Twitch Drops -WATCH, ENJOY & GET REWARDED - November 15th - 18th (10am UTC).

  • Update!

    Twitch Drops are live. Watch a SoT Partner for one hour per item before November 18th, 10am UTC:

    🍺 Stalwart Sea Dog Spyglass
    🪢 Eastern Winds Ruby Belt
    👢 Eastern Winds Ruby Boots
    👗 Eastern Winds Ruby Dress

    One week from today you'll be able to claim even more Twitch Drops! Tune in to any Partnered Sea of Thieves stream for one hour per item, from November 15th - 18th (10am UTC).

    🔗 Details:

  • 6
  • Will the onyx bucket and shovel ever make a return? I begg lol

  • @teddywit-ak47 who knows?

  • @legendary-liz \

    I Literally Have all the cosmetics for the black SEA DOGS. OBSIDIAN, ONYX, everything but the Capstand. :( I have been playing this game for years. I hope to be lucky and get it one day. But until then, I am minus one item to finish the coolest sets in the game.

  • @raging-beastman i would love the bucket and shovel. Dont see anyway to obtain it glad to see a way to optain the capstan.

  • @legendary-liz i was hoping you did lol just looking for opportunity to obtain like the capstan.

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