PVP Fight

  • Please make sure that you can't be raided by other players in the PVP fight, please keep this a 1 vs 1 and the players who move into the circle should drop after a certain time. Otherwise you often play 2vs1

  • 32
  • Please make sure that you can't be raided by other players in the PVP fight

    But...Hourglass isn't a Sole 1 v 1, it just Instant Pvp in an Open World.

    and the players who move into the circle should drop after a certain time.

    drop? like...what?

    Otherwise you often play 2vs1

    I bet if the ball was in your court, you wouldnt be complaining. :P

  • @burnbacon sagte in PVP Fight:

    Please make sure that you can't be raided by other players in the PVP fight

    But...Hourglass isn't a Sole 1 v 1, it just Instant Pvp in an Open World.

    and the players who move into the circle should drop after a certain time.

    drop? like...what?

    They drop like in PVP when you leave the circle

    Otherwise you often play 2vs1

    I bet if the ball was in your court, you wouldnt be complaining. :P

    It has also happened several times that another ship has helped us there, sure at first you think nice thanks, but I still don't think it's the point of the thing if you are looking for a 1 vs 1 PVP match (there is no other choice) and then have to fight against several ships instead

  • @wed7x

    Please make sure that you can't be raided by other players in the PVP fight

    No, because it's not meant to be a 1v1 fight. it's a quick math for open world combat.

    please keep this a 1 vs 1

    It's not meant to be a guaranteed 1v1. So no.

    the players who move into the circle should drop after a certain time

    No they should not, because it's not meant to be a 1v1 arena fight.

  • I agree with the OP here. As fun as it might be to have backup for all of the five minutes it takes the interloper to destroy your competition (assuming they even decide to go for your opponent first), it's annoying when it then inevitably turns into another slug fest with the new guy (which only gets worse if your hourglass matchmaking pings with a new opponent) afterward. Nine times out of ten, the person interrupting the hourglass fight isn't there to pick sides, they are a vulture who's there to pick off one side before jumping the other side and walking away with easy spoils.

  • @felix-ashur

    You can agree with the OP all you want, but the devs have said Hourglass is a means to quickly find open world battles.
    Open World battles mean the chance that more people will wander by and join in.

    Hourglass is not, and will never be, a 1v1 arena mode.

  • @guildar9194

    They also said that Safer Seas would never and should never exist. We also had arena at one point. SoT is has never been an unchanging game and it seems unreasonable to believe that it should be one.

  • I genuinely wonder how common or not common it is post season 10ish

    Pvp hoppers for treasure are looking for pve targets and typically don't value a hg fight.

    Random adventurers are typically doing their own thing.

    People like me outside of metas don't interrupt HG fights even when I am right around them.

    There are "common courtesy" players that let Hg fighters figure it out.

    No doubt it happens sometimes but so few are even looking to get involved in HG fights in SoT these days.

    Between BB, cofs in fotd, siren song, and general pve grinding I just don't see a lot of players interrupting it.

    A lot of the fight areas are in spots of the map that go very long amounts of time without any real player activity (low traffic).

  • @wolfmanbush
    I don't believe it's common either, tbh. Though, I do believe it's worth considering an approach to it as it really doesn't add to the mode/function and only seems to take away from it. Afterall, why go to hourglass for your PvP when it's much more efficiant to just jump someone who's either running hourglass themselves or pve-ing? All the rewards with none of the risk and only half the effort.

  • @felix-ashur

    Rare never said there wouldn’t be a safer seas. Just no pve servers. Safer seas is a poor excuse for what rare would do. They said it a tutorial and family friendly “mode”

  • I may not play much HG anymore, but I rarely see this happening anymore. It’s becoming more of a common curtesy to let them sort it out and leave them alone or wait till the winner is decided. there’s several unspoken rules in the game that most of the player base follow: leave tall tale players alone and the athena’s fortune hideout is sacred ground. Not everyone seems to get the message however, so unfortunately you just have to deal with it

  • @burnbacon said in PVP Fight:


    Rare never said there wouldn’t be a safer seas. Just no pve servers. Safer seas is a poor excuse for what rare would do. They said it a tutorial and family friendly “mode”

    Safer seas are pve servers, really bad ones but still. A tutorial is supposed to have a clear beginning and end to it. Maiden voyage is a tutorial, safer sea isn't. Saying that it's just a tutorial is just cope from Rare/players.

  • @lord-budstep

    Show me the description where safer seas says “pve server”

  • @burnbacon said in PVP Fight:


    Show me the description where safer seas says “pve server”

    Show me pvp in safer seas that isn't just team killing?

    No 1v1 guarantees for the topic.

