100 percent in the game. Here is a couple suggestions I have to help the game.

  • I have been playing awhile now and I have watched many people come and go. Lately more than ever people are dropping this game. I understand making things easy for casual players is good but what makes this game fun long term is being thief on the seas. That's the end game of this game not pirate legend. With all the new updates that makes it harder and harder to do. People just get a few things then leave servers. If you do happen to find someone they just run to sovereigns and sell it all in a minute before you can do anything. That is something I think can be an easy fix. Just like with the burning blade you can prevent people from selling if there is a boat not in alliance within a square of two of you. You can still sell the old fashion way to the factions but not sovereigns. That will prevent trolls from just getting close preventing selling. So you either sink boat near or sell the old fashion way. Also I think stacking loot should have some incentive. Have it work like hg selling a high stack of items stack to sovereign before you sell loot same as loot though if boat is near can't lower that. Might be difficult but will bring back some stacking. Even as a pveer that was what made game fun. Risking it all. I have more but let's see if this goes anywhere. Now when it comes to the new weapons I'm not happy throwing so much out there after nothing for years but one thing you can do is treat weapons like the blow pipes. Sniper can switch to grappling gun. Pistol to double pistol. Sword to knives. Grappling is the main one though should either be tool or a secondary ammo for sniper. Only thing I have to say about hg is get rid of tall tale selection on main screen and substitute with hg. When clicking that you can get thrown into busy hg servers. I would rather lose fights because I got thrown into a server across the world than not get any fights. If you want to make sure you are in appropriate server just start game in higher seas and do hg the regular way. One more thing something you went a way from is having monthly events to get cosmetics. Now you just put it in for everyone to buy after commendations but doing quick events keeps people coming back. Stuff like siren song good idea but it loses interest after a week or two so doing events like you used to brings people back constantly to get something new or rare. Ok that is all I have for now. Hope you like the ideas.

  • 12
  • Just like with the burning blade you can prevent people from selling if there is a boat not in alliance within a square of two of you.

    Yeah. Sounds good on paper than we will simply have people camping outposts, and against players who just wanna grab and sell but cant because of a "passing ship"

    You can still sell the old fashion way to the factions but not sovereigns.

    Nice. if done right it plausible but still...you will have those who just hate that overall. Like the ones who get upset when the Capt of the ship disconnects and lose Captain ship perks xD

    Its kind of forcing players to pvp at this point, players (like myself) dont wanna be forced. If you cant sink me before I sell, you lost :)

  • Your not forced at all in this game to pvp they even have safer seas now. If you are on the high seas there should be more of a challenge turning in loot. I didn't mention this in post but I feel that they should have sloop only servers also. So if you are out solo slooping you don't have to worry about a brig or Gally rolling up on you. If I see a sloop I don't even waste my time. That will make things more balanced. Seeing a brig or gally running to outpost unloading everything real quick then lowering is what annoys me. Should have to fight for it when not out manned.

  • @klear-kote you absolutely would be forced into pvp with your suggestions. When i first started playing this game, I had a ton of free time and wouldn't have minded those changes, but I don't have that free time anymore and would quit playing again if they prevented selling loot just because another player ship was nearby. Unless they make safer seas the same as high seas in every way but pvp, there's already enough limits to safer seas without feeling obligated to play there because people's would absolutely camp those sites. Source? I had someone camp a skeleton fort for 2 hours in year one waiting for us to come back.

  • @burnbacon said in 100 percent in the game. Here is a couple suggestions I have to help the game.:

    You can still sell the old fashion way to the factions but not sovereigns.

    Nice. if done right it plausible but still...you will have those who just hate that overall. Like the ones who get upset when the Capt of the ship disconnects and lose Captain ship perks xD

    yeah im gonna actually disagree with you on the "selling to factions is a good idea" angle, me and some friends played regularly and whenever we would play we'd do like a couple sea forts a dive skeelle camp get quite a bit of loot and then to stop things spawning on our behinds we would sell and talk about what we do after we sell in game, like imediatly after selling, but when we finish selling we all just log off so its kinda a session killer

  • @klear-kote said in 100 percent in the game. Here is a couple suggestions I have to help the game.:

    Your not forced at all in this game to pvp they even have safer seas now. If you are on the high seas there should be more of a challenge turning in loot. I didn't mention this in post but I feel that they should have sloop only servers also. So if you are out solo slooping you don't have to worry about a brig or Gally rolling up on you. If I see a sloop I don't even waste my time. That will make things more balanced. Seeing a brig or gally running to outpost unloading everything real quick then lowering is what annoys me. Should have to fight for it when not out manned.

    I love the idea of a sloop only server that would make playing a load better and might even entice players to go for the full high seas experience rather than "oh you want to get to level 26? well you need to go on full blown high seas" have a little "dip your toe in" kinda mode, maybe even be able to get a few players who might want to do full high seas but dont have enough friends who want to do high seas

  • @klear-kote
    100% ?!? Do you have Top Grade in Shrouded Megs vanquished?

  • @li-jratt-li

    I would actually bypass that stat.
    That is a stupid stat to consider in the 100% completion, yes on paper its not 100%, but lets no delude ourselves here.
    7 Years and there is still not a single known player that has had all 5 shrouded ghosts slain, did I mention SEVEN YEARS by the way?

    I too could make a game with a stat that is near impossible to achieve outside of sheer 1/100,000,000 luck to get just so people can claim that no one has even completed the game, but it can be 'completed'... With a WILD RNG factor...
    I've known and seen players nearing the 10k hour mark of the game and have yet to encounter a single shrouded, so go figure...
    I digress.

  • @veronik5682 Sooo... 99.9% completion.

  • @veronik5682 said in 100 percent in the game. Here is a couple suggestions I have to help the game.:


    I would actually bypass that stat.
    That is a stupid stat to consider in the 100% completion, yes on paper its not 100%, but lets no delude ourselves here.
    7 Years and there is still not a single known player that has had all 5 shrouded ghosts slain, did I mention SEVEN YEARS by the way?

    I too could make a game with a stat that is near impossible to achieve outside of sheer 1/100,000,000 luck to get just so people can claim that no one has even completed the game, but it can be 'completed'... With a WILD RNG factor...
    I've known and seen players nearing the 10k hour mark of the game and have yet to encounter a single shrouded, so go figure...
    I digress.

    ^^this. I'm at 10k hours in the game. Have yet to see a meg. Boxyfresh just encountered one at 13k hours, so I have hope. Last achievement I need.

  • @li-jratt-li said in 100 percent in the game. Here is a couple suggestions I have to help the game.:

    @veronik5682 Sooo... 99.9% completion.

    So RARE can claim their game has so much things to do that no player has ever achieved 100% completion of it. When a lot of players are at 99% already.
    Smoke and mirrors really.
    One shrouded meg is extremely rare to comeby, but 2? Yet alone 5?

    The closest player I heard from getting the 5/5 achievement was a Frenchman that had a community that would invite him to there play session to kill a shrouded if it was available to do so.
    HE had 4 Shrouded ghosts slained out of 5. And quit the game earlier this year because of frustration of bugs/lag and direction of the game turned him off.

    That being said , I wonder if RARE will publicly acknowledged if someone manages to slain all 5.
    And I wonder who else have 4/5 shrouded slain.

5 out of 12