Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?

  • For a while now I hardly have the motivation to get on this game. Every now and then when the mood strikes, I launch it and search for a 4 man crew of randoms since odds are my friends aren't playing it.

    It feels like 9 out of 10 crews I find are just idling around either at a starting tavern or out at sea, doing nothing. I don't have the patience or time to waste bothering to wait for a crew to become competent and contribute, so I just keep hopping servers looking for a crew that's actually doing something. I usually just end up eventually getting on a different game.

    Edit: I forgot to mention there's obviously LFG and other resources for finding crews. I'm not interested in those, but they're helpful to others for sure.

    It's more a commentary on the sad reality of the state of the game. Seems like the majority of players are just dicking about with no motivation to do anything.

    Just wondering if this is the typical experience for everyone matchmaking solo.

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  • One crew I got had a child who was no older than five, and didn't know his left from his right.

  • just use the lfg function. It's the easiest way to get a better group.

  • @sir-lotus said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    just use the lfg function. It's the easiest way to get a better group.

    I forgot to mention there's obviously LFG and other resources for finding crews. I'm not interested in those, but they're helpful to others for sure.

    It's more a commentary on the sad reality of the state of the game. Seems like the majority of players are just dicking about with no motivation to do anything.

  • @soulless-rager said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    For a while now I hardly have the motivation to get on this game. Every now and then when the mood strikes, I launch it and search for a 4 man crew of randoms since odds are my friends aren't playing it.

    It feels like 9 out of 10 crews I find are just idling around either at a starting tavern or out at sea, doing nothing. I don't have the patience or time to waste bothering to wait for a crew to become competent and contribute, so I just keep hopping servers looking for a crew that's actually doing something. I usually just end up eventually getting on a different game.

    The idle players are not natural leaders. They are all waiting for a captain to take control. Here's your chance!

  • @rdizz nailed it. Give a few commands and see how they're respond. If they don't, start anew

  • Why don't you just use LFG?

  • @rk1-turbulence said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    Why don't you just use LFG?

    Go on

  • @rdizz said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    @soulless-rager said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    For a while now I hardly have the motivation to get on this game. Every now and then when the mood strikes, I launch it and search for a 4 man crew of randoms since odds are my friends aren't playing it.

    It feels like 9 out of 10 crews I find are just idling around either at a starting tavern or out at sea, doing nothing. I don't have the patience or time to waste bothering to wait for a crew to become competent and contribute, so I just keep hopping servers looking for a crew that's actually doing something. I usually just end up eventually getting on a different game.

    The idle players are not natural leaders. They are all waiting for a captain to take control. Here's your chance!

    The problem I have with this is two fold, sometimes you just dont have the effort or desire to lead, especially if those being led are akin to leading a horde of angry honey badgers and if you do decide to lead you end up with a group of lethargic people who basically want you to do all the work.

  • Haven't had this issue much. Even when I did, it only took a short period for the crew to get themselves into line. I've found myself having more issues with crew members joining and leaving again in short order as they are either A) crew jumping to try and snag Reputation and Gold when crews are turning stuff in, or B) they have zero patience dealing with a crew that's not already highly experienced with the game. Those players are the worst in my opinion, not really wanting to work and also not willing to help newer players become better. Leeches, that's my nickname for them.

  • @soulless-rager said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    Edit: I forgot to mention there's obviously LFG and other resources for finding crews. I'm not interested in those, but they're helpful to others for sure.

    translation: There is a great tool for amazing 4 man gameplay, but I don't want to use it, because reasons, and when I don't, gameplay is bad.

  • If this isn't perfect timing of a new video release, I don't know what is. :D

  • To be fair the majority of LFG posts seem to be skull fort server hoping games or people who put minimum level requirements on their post.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    @soulless-rager I haven't played with a dedicated crew since the game came out... I spend about 2-3 hours searching for randoms just to play for 30 minutes. Lol.

    That’s your choice. There are numerous places to find a regular crew. I have 4 possible crews that I play with regularly. It’s not hard.

  • @ant-heuser-kush so you’re essentially complaining about nothing? Or am I missing something?

  • i've had decent luck with random crews, meeting some really cool people. the problems i've had, which were noted in a response, are afk's and server hoppers. they can sap all the fun out of the game.
    i'm an evening pst player if you want to add me on xbox. send me a pm if so, my gt isn't my forum name.

  • @ant-heuser-kush fair enough. I suppose I’m just expecting people to be throwing tantrums at this point.

  • @marlonngrando said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    To be fair the majority of LFG posts seem to be skull fort server hoping games or people who put minimum level requirements on their post.

    odd, cause i just jumped in an empty voice channel and another dude joined almost instantly asking if I needed somebody to sail.

    Maybe you can be a little less lazy and make a post yourself instead of complaining about people who want to play with other people who have higher levels then you.

  • @sausijxzal said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    @rdizz said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    @soulless-rager said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    For a while now I hardly have the motivation to get on this game. Every now and then when the mood strikes, I launch it and search for a 4 man crew of randoms since odds are my friends aren't playing it.

