Make Sea of Thieves more immersive

  • Outside of the SoT I mostly play RPGs and I really wish SoT felt more immersive. Walking around Port Merrick and other Outposts they just don't feel very alive. It would be cool if Rare made the experience more immersive so as pirates we aren't just running around the outpost looking for what's in the barrels before we leave, but instead can actually hang out there and do stuff alone our with friends, such as:

    1. Have games in the tavern (darts, five finger fillet, dominoes, checkers, cards, etc.)

    2. Have more interaction from the Tavern Keeper (you sit down and they come over and ask if you want a drink, or piece of cooked meat). Could take it a step further and have items that will give you a small buff during your voyages. Maybe you can ask for gossip and they'll tell you about the current world event. Or add a group of musicians playing a shanty similar to Athena's Fortune Hideout that you can play along with.

    3. Have other random NPCs appear in taverns or around the towns/outposts. Maybe you talk to one sitting at a table and he gives you a generic quest similar to a message-in-a-bottle. Maybe another is selling food from a cart and you can only buy 1 but it fills your health regeneration bar.

    4. Give NPCs a sense of routine. I get that to find them on certain islands they have to just stand around in one spot but maybe during the morning they are found in one area doing a task and in the evening they are found somewhere else (like sleeping in a hammock at night).

    Or add things to make the world itself feel more lived in

    1. Add immersive quests (you find a survivor on a shipwreck and have to give them a ride back to X Outpost. Along the way they can man a cannon or play a shanty, etc). Maybe add shipwrecks of Sloops and Brigantines instead of always Galleons. Or on random islands you might come across some NPCs burying treasure, or they've taken someone captive you can save, or some other activity you can interact with and choose to leave them to it or fight.

    2. Create an NPC merchant ship world event (that can be active during other events) that sails in a pattern between outposts and you can fire at it and board (similar to how the Burning Blade gets defeated but doesn't sink immediately) and then you can loot their treasure without sinking them, just like real pirates did. Maybe it spawns with different difficulty levels and sometimes has an escort ship.

    These are all just random thoughts because as beautiful as the Sea of Thieves is to look at, it often feels kind of empty.

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  • Have games in the tavern (darts, five finger fillet, dominoes, checkers, cards, etc.)

    Ill be sure to keg your ship while your playing.

    Have more interaction from the Tavern Keeper (you sit down and they come over and ask if you want a drink, or piece of cooked meat). Could take it a step further and have items that will give you a small buff during your voyages. Maybe you can ask for gossip and they'll tell you about the current world event. Or add a group of musicians playing a shanty similar to Athena's Fortune Hideout that you can play along with.

    You kind of already do these things. Talk with the Npc and choose certain Dialog, you discover they might know something in the world. (They also tend to update few times a season as things change)

    Have other random NPCs appear in taverns or around the towns

    The Players/Pirates are the towns people who randomly appear.

  • @burnbacon you choosing to keg my ship doesn't take away the fact that I want more activities to do in the outpost and the extent of what they have now isn't enough. The other players that are in the server don't wander around the Outpost while I'm there. They steer clear or if they do show up, they're like you and trying to keg my ship. Maybe 1 out of 10 times it's a player offering a karma crate but I want something to interact with that isn't trying to kill me.

  • @deadlysaint88

    I honestly wouldn't hold my breath on this one, my friend. This topic has come up more than once on the forums and it never really gains any traction since the servers that host our sessions just don't have the processing power to keep up with that many moving parts on something so (forgive me for saying) trivial when combat, enemies and ship physics actually requires so much semi-regular upkeep to keep it as non-buggy as possible, with varying degrees of success lately.

    Outposts for the overwhelming majority of players exist for the purposes of spawning, restocking and selling with the occasional bit of shopping thrown in. Nothing more.

    The community who wants to sit around in the tavern and make small talk with the bartenders is such a miniscule and not terribly well-represented subset of the playerbase that it's not even remotely cost-effective for the development team to waste time doing the admittedly massive amount of over-hauling and coding that would be required to give the existing NPCs any more autonomy than they already have (which is to say, pre-programmed talking billboards), let alone add more of them.

    To be blunt, the point is that this game is SEA of Thieves. By its very design you're not supposed to be hanging around on any of the islands for extended periods of time eating dinner and talking to the locals about their hobbies and whatever exciting new gossip is buzzing around. You're supposed to be out in the water where ALL the things are happening. That's the whole point of why they moved the voyage system off the outposts, away from the NPCs and onto your ship's voyage table. You're supposed to be spending all your time there.

  • @thegrimpreacher I don't doubt it and I won't hold my breath. I see it more of as one of those things that if I never mention it, then there's 0% chance it will ever happen. So I try to do a search and see if things have been mentioned before and I didn't see anything on it so I said my 2 cents. I think that personally, Outposts could be more interesting.

  • I do get that rpg's can be immersive, but different people find different stuff immersive, and im not sure that rpg mechanics in a pirate sandbox quite hits the mark. Having more npc's is a popular request, but since most of the actual content of the game is far from the outposts, i dont think adding more features to them would make the game much more immersive, and having a bunch of mini games and a tavern keeper who talks to you would not be enough to keep me sitting around in the tavern. Im willing to bet ordering grog at the table wouldnt entice others to stick around in tavers either.

    This is not to say it is bad suggestions, just that its the wrong type of game for rpg style features since its gameplay is entirely different.

  • I think the more likely immersion we could see and is requested frequently is just filling the sea's with more sea life. It'd be nice to see more fish, turtles, whales, dolphins swimming around. None interactable of course.

  • SoT feels somewhat empty because it's nearly impossible for people to find it.

