Shrouded Ghost

  • I'd like to bring this topic up as I feel enough is enough. I've only met a handful of people who believe they've seen the shrouded ghost and a lot have the tragic story of missing it due to the fact that they were playing with new players. In my years of playing (from launch) I'm yet to see one. The true tragedy is I'm a commendation hunter, and that 1 gap in the commendations is like dangling the carrot that you'll never get. It's cruel. It's important to note that If I ever got it, it wouldn't stop me playing the game. Each season there's something new and the team have done a great job at making the game as entertaining as it is.

    To delve deeper, we've all discussed the rumours. Does it spawn in fog? Does it spawn with music? Does it just so happen to spawn on new players only? This one I think has some merit given the amount of stories I've heard. If true, how about us older players who have put in the time whenever we have a spare moment? I know others as well that have managed to find it but it seems they needed a vpn to do it. I'm based in Australia, and it seems from the people I've encountered that the Australians (and Kiwi's) are the ones like myself that haven't seen it. Genuine question, but do the percentages of it spawning reset if a server gets shut down or merged?

    We've been here from the beginning.
    Put it this way. Hunters call. Whats the spawn rate on a rare fish? I say make it the same.

    What I'd like to see is enough people liking this thread, pushing it, and others creating something similar to get the attention of the developers to have this drastically adjusted. Rare, please listen. You have a great game but I think it's gone a bit too far.

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  • I have never heard of anyone missing one just cause they were playing with a new player, i dont even know how that works.

    As it is the shrouded ghost is intended to be so rare that most people dont ever find it, that is by design, and is in no way "going too far" since it is not ruining the game or gameplay in some way by making it so rare. It might be frustrating if you are hunting commendations, but people who try to get every commendation ever are a very rare breed, and catering to that uncommon play style for this ruins what makes the shrouded ghost special. I have yet to find one my self, but if they change the odds of it spawning in any way then finding it will no longer be special.

  • Look at the box of secrets. They cheesed it out and now nobody really focuses much on it. People are stacking them on boats and for what? they only have the rarity for significance, without rarity there is no significance. They are memes now, not awesome organic/chance encounters. People have to say "this isn't one of the event/exploit ones", that cheapens the experience.

    We have one thing left in this game that hasn't been beyond cheesed and it's the shrouded ghost, let's keep the one thing with universal significance, significant.

    The ghost and the box of secrets were the only things outside all that social media status chasing stuff. True rewards for chance encounters, not a bunch of contrived and manipulated and cliquey nonsense. Good old fashioned significance through rarity. It could happen to anyone, beautiful.

    We lost the box of secrets, only hurts the game to sacrifice the shrouded ghost.

    The one thing left where it doesn't matter how long someone has played or who they clique up with or how skilled they are or aren't. A true reward for adventuring.

  • @goldsmen Hey Gold, you seemed very quick to respond to this which makes me think you are quite passionate about this. You bring up a valid point meaning that it needs to be rare, but it doesn't have to go as far as being myth. The vast majority of players are casual, so commendation hunting is virtually impossible for them. If you cater for the majority which are casual players, then you're right. For those who love the game however and play SOT over anything else however, they are the ones missing out. There's a difference between rare and mythical unicorn.

    I stand by my statement. This needs to be reviewed. There will come a time that people will look at rare games and say, why start if you can't finish. 1 in 10000 dpawn rate is rich, but I'd wager that I've seen more than 10000 in my 6 years of playing and not as yet seen 1. Rare wants is to find and kill 5?
    C'mon man.

  • @wolfmanbush completely agree. Nothing worse than having a goal only to find that you're 3/4 of the way there and for the developers to lessen it. Last seasons 250 shark kills with double barrel reduced to 25 was a waste of my time given I'd nearly achieved it before they changed it.

    This is something entirely different though. I can only speak for myself and people I play with. Each of us have searched specifically for this for countless hours and not once, not a single one of us have seen it. We're not talking weeks, we're talking 6 years. The developers havent developed something rare, they've created a myth.

    As I said, I'm in Australia with far less servers than the northern hemisphere. I'd like to see the stats on people here compared to busy servers but again that's just speculation.

  • @lord-mmoll said in Shrouded Ghost:

    The developers havent developed something rare, they've created a myth.