  • Hourglass is not supposed to be exclusively 1v1, it was supposed to be pvp on demand, and used to allow third party rep until some bad apples ruined that for everyone, and barring people entering the circle could literally just stop people from being able to do what ever they need to at an island that could be within it.

    Consider if you were doing a tall tale, veil, vault, or manifest quest, and the next place you need to get to happens to be in an hourglass circle you cant enter. You would just be stuck waiting for however long it might take.

  • @burnbacon said in PVP Fight:


    Show me the description where safer seas says “pve server”

    Well, let's see... You literally can't pvp in them and all pvp related commendations, factions, and mechanics are disabled. Friendly fire from weapons that have always had friendly fire still exists, but that's literally it (and no, that does not constitute pvp by any stretch of the word).

  • Without fail the same people who barely/don't play hourglass comment in all hourglass related threads reiterating how it shouldn't be changed because this was done by design.

    Well Rare has changed a lot of things and this is one that I agree needs to be changed. The majority of active players do not like their matches interrupted and would prefer not to have outside involvement in a 1v1 match. It would take more resources and more work so unfortunately it's likely not going to happen.

  • @cainbong said in PVP Fight:

    Without fail the same people who barely/don't play hourglass comment in all hourglass related threads reiterating how it shouldn't be changed because this was done by design.

    Well Rare has changed a lot of things and this is one that I agree needs to be changed. The majority of active players do not like their matches interrupted and would prefer not to have outside involvement in a 1v1 match. It would take more resources and more work so unfortunately it's likely not going to happen.

    Yes, it should not be changed, not because it is not favorable for hourglass, but because making the circle an exclusion zone affects more than just hourglass.

    Everyone has a right to state their opinion on the matters, especially if it is something that can affect them. I have never seen anyone justify why an hourglass zone should bar people who are doing quests from their quests island if it falls in the circle. Why should other people have to stop what they are doing to wait for a match to end? Most people who pass through an hourglass zone arnt there to third party for a laugh, so the many who enter the zone to do their own thing should not be punished because a few people think its a laugh to step in.

    Even if you strip back the concept that hourglass is not exclusively stated to be a 1v1 on demand but just pvp on demand, ignoring that, you cant really justify an exclusion zone for the stated reasons, any time that has been brought up it is generally ignored until the next post requesting the exact same exclusion zones while ignoring the exact same problem and not addressing it.

  • @cainbong TBH, most times I have had a third party. You have a short alliance with the third party before continuing. Yes, it takes more resources but makes for a more enjoyable and memorable fight. This is what Hourglass should be: an open-world encounter but on demand. You're not opting in for a 1v1 (or whatever) but rather a PVP encounter with the same-size ship in an open world. but like you said I doubt Rare would invest any time particularly atm into hourglass instead it looks like how it is it will be for the foreseeable future.

  • @goldsmen

    I never mentioned anything about an exclusion zone, as I agree that would not work.

    I feel hourglass should be it's own instance like Arena was. You should enter an exclusive zone not connected to adventure in any way and I feel you shouldn't have to sail to an outpost to lower your streak or at least have a direct path to an outpost after a win, just like when you lose and are merged to an outpost it should be the same when you win in order to re-supply, and sell flags and have the option to lower uninterrupted.

  • @hurtwillcam10

    Most people who play hourglass do not feel that way. I know a few who like the aspect but the vast majority of regular hourglass players and new players alike do not want an interruption in a match from a random ship in a 1v1 battle.

    Sure there are some fun moments I've had with it, but usually (95% of the time) it's a nuisance that ruins an otherwise fun battle where both parties agree to reset and sink the invader (usually a swabbie crew) and it is a waste of time and supplies, as well as the integrity and reward of the intended fight is lost for both the ships and neither feels like they've truly won.

    I felt this way from the beginning and still do after completing all the commendations for both factions.

  • @cainbong said in PVP Fight:


    I never mentioned anything about an exclusion zone, as I agree that would not work.

    I feel hourglass should be it's own instance like Arena was. You should enter an exclusive zone not connected to adventure in any way and I feel you shouldn't have to sail to an outpost to lower your streak or at least have a direct path to an outpost after a win, just like when you lose and are merged to an outpost it should be the same when you win in order to re-supply, and sell flags and have the option to lower uninterrupted.

    My bad, i mistook that comment as a broad dismissive statement, but all people do still have a right to their opinion without it being brushed off for not being active in hourglass.

    An isolated instance would probably have a very bad result for the hourglass for the same reason why it was what killed arena, and thats the reason why they actively chose not to make isolated instances for hourglass. Unless it was in an adventure instance in an area far away from where any activity would be it probably wont be easy to prevent third party while keeping hourglass from shutting down. Though trove play could also be brought into question with that.