    Have games in the tavern (darts, five finger fillet, dominoes, checkers, cards, etc.)

    Why? Taverns are for waking up in. I can't recall the last time I've gone back into one after setting sail.

    Have more interaction from the Tavern Keeper (you sit down and they come over and ask if you want a drink, or piece of cooked meat)

    Again; Why? We catch and cook our own food.

    Could take it a step further and have items that will give you a small buff during your voyages

    No. I don't get why people are so dead set to add buffs to SoT.

    Have other random NPCs appear in taverns or around the towns/outposts.

    Again; The Sea of Thieves is nearly impossible to find. There's not a large mob of people coming in.

    Add immersive quests (you find a survivor on a shipwreck and have to give them a ride back to X Outpost.

    Once more; People don't find the Sea of Thieves. It's 'A crease in the map'. It's surrounded by deadly water. There's not 1000's of people sailing in and becoming shipwreck survivors or quest NPCs.

    Create an NPC merchant ship world event (that can be active during other events) that sails in a pattern between outposts

    See above regarding the fact that it's a secret place that people rarely find.

  • I think those are great ideas, and I would love to see them.
    Would generally love to have a more immersive world. as the game feels really artifical and empty like it is now.
    just adding ever more stuff to the ocean (like the ghost forts, the mermaid forts) just does not do it for me.
    I liked the game a lot more when mermaid and ghost forts where not there yet. Dont get me wrong, especially the mermaid locations are beautiful af and well crafted, but the sea has gotten too crowded for me in recent years. And not in the good way (like more players), but just overcrowed with too much stuff to do in too little space.
    What they should have done (at least) is move the new locations away from the center of the map, use the outskirts of the map more to open things up a little, instead of stuffing even more into the middle of it. But thats another thing. And ofc, they would have needed more ships per server for that, which they cant do bec server, so I get why they did it. I just think it was not a good solution still.

    SoT being a "hidden" place is no argument for me, as the game clearly indicates there are and always have been a ton of people on it. And even in present day there are more then 5 different factions on it, each with a ton of people. So, no, its not that "hidden".

    But as others pointed out, this will likely not happen, as the servers are constantly more or less on maximum capacity. I believe SoT suffers from the developers wanting to do more then the game can handle, and it has been like this for a while now.
    Maybe start thinking about SoT2 ?

  • If we can summon a group of skeletons anywhere in the game with a bonecaller, and have them walking around then it is easily possible to have unkillable NPCs walking around that have simple text dialogue.

    It's easily doable and to say it's not you have to be blind or stupid.

    You can even bring the Skull of Siren Song to Port Merrick and have a gang of skeletons chase you around the entire outpost with no extra lag. The game can easily sustain more NPCs that move about. They could even add a dozen randomly generated crowd pirates with little to no dialogue to each outpost just to liven up the place.

    It's honestly stupid that they've done nothing with this.

  • At this point, just adding NPCs inside the tavern would be enough for me. I'm tired, like everyone else, of how empty and sad the taverns seem. Doing the Tall Tales that have both taverns brimming with NPCs was so exciting and cool. I know that they have the processing power to add a few NPCs into outposts. If they can make Tall Tales have a plethora of npcs and you can have hoardes of skeletons chase you around forts, I highly doubt adding 5-8 npcs at taverns is gonna break the game worse than it is.

  • The game doesn't take place in the taverns. As long as your ship is parked/anchored, you're susceptible to being attacked by other players. It's like logging into World of Warcraft and never leaving the Inn, yet surprised no one is around. The game is out there on the sea, not the place where you sell/log in.

  • @europa4033

    Maybe they could add a function where your ship doesn't spawn in automatically until you go talk to the shipwright. Then you could spend as much time as you wanted at the Outpost when you start without worrying about being sunk by players when you login (just a thought). I wouldn't want them to go so far as to create a "safe zone" around the Outposts to keep your ship safe because when you're selling you're a prime target but if your ship is new with no loot then I'm sure they could figure something out.

  • @deadlysaint88 Seems fun, nice suggestion

  • @deadlysaint88 That's why logging into a social hub/Sea Dog Tavern would be awesome. You could look for open crews there, utilize a crew browser feature at a table, check shops, check commendations, and just hang out with other people. Then from there one could choose which outpost they want to spawn at by walking through a specific door with respective tavern name above it.

  • @thamb0 I like the idea of a social hub tavern!

  • @deadlysaint88

    I see a lot of people here being quite negative and asking "why?" a lot here, So I would just like to pop in and say "Why not?". Sure some of these things have been asked for before, and It may never appear in the game but honestly you never know what is just around the corner!

    Even just implementing one of these cool little ideas could be enjoyable, like a band playing in the corner of the tavern - maybe even just for an event - christmas carols perhaps - I really don't see the need for all the negativity here!

    OP you keep bringing your positive energy to this forum! It's a breath of fresh air!

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  • @deadlysaint88 Perhaps they will add more NPCs at some point. But minigames? I doubt it.

  • @bekkbloodaxe96 Thanks!

  • I absolutely want something like this... the world of SOT doesn't need to be the pinnacle of immersion, but having something that brings it to life is really necessary.

    NPCs asking for help, doing activities, proposing special missions, anything that takes us out of the routine of buying supplies, doing missions and selling.

    Other RPG aspects I would like would be the ability to give our characters a backstory, create a Name to use instead of a Gamertag, make side-choice decisions that determine character traits, more interaction with the world and its story.I find it bizarre to arrive at Reapers Hideout with maximum level and this doesn't mean anything within the plot, or to fight for both sides and no one questions me about it...

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