    You just haven't found it yet

    just means you have something to look forward to.

    every treasure just becomes stuff when you find it

    that journey, that hunt, that adventure, that's the meaning, that's the significance

    it's a real good reason to get out of bed in the morning and a real good reason to try again.

    a 5 shrouded ghost requirement in this game means there is always a reason, always a good day to try, always something to look forward to when everything else is just stuff.

    I have over 8k Rare confirmed megs in this game, hundreds more unconfirmed. I don't need the ghost, I just want the adventure and the hunt. It can be about the adventure for you too

    I have 3 more to go, you have 5 or whatever you want. A lot of reason to still adventure there.

  • @wolfmanbush prove it. Also, are you in Aus or northern hemisphere?

  • @lord-mmoll said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @wolfmanbush prove it. Also, are you in Aus or northern hemisphere?

    Why do you think that matters? (just curious)

    There are lots of players in NA and other places that have over 10k adventure hours without one. Even more at the 5k+ hour mark

  • @wolfmanbush because it brings up 2 valid points. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any Aussies with shrouded ghost, and secondly there's plenty of people who 'caught that big fish' that they brag about and have no proof.

    In real life everyone's got that story of the big one they caught. If it is real they have a photo and it's in their wallet in front of the picture of their kids. If it's not then it's just that. A tall tale.

    I know people who have seen them but they had to go to NA servers. None on aussie ones.

  • @lord-mmoll said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @wolfmanbush because it brings up 2 valid points. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any Aussies with shrouded ghost, and secondly there's plenty of people who 'caught that big fish' that they brag about and have no proof.

    In real life everyone's got that story of the big one they caught. If it is real they have a photo and it's in their wallet in front of the picture of their kids. If it's not then it's just that. A tall tale.

    I know people who have seen them but they had to go to NA servers. None on aussie ones.

    You could search shrouded ghost on twitter and probably find multiple. Season 11 had a bunch early on in the season.

    Meg spawns are generally terrible this season so that isn't good for shrouded spawns but in general people upload their encounters regularly, including on other popular platforms as well.

  • @lord-mmoll Aussie here. Yeah I was lucky enough to get a shrouded ghost on an aussie server early in season 12 while going between sea forts (grinding phantom kills) for a relatively long session. That was my one and only encounter and I have played ~ 2000hrs since launch.

  • @lord-mmoll said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @goldsmen Hey Gold, you seemed very quick to respond to this which makes me think you are quite passionate about this. You bring up a valid point meaning that it needs to be rare, but it doesn't have to go as far as being myth. The vast majority of players are casual, so commendation hunting is virtually impossible for them. If you cater for the majority which are casual players, then you're right. For those who love the game however and play SOT over anything else however, they are the ones missing out. There's a difference between rare and mythical unicorn.

    I stand by my statement. This needs to be reviewed. There will come a time that people will look at rare games and say, why start if you can't finish. 1 in 10000 dpawn rate is rich, but I'd wager that I've seen more than 10000 in my 6 years of playing and not as yet seen 1. Rare wants is to find and kill 5?
    C'mon man.

    I am one of those people who loves the game, and to me the thing being so rare that i know i may never even get one, is what makes it special in my eyes. Knowing i might not ever get it is the only thing that makes me want to get it, and if ever i do eventually get one spawned on me, because of its rarity, in my eyes, that will be a very special moment.

    Achievement hunting is not a bad thing, but not every game is made for people to complete everything, even among people who are passionate about the game, because of how this game is designed, completing every commendation is not at the top of most peoples priority list. So changing one thing that is in a state that makes it very special to ever get it for the sake of a very niche play style might not be the way to go about it. I do understand why you would be frustrated, i just dont agree with increasing its spawn rate since its rarity is the only thing that makes the shrouded ghost special to most players.

    In contrast i have met 2 people who killed a shrouded ghost in their first weeks of playing, and since they had gotten one so soon on, they didnt care about the thing, it wasnt special to them since it was so early on that they didnt even know it was special at the time. That is a serious contrast with the way most people perceive the shrouded ghost, all because to them it doesnt seem that rare.

  • My crew and I got one last month.

    There is music.

    We managed to kill it. We cooked it perfectly and we ate that damn thing cause holy smokes has that been something we've been wanting for ages.

    Getting 5 of them for the commendation is just... insane.

    It's just seriously low in terms of spawns. I worry about the spawn rate being affected with future updates coming.

    I personally don't think they should up the rates due to it nullifying the achievement of those who have seen this legendary beast.

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