Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!

  • @d1zzy-mouse said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    Hourglass pvp is designed for 1-v-1 ship battles.

    Nope, the are meant for PvP battles. They even said alliances are expected. Hence the DEFEND option. Garanteed 1VS1 battle.

    My crew love a good battle, and really appreciate coming across a great crew. However, these tactics are unfairly boosting wins for the alliance crews, and spoiling the game for others.

    It sounds like your crew may love good battles against similar or less skilled crews, does your crew enjoy being destroyed and outskilled by players that are so good the skill gap seems like they're cheating? Now imagine you've spent countless hours across weeks diving, trying to go from pve to pvp and getting absolutely decimated 3/4 times against toxic and/or way better crews that want to spawn camp you and sail you out the ring for no Rep. Now imagine a really good crew comes by and instead of sinking you, they offer to help and ya'll spend hours having a blast together while they actually show you how its done and tactics etc. The fact you have a crew and are not solo means you like alliances too.

  • @d1zzy-mouse said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!

    However, these tactics are unfairly boosting wins for the alliance crews, and spoiling the game for others.

    Spoiling the game for you, unfairly boosting wins..... how exactly, in this pirate game? Are others, beside your crew, also getting the curses? Unable to just steamroll newer players for lols? Not getting your Rep as fast enough? Dopamine not hitting the same when it doesn't go how you think it should? Are you unable to defend the hourglass, garenteed 1v1, instead of diving? Please explain how its so unfair for you that you login to a game and other wont play by your rules, being upset that others come together to play in a game meant for players to come together and play. This game is not just some FPS battle royal and people can actually be chill with each other and go for goals together. Just like you and your crew do. If that is unsavory for you, I'm sure PubG, Apex, CoD could use another brick in the wall. People today seem to think they alone own the right to tell others what to think, what to say, what to do, how to have fun. I'm sorry, not any one of us are that special where we reserve the right to force others to do, say and play how we want. Best to just switch servers, keeps at it, or cash out.

  • @shadyriddler said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @artie Answer this simple question. Why does rare not allow a solo sloop to battle a duo sloop by choice?

    It does. Once you've proven your mettle by becoming champion, it allows you to invader larger ships if you sign up for it.

  • @pithyrumble said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    If they thought Alliances were an issue they would have done something when they fixed the TT9 exploit.

    Not if the fix for that takes more coding / testing than they had between release and the last patch before the holidays.

    If nothing is done about Alliances on the upcoming matchmaking update, they are definitely intended.

    Disagree here as well, they sometimes fixed things that have been in the game for years.

  • @r3troraccoon The way you speak to people is disguting and your completly missing the point of the topic.

  • @pithyrumble Another one missing the point. It doesn't matter if they are allianced or not it's about diving only to find that 3 or more ships have teamed up not nesseceraly raised an alliance but with the sole purpose of only having to dispose of 1 ship and if all are same allegance and get a hit they all level up.

  • @shadyriddler

    An ambush is a long-established military tactic in which a combatant uses an advantage of concealment or the element of surprise to attack unsuspecting enemy combatants from concealed positions, such as among dense underbrush or behind mountaintops. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare.

    Ambush, Wikipedia

  • @d1zzy-mouse on one hand it is a cheap and unfair tactic, on the other it isn't against rules and if its naturally formed alliance or just someone choosing to 3rd party then that's part of risk of having in normal adventure. I've 3rd partied for easy wins, I've also ganged up with my opponent on 3rd parties.
    The one alliance I came across we actually sunk and one of best battles we've had, isolating the solo and sinking then another ship invaded and we won 2v3
    I will never agree with coordinated alliance servers that farm and cheese everything, I honestly will never understand the mentality of wanting something without really earning it but I don't know if anything can realistically be done to stop it.

  • @hiradc said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @d1zzy-mouse on one hand it is a cheap and unfair tactic, on the other it isn't against rules and if its naturally formed alliance or just someone choosing to 3rd party then that's part of risk of having in normal adventure. I've 3rd partied for easy wins, I've also ganged up with my opponent on 3rd parties.
    The one alliance I came across we actually sunk and one of best battles we've had, isolating the solo and sinking then another ship invaded and we won 2v3
    I will never agree with coordinated alliance servers that farm and cheese everything, I honestly will never understand the mentality of wanting something without really earning it but I don't know if anything can realistically be done to stop it.


    I have no problem with "organic" alliances, but the "engineered" alliances are a problem. I don't think a big problem, again I've never encountered one, but enough people have that they need to figure something out... Maybe "you cannot invade a ship on a server where there is a 3+ ship alliance"?