    Personally my take is that third party rep should return since the first weeks it was like a proper war, but any found doing a full alliance server can either get their rep reset, or possibly different scale bans for repeat offenses. But if they did that there should be much more in world such as renewing the old sea fort claiming system in some regard. There are many ways that could be used ranging from having to claim all in a server to gain a rep boost upon total claim while people can still raid, to a server wide rep boost for the dominating faction.

    But as it stands i dont think the 1v1 thing people are trying to go for now will be very good for it. Its already long stale and everyone expects everyone else to play near the exact same way hoping the other one slips up first, which is testament to the fact that it is going stale and needs a serious look at again more than just isolating them.

  • @goldsmen

    It wasn't meant to dismiss it entirely, but the comments I'm reading are from people who barely have played hourglass and they tend to be the most vocal reiterating the same tired cliches about a mode again they barely play. I question the authenticity of some of the casuals as I hear differently from people who only play hourglass and they find the adventure mode to be stale and repeat the things I've been saying here.

  • This is how the game developers intended it to be Wed7x. They didn't want to dedicate a seperate server for HG, and as such, it takes place in Adventure on the open sea, meaning anyone on that server can 3rd party it. It's currently never happened to me (yet), but I'm sure at some point it will.

  • @felix-ashur

    Well, let's see... You literally can't pvp in them and all pvp related commendations, factions, and mechanics are disabled. Friendly fire from weapons that have always had friendly fire still exists, but that's literally it (and no, that does not constitute pvp by any stretch of the word).

    You can pvp though. Just takes a little extra work. You and your crew are players, thus Player vs Player can be a thing. Blunderbomb reach other, Poison darts, Keg mishaps, firebombs explosions. Crews can kill each other, so..PvP, and it still part of the Pvpve are.a ^_^

    So where does Safer Seas say PvE Server, nobody can find it.
    ANYWAYS! Remaining on topic.

    The sole reason behind Hourglass was for players not wanting to spend hours sailing around looking for another player who wishes to fight. They gave us Instant Pvp, and to add a little spice they gave rewards. sadly rewards that many people want but dont wanna put in the work, WHICH is fine you dont have to grind, it only locks you out of a few commendations which also requires pvp...
    But if your playing HG just for the curses...might just have to wait until they add an alternate way to earn them.
    (maybe a bigger grind and harder but will be pve releated)

    The whole, HG should be 1v1 argument is silly. Nobody really wants that. They want pvp, combat and if another ship. If it be NPC or player decides to come into the battle, so be it.
    Im curious tho. Say you dive and find a player who was doing a Fort, and decides to shoot you with said Towers. You gonna say that isn't fair? Maybe you fight around Smugglers island, :p
    You are still in Open world, things are gonna happen as if you didnt use Hourglass to start a fight. Everything is fair in battle, someone sails in to fight with or against you. Maybe both of you might team up to sink them so you can carry on with your fight?

    Who to say.

  • @burnbacon thats enough strawman and very streched semantic to create crew for at least two galleons.

  • @ghutar
    Nooo kidding there. I know that's kinda their thing, but my gosh, this is a whole new level of it. Reminds me why I gotta stop replying to them, tbh.

  • [mod edit]

    Appart from the few "tutorial" text boxes, that also appear on high seas, safer seas doesn't teach you anything. You have to figure things out on your own, just like on the high seas. Yet we are not calling high seas a tutorial, are we?!

    [mod edit]

  • @lord-budstep said in PVP Fight:

    [mod edit]

    Appart from the few "tutorial" text boxes, that also appear on high seas, safer seas doesn't teach you anything. You have to figure things out on your own, just like on the high seas. Yet we are not calling high seas a tutorial, are we?!

    [mod edit]

    Not really a tutorial but a stepping stone.
    As said in their official video here:

    As for hourglass it's PvP on demand not a 1v1 and people already forgot that the system rewards hoarding treasure.
    The problem is the system is unrewarding and people focus more on the PvP on demand ending with that system being forgotten.
    And I hate how people are still trying to kill you and sink you after they had lost or how the system always kicks you out of the server even if you didn't sink because of a player or a match.

  • @astralenigma You can call it however you want, doesn't change the fact that they are PVE servers. But Rare didnt use that name because it would be them admitting that they went against their vision and didnt keep their word about never adding PVE servers. It would also upset all the people who whined over and over to restrict the mode as much as possible when they announced safer seas.

    Anyway, this will be my last reply as it's not related to the topic of the post.

  • @lord-budstep Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @look-behind-you rolls on deck laughing

    Wasn't insulting anyone, but sure.
    I will submit a ticket about this because I'm tired of you abusing your authority to silence people you disagree with.

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