What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?

  • Hey guys with most of us playing the Alpha and now moving on to the Beta, what would you guys like to see in the game. These guys have done an amazing job making this game and many of us, (myself included) have already pre - ordered. So tell me folks what you would like to see or even seen that you was impressed by. I know for myself I loved the water effect and how well the sky's work in this. My all time favorite thing is getting the sails lined up correctly and they all snap into the wind. Id like to see what add ons are to come and other missions due to come.

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  • I would love to see something like an A Capella option instead of just instruments. I love listening to the ship right hum the We Shall Sail Together song and it has been making me want that as an option for my pirate.

  • @lifewcoke said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    I would love to see something like an A Capella option instead of just instruments. I love listening to the ship right hum the We Shall Sail Together song and it has been making me want that as an option for my pirate.

    this is a fantastic idea, id also like them to laugh etc with the emotes, but sure that will come

  • For me, current love for sea sky and storm, i spent countless hours in the storm honing my skills there and the whole feel of the lightning and rough sea gave great feelings. In regards of more I'd start with weather, fog and light rain would be good and some variation on sailing conditions. I always found the waters too calm (thus i turned to the storm).
    Really though where do you start for additional content:

    Ships - more variety and a full customisation array (sails, paint, emblems, figureheads, upgradable interiors, the choice is endless)

    Minigames - I'm talking cards, dice, arm wrestling, fishing. All the "just for laughs" gameplay.

    More life - including land, sea and air. There are so few birds and fish it all feels quite empty.

    Stuff - by far the most important to me is things. Not useful just stuff. Instruments, cosmetics, food, drink (where's my rum) all those little things that you CAN live without but that add that extra detail.

    Honestly you need a separate thread for each area there is that much content that could be implemented without impacting game diversity or mechanics.

    For now i shall just wait for beta and see what has changed from alpha.

  • @laughsmaniacaly said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    For me, current love for sea sky and storm, i spent countless hours in the storm honing my skills there and the whole feel of the lightning and rough sea gave great feelings. In regards of more I'd start with weather, fog and light rain would be good and some variation on sailing conditions. I always found the waters too calm (thus i turned to the storm).
    Really though where do you start for additional content:

    Ships - more variety and a full customisation array (sails, paint, emblems, figureheads, upgradable interiors, the choice is endless)

    Minigames - I'm talking cards, dice, arm wrestling, fishing. All the "just for laughs" gameplay.

    More life - including land, sea and air. There are so few birds and fish it all feels quite empty.

    Stuff - by far the most important to me is things. Not useful just stuff. Instruments, cosmetics, food, drink (where's my rum) all those little things that you CAN live without but that add that extra detail.

    Honestly you need a separate thread for each area there is that much content that could be implemented without impacting game diversity or mechanics.

    For now i shall just wait for beta and see what has changed from alpha.

    This is really good ideas. As for the wild life I know there is deffo more to come. The storms yeah I totally agree. The mini games is definitely a big topic amongst us all. I also know there is more customisation coming costumes etc so this will be included

  • @commando-slippy for the customisation to me, it's it's all about maaking your pirate stand out, something that identifies you over others.
    For ships it's that same extention. I will be incredibly disappointed if the options are restricted to sail and hull colours,it needs to feel like a part of me.

  • More Sinbad monsters!
    alt text

  • @laughsmaniacaly agreed but I also heard there will be ship mods on way. If you also noticed there was a blank sign above the captains quarters making me believe the ships can be named. If you also noticed each ship had different details on bows etc, this also makes me think it can be nodded to how you like it.

  • @vantavia said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    More Sinbad monsters!
    alt text

    Anything in mind haha

  • @commando-slippy
    cyclops, manscorpion, giant vulture, minotaur, giant lizard, golem made to look like a Hindu god, you get the idea.

  • @vantavia all brilliant ideas. I like it I’d like to see maybe a boss like Davy Jones or something appear or a ghost ship like the dead one floating around

  • @commando-slippy The Flying Dutchman, a ghost ship that would appear in the distance after sailing for a long time. Would be an awesome detail!

  • A player based market to sell and trade goods

  • @doubledg8 I’m sure I seen that mentioned

  • @doubledg8 said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    A player based market to sell and trade goods
    We meant to be getting ablitily to do trade with tobacco food and grog

  • @allfader121 said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    @commando-slippy The Flying Dutchman, a ghost ship that would appear in the distance after sailing for a long time. Would be an awesome detail!