    Edit: But then alliance servers would just raise HG and farm faction treasury... this is actually a hard problem to solve...

  • @lordqulex Tbh, there's really no feasible way to fix the problem with alliance servers. Even if there wasn't an option to form an alliance anymore, you don't -need- to have an actual alliance to make an alliance server, since you can still just get 3-5 ships all on the same server working together. Also you do get next to no allegiance for dropping a 0-sink HG with a high faction treasury, so that doesn't really feel like a viable tactic for farming allegiance lol.

    Also, I hate that people that say "Uhhh just defend then if you don't wanna get an unfair fight" meanwhile I'll sometimes spend an entire hour collecting loot and waiting for an opponent, and never actually get matched. If matchmaking was better it might be a more reasonable tactic, but even then, you'll need to wait minimum 15min between matches, with no way to opt back into matchmaking after a win. I'm really just hoping that fixing the stupid stamp system will make queue times better at least, so I can get into matches to die faster.

    I've got no hope for any form of SBMM at this point, and even though I'm at rank 67, the scaling makes it feel like my only option to actually get up to 100+ in a reasonable time is to be constantly fighting with a 4-streak, which is hard enough to get for less skilled PVPers in the first place. I wish they'd lower the multiplier for streaks and buff the base allegiance for wins maybe, because it really seems entirely tailored around sweats spending 5+ hours playing and constantly winning, rather than people who only have the time (and patience considering how long some matches run) for 2-3 matches. leveling the other trading companies never felt like a -chore- to me like Servants and Guardians does, since there's always varied ways to level them, and you can even get some extra rep passively when you find some loot to sell that isn't for the trading company you're currently running. Personally though, I feel like the best solution to get more players into matches and feel less disillusioned with the whole system is a few daily/weekly commendations that give a fair bit of allegiance. Like, play 5/10 matches in a week, first win of the day, first Champion streak of the week, etc etc. Even if they were only small bits of allegiance, anything that makes it feel like I'm chipping away at the brick wall I'm cronching my head against is better than nothing.

  • @hiradc I appreciate your friendly reply, and agree with you.

    For the benefit of others (who have already commented without properly reading/understanding the point of my post), I didn’t say it was against the rules. I was only highlighting an issue, and suggesting a solution.

    Whether you choose to dive, or not, Matchmaking will not put a solo sloop against a sloop duo, a sloop against a brig, or a brig against a gally etc because it’s not balanced. This is to provide the fairest battles.

    Only when you reach a higher streak level, can you ‘choose’ to fight a bigger crew or ships.

    Our crew is more than capable of a challenging fight, and appreciate a good battle - win or lose.

    We should all bear in mind that there are new players expecting to be matched fairly…instead they are coming across multiple crews that sink them within seconds. It’s not fair, or in the spirit of the game.

  • @slickwillywonka said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    It's not just meant to be 1v1. Don't want to see alliances don't attack defend.

    Oh look one of the cheaters farming wins.

    The post owner is not talking about organic events where you are defending, and randomly make an alliance and keep on playing.
    He is talking about clearly setup ambushes to cheat the matchmaking systems and steal a win from another crew.

  • @kakaroto9766 it's not cheating though, there's no exploit being used (unless you argue finding same server is one) pretty sure rare wouldn't do anything if you report someone for ambushing. Haven't seen anything on official stance from them but they've certainly never said anything against alliance servers

  • @kakaroto9766 exactly that!

  • @kakaroto9766 said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @slickwillywonka said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    It's not just meant to be 1v1. Don't want to see alliances don't attack defend.

    Oh look one of the cheaters farming wins.

    The post owner is not talking about organic events where you are defending, and randomly make an alliance and keep on playing.
    He is talking about clearly setup ambushes to cheat the matchmaking systems and steal a win from another crew.

    I take offense to you calling me a cheater sir. I do not cheat. I despise cheating. I don't care how the alliance is formed. Let them be. If all the ships team up on a server to get wins more power to them. If you don't want to face the alliance defend it's very simple. Then you won't feel cheated.

  • @hiradc a dit dans Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance! :

    I honestly will never understand the mentality of wanting something without really earning it but I don't know if anything can realistically be done to stop it.

    @LordQulex a dit dans Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance! :

    But then alliance servers would just raise HG and farm faction treasury... this is actually a hard problem to solve...

    Damn this community is so entitled to dictate to people how to play....

