of the first tome.

    I'm nitpicking of course. ;p

    I agree that using the title of the game as an argument isn't a good idea. The same title could have been used for a solo RPG game aswell.

    Anyways, I'm glad to see that you're sticking with the game despite never missing a chance to tell how bad it is. Maybe it does something right after all. ;)

    Wasn't it Celebrimbor that created the rings, and Sauron was creating his own ring to rule over others?

    Also I am not playing the game, removed it from my library. I'm only here because I have mental hangups over it, so really it isn't doing anything "Right" as you like to say.
    PS: I see that last line as malicious on your end and I do not like it.

  • @kalgert If you deleted the game why are you still here on the forums?
    Seems like you and this game are stuck in an abusive relationship!
    The only thing is…I can’t tell who is the abusive one…or if it’s both of you!!!
    If you disliked the game that’s fine, but don’t dwell here and start badmouthing the game! You could be playing some new fun game right now, and be enjoying that instead of having a miserable time arguing back and forth with everyone and complaining about how the game isn’t unique…
    You shouldn’t dwell on the past.
    If what happened to you is REALLY that bad, well, I think that’s gotta be more of a “people are bad” thing than “the game is bad” and also go see a therapist.
    Also please don’t pick apart everything as malicious. It makes you seem malicious, which…is kinda ironic.

  • @kalgert a dit dans TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM :

    Wasn't it Celebrimbor that created the rings, and Sauron was creating his own ring to rule over others?

    Also I am not playing the game, removed it from my library. I'm only here because I have mental hangups over it, so really it isn't doing anything "Right" as you like to say.
    PS: I see that last line as malicious on your end and I do not like it.

    Celebrimbor forged the Three that is true but Sauron was still instrumental in the process, allowing them to be bound to the One.

    The last line was definitely facetious, I'm not gonna lie. I really don't understand how you can hate a game so much that you feel the need to pour your bile all over its forum for years. You reap what you sowed I guess. ;)

  • As this thread has gone more off track than my sloop when I am multi-tasking modding the forums and playing at the same time...

    I am dropping anchor before we hit that .... ROOOCKKK (Oh never mind)

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