    That be good I’d like something like that. Or even a world boss that takes the whole server to down

  • Davy Jones or something appear or a ghost ship like the dead one floating around

    and until they are sent back to their wet grave the spawn times are doubled! So everybody has a reason to engage it.

  • New ships and weapon skins even if it’s just cosmetic I would love to be able to change the look of my ship and my weapons

  • @zombie-p1ague said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    New ships and weapon skins even if it’s just cosmetic I would love to be able to change the look of my ship and my weapons

    The ship cosmetics is coming don’t worry on that

  • I'm not sure how the mechanics work for when you lose your ship or if you travel a certain distance away from it, (i think you teleport or spawn a new ship) but i'd love to able to stay hidden on an enemy ship that's sailing away or be marooned on an island.

    I'd also love it if i could build a raft or rowboat with spare planks. I'm not a fan of swimming in the shark infested waters when travelling from ship to land.

  • More Grog!

  • For me the feeling of immsersion is perfect in the game. I can play for hours just sailing alone doing nothing, it is spot on. The one thing I would like to see in the Beta is the assurance that we will see a lot more content to unlock or progress to in the Launch Game.

  • Oh man... If they add fishing and do it well, I may never log off the game! lol

    And as to more wildlife, I'd love to see a pod of dolphin running along with my ship while we're at a full clip! Racing along, hopping in and out of the bow wake! So awesome! I've always loved when that's happened in real life while I've been in deep water. :)

  • @commando-slippy I would like to see a bad karma option. I have been sailing the seas on my own and been attacked often by a four crew ship. Allthough it is part of the game, it makes it too easy for big crews to earn stuff. What I would like is that the quests that those crew do get more difficult. So more sharks circling around the boat. The skeletons getting more aggressive. More cannons fired by skeleteons on the islands. And finally a kraken rising from the ocean and taking the ship down :-)

  • NPC navy and big Island with town and port or social hub with town and taverns before we load into servers ☠

  • @commando-slippy i did see in some of the youtube content that there were some figureheads and other bits however some content is quite old and the ghostship for example still hasn't been seen in game.

  • Maybe non essential actions like some random generated mermaids that swim off when you get too close or a few tentacles that hint at a kraken but then they just sink under the sea with no ill effect, something that makes you question the route ahead.

  • I will love to raid some island with hard bosses involving team work mechanics to beat the challenges!

  • I've not had much chance to play the more recent builds of the game due to Xbox breaking but at the time I would have liked to have seen a more natural world, the way all the islands where places and how small they were just seemed strange and unnatural. And at the time there wasn't anything you could really do with money so I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of things we will be able to spend on. Having a island of your own or major customisation of the ship and character stuff like that.

  • I was not in the alpha, but I have pre-ordered, so I'm just going to mention some things that I would like to see:

    Hurricanes--yeah, there are storms, but what about massive storms that take up maybe most of the map (knowing that the alpha and beta maps are likely smaller than the launch map).

    Whirlpools --maybe caused by the above, just massive that will suck your ship down under if you don't navigate it correctly

    social spaces (no combat allowed)--I know it's not an MMO, but maybe have it (a social space) as the lobby for creating games; would also allow for in-game parties that are popular in other online games.

  • I would like to see more varied enemies. Skeletons alone doesn’t cut it and I won’t be buying the game until I see more variety.

  • @azz91uk said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    I'm not sure how the mechanics work for when you lose your ship or if you travel a certain distance away from it, (i think you teleport or spawn a new ship) but i'd love to able to stay hidden on an enemy ship that's sailing away or be marooned on an island.

    I'd also love it if i could build a raft or rowboat with spare planks. I'm not a fan of swimming in the shark infested waters when travelling from ship to land.

    This is possible myself and a buddy we boarded a ship for ages we was hiding on the rigging then we crept underneath. We managed to kill the ship by killing the players and ramming the boat into rocksand quickly view the map before it sank and then we had to wait for our crew to find us was so funny

  • @azz91uk said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    I'm not sure how the mechanics work for when you lose your ship or if you travel a certain distance away from it, (i think you teleport or spawn a new ship) but i'd love to able to stay hidden on an enemy ship that's sailing away or be marooned on an island.

    I'd also love it if i could build a raft or rowboat with spare planks. I'm not a fan of swimming in the shark infested waters when travelling from ship to land.

    the rowing boat is something we would like also

  • @commando-slippy
    I love the water effects and the storms... i cant wait to go on quests, transport goods and defend my ship from attack

  • Iwould love for fishing to be added into the game

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