    What's the issue with server alliances in general ? There's none (except maybe for the emisary ledger rewards but these are easy to get)

    People are just gatekeeping because they don't want others to have the same cosmetics as they do, that's all. And it is childish.

    Let people play however they want. They bought the game too and should be allowed to enjoy it the way they want. Let them alliance if they want, what's the issue really ?

    Such a kid mentality in this game sometimes, damn....

    Edit : Server alliances issue is on them imho. You can't expect to put nonsense commendations such as 50 FoTD or 100 veils and expect people not to cheese it

  • @shadyriddler said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @pithyrumble Another one missing the point. It doesn't matter if they are allianced or not it's about diving only to find that 3 or more ships have teamed up not nesseceraly raised an alliance but with the sole purpose of only having to dispose of 1 ship and if all are same allegance and get a hit they all level up.

    Its hard to take people serious when they complain about something thats 100% avoidable while still getting PvP battles and rep. No matter how it is explained that its A COMPANY MADE FEATURE THAT IS ENCOURAGED, it never seems to get through. There are 2 way to play this Season 8 PvP hourglass friend.

    1. Defend- That means you vote on the Hourglass and DO NOT vote on the scrolled map to DIVE. Garanteed 1ship vs 1ship. Everytime.

    2. Invade- This means you vote on the Hourglass AND vote on the scrolled map to DIVE. This mode is Free For All. You can invade a brand new player, a instant scuttler, super veteran crews, full on server alliances, and fireworks party. The Red Sea's the limit.

    With this fully in mind, please be careful, its dangerous to go alone.

  • @PithyRumble I'd say unless rare responds directly you can't assume their intentions based on next update. Could be they do intend to address but this may take longer to implement something. They've certainly never said anything I've seen that implies they're against it, but this is def a hot topic despite it having such low frequency

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @LordQulex a dit dans Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance! :

    But then alliance servers would just raise HG and farm faction treasury... this is actually a hard problem to solve...

    Damn this community is so entitled to dictate to people how to play....
    People are just gatekeeping because they don't want others to have the same cosmetics as they do, that's all. And it is childish.

    If you read any of my previous posts in a plethora of other topics, you'd know just how laughable this comment is. I have been one of the loudest and most stubborn voices in a thread about opening up PVE to gaining allegiance so that the large swathe of pirates who don't like PVP have an enjoyable path to earning these curses. I'm not gatekeeping anything, but as a game designer I do feel like utilizing engineered alliance servers to ambush ships is against the spirit of hourglass. I have no problem with organic alliances and ambushes in general, but people are absolutely buying levels on the internet to get the curses and that is absolutely exploiting the flaws in the game.

    I want everyone to earn the curses in a way they enjoy, I want their cosmetics to tell the story of their journey, not to exploit loopholes in technology to obtain them.

  • @lordqulex That wasn't against you in particular, I know what you're in favor in

    It was just about people's attitude towards alliances in general (not in this particular pvp situation). I was just quoting specific sentences to illustrate my point. You told about a "hard problem" where I see none at all

  • I keep seeing some of you guys say I'm ok with organic alliances but not when they preplanned it. Why does this matter? How do you know how the alliance was formed when you get there to fight? Are you guys psychic or something?

  • Hourglass pvp is designed for 1-v-1 ship battles.

    That is where most people get wrong. It designed for you too find quickly, Like minded ship. Instead of searching the sea for hours too find a ship that runs from you. You throw up a beacon and once it locates another ship, you join them. Whatever they are doing.
    You are still in adventure. Think of it this way. If you did this without the hourglass, found someone too fight like so. What gonna happen if they were in alliance before hand? Your gonna have an alliance vs you.

    There are also alliance crews putting all crew on one of their ships, outnumbering their opponents for a guaranteed win

    Can happen at any given time. Galleons have done this for years...it nothing new.

    There are also alliance crews putting all crew on one of their ships, outnumbering their opponents for a guaranteed win.

    What if you two ships are near an island I need to go too? Maybe an active fort? I wanna go there to finish my voyage. Now your little battle arena has blocked off a part of the map nobody else can use until the match finishes....which is some cases, by reports. Hours!

  • @shadyriddler said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @artie Answer this simple question. Why does rare not allow a solo sloop to battle a duo sloop by choice?

    Because its the edge case that Rare determined would be the most explotiable and needed special handling per thier pre-release testing. However, in that scenario the design has ALWAYS been you are blindly invading into a NEW adventure server you have no control over when you dive and skip the hunt part of adventure... including 3rd party encounters and all threats normally found in adventure.

