It took me many, many months and a lot of dedication from friends to educate me in navel PvP to enable me to gain my skeleton curse. The day was memorable and I enjoyed the ritual and exploring the Reapers Lair.
However imagine my surprise when talking to the Bonesmith the only female presenting cosmetic is locked behind a huge grind. There are 6 different trousers/shorts in which to adorn your bones but only one skirt. In order to unlock the skirt you need to sink 100 Guardian Ships - Not a easy feat. Especially as we are incessantly paired with other reapers when diving, even trying for invaders we still get Reapers. Right now I am on 1/100 I believe one friend who is rapidly approaching lvl 200 in the faction is less than 30 sunk.
Would there ever be a rebalancing of cosmetics in the Bonesmith? Will any changes ever be made for us female pirates who wish to wear a dress with their bones?