    Get over yourself... Alliances are a feature of the game. They continue to be rewards and events in game that require alliance play (including trials even as late as season 8) It's a threat one must be aware of if your sole motivation in this game is to go around and sink boats.

    There's nothing stopping you from raising the hourglass and roaming the seas and avoiding the rival ship who's in the alliance.

    but if you are asking for your own private server to have 1v1 battles.... It's been clear the devs have said.... ABSOLUTELY NOT. No PVP servers... No PVE servers. It's all in adventure... 5 ships... all motivated by their own desires. You have the tools to choose from... The other boats don't have the rules you wish to impose on them.

  • @d1zzy-mouse This is why most PvP games used instances to matched fights. It's really a design error.

  • @foambreaker said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @d1zzy-mouse This is why most PvP games used instances to matched fights. It's really a design error.

    It's not a design error. it's an intentional feature OF THIS GAME. NO PRIVATE SERVERS in SOT adventure for PVP.... period...

    The only private servers are those for players in the Maiden Voyage, and 2 of the POTC tall tales. And in one specific case for a previous adventure they had to hot fix a 2 two boats limit to combat the griefing by SOT seal clubbers.

  • @foambreaker said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @d1zzy-mouse This is why most PvP games used instances to matched fights. It's really a design error.

    Not a design error. It's a user error. It's not a queue like call of duty the queue is you invading someone else's adventure.

  • @kakaroto9766 said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @slickwillywonka said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    It's not just meant to be 1v1. Don't want to see alliances don't attack defend.

    Oh look one of the cheaters farming wins.

    No need to be juvenile, not everyone has [mod edit] @kakaroto9766, that they can use through Steam to cheese actual effort too. See, anyone can claim cheater when they don't get their way. Its lazy thinking and dismissive.

  • @slickwillywonka said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    I keep seeing some of you guys say I'm ok with organic alliances but not when they preplanned it. Why does this matter? How do you know how the alliance was formed when you get there to fight? Are you guys psychic or something?

    It almost seem to stem from jealousy of not have some consistent alliance friends of their own. They will always say no, thats not true, but if your ok with organic alliance (because its strangers) versus made alliances ( because they are friends?). Makes absolutely zero sense, a complaint for the sake of complaining. And for that reason, I'm out.

  • @r3troraccoon I’m glad you’re out. You’re not reading/and or understanding the issues. You’re responding with ridiculous statements for the sake of saying something.
    This is a place for feedback and suggestions…but all you seem to do is shout people down.
    A discussion based on listening aswell as talking would be more beneficial for all.

  • @slickwillywonka said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @foambreaker said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @d1zzy-mouse This is why most PvP games used instances to matched fights. It's really a design error.

    Not a design error. It's a user error. It's not a queue like call of duty the queue is you invading someone else's adventure.

    I can see that; I don't think it adds value in the big picture. Bad perceptions, true or not, reduce the population using the feature.

    There are a few things like how to defend that are being left to discovery which should probably be made clear ingame.

  • Oh man, at least you had a crew mate. I honestly wouldn’t mind going against an alliance with a crew mate. It’s going against an alliance as a solo that I think is really toxic and gross. But hey, I guess cowards be cowarding.

  • Since it happened to me twice yesterday :

    I've officially encountered a bug where you spawn on your opponent WITH NO CANNON on one side of your ship (hilarious though) MORE than this supposed "it's happening everywhere" alliance "issue".

    Talking about a non-issue.....

  • @d1zzy-mouse said in Hourglass - diving then spawning in front of a 3 ship alliance!:

    @r3troraccoon I’m glad you’re out. You’re not reading/and or understanding the issues. You’re responding with ridiculous statements for the sake of saying something.
    This is a place for feedback and suggestions…but all you seem to do is shout people down.
    A discussion based on listening aswell as talking would be more beneficial for all.

    YOU seem to be the one crying, whining and throwing a tantrum about how nobody is listening or understanding you. Yeah, we all heard you, and gave our suggestions and opinions on your feedback. Just repeating your original statement and stomping your feet on the ground as a counter argument to everyone who disagrees is just intellectually lazy uncomprehending and shows your here to complain, not discuss the issue. The fact your passively toxic and just shout people down who disagree with your view say all we need to know.

  • I have an idea. Let say if one or more ships participate in the sinking of an hg ship while also hg they become an Armada. The armada once formed can only be spawned in on by a champion ship that chooses to fight them. To leave the armada you must leave the server no dropping the hg then bringing it back up. This I think would both allow the alliance and discourage it simultaneously.

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