    It feels like 9 out of 10 crews I find are just idling around either at a starting tavern or out at sea, doing nothing. I don't have the patience or time to waste bothering to wait for a crew to become competent and contribute, so I just keep hopping servers looking for a crew that's actually doing something. I usually just end up eventually getting on a different game.

    The idle players are not natural leaders. They are all waiting for a captain to take control. Here's your chance!

    The problem I have with this is two fold, sometimes you just dont have the effort or desire to lead, especially if those being led are akin to leading a horde of angry honey badgers and if you do decide to lead you end up with a group of lethargic people who basically want you to do all the work.

    True but every ship needs a captain.

  • I've had amazing luck with rando crews but the last time I played was a couple weeks ago? Took a break at 25/25/24 so I didn't burn out before the new content drop

  • Eyup that's very true for me every time I get on as well, there was only one time when we do a quest that was pitiful but we got a thpusand grogs put of it, and it was only three of us in a 4 man crew.

  • @ant-heuser-kush that’s understandable sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • Yep. And even if you are lucky to find one or two decent players on your team chances are a griefer will join and try to ruin your progress for no reason what so ever. Going into a Galleon game is a huge watse of time . Better going solo.

  • @scrubber89
    i play with almost all randoms, and have yet to share a ship with a saboteur. plenty of afk's and server hoppers, and all skill levels (i don't care if they suck), but no intentional griefers. i see it mentioned here so often, but i can't believe it's as bad as we are led to believe.

  • @squallycircle7 said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    i play with almost all randoms, and have yet to share a ship with a saboteur. plenty of afk's and server hoppers, and all skill levels (i don't care if they suck), but no intentional griefers. i see it mentioned here so often, but i can't believe it's as bad as we are led to believe.

    You are incredibly lucky. My last game today, we had 2 one after the other. First griefer kept trying to raise the anchor while we were on an island solving riddles. I kept stopping him and In the end we brigged him. 10 minutes later another guy joined, stood on the ship doing f*** all but I just left him to it. As I'm exploring the island trying to solve a riddle I notice a mermaid in the water. Why's that there? Oh it's cause the d*** raised the anchor. I rushed back to the ship via mermaid to retrieve it and our loot. By the time I got to it the ship was going off the edge of the map and he had left the game. I had enough at this point and left the game. Waste of time.

  • @soulless-rager

    Then if you are serious about teaming up with a group who are serious... why wouldn't you use the tool(s) to do so?

    I get you are saying its more 'commentary' on the state of the game which I 100% agree with, but saying you aren't interested in the solution to your entire post seems like you are intentionally wasting your own time jumping around 'hoping' to get the experience you want? When you could just spend a fraction of the time setting yourself up with some serious players and getting what it seems like you want?

    Not trying to insult here, as I do agree that the state of the game is a little frustrating as most people are not really "playing the game" as you said... just messing around..

    On that note.. feel free to add lol

  • @scrubber89 said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    @squallycircle7 said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:

    i play with almost all randoms, and have yet to share a ship with a saboteur. plenty of afk's and server hoppers, and all skill levels (i don't care if they suck), but no intentional griefers. i see it mentioned here so often, but i can't believe it's as bad as we are led to believe.

    You are incredibly lucky. My last game today, we had 2 one after the other. First griefer kept trying to raise the anchor while we were on an island solving riddles. I kept stopping him and In the end we brigged him. 10 minutes later another guy joined, stood on the ship doing f*** all but I just left him to it. As I'm exploring the island trying to solve a riddle I notice a mermaid in the water. Why's that there? Oh it's cause the d*** raised the anchor. I rushed back to the ship via mermaid to retrieve it and our loot. By the time I got to it the ship was going off the edge of the map and he had left the game. I had enough at this point and left the game. Waste of time.

    wow, that sucks. now i'm all for raising the anchor at islands, but you better raise the sails and center the wheel 1st.

  • What's LFG?

  • @scrubber89 watch the video I posted a few posts above.

    lfg - looking for group

  • @soulless-rager
    You won't use the lfg and other features to find a group, no club no clan? Well ofc the people you will end up finding are subpar.
    You get out the amount of effort you put in.
    If you are not trying, not putting in extra effort, why are you expecting to be rewarded with a great crew?

  • soulless-rager I play solo mostly but I understand your desire to get things done, if you want to crew up anytime Your on give me a shout

  • @willowmnstrrawr said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:


    Then if you are serious about teaming up with a group who are serious... why wouldn't you use the tool(s) to do so?

    I get you are saying its more 'commentary' on the state of the game which I 100% agree with, but saying you aren't interested in the solution to your entire post seems like you are intentionally wasting your own time jumping around 'hoping' to get the experience you want? When you could just spend a fraction of the time setting yourself up with some serious players and getting what it seems like you want?

    Not trying to insult here, as I do agree that the state of the game is a little frustrating as most people are not really "playing the game" as you said... just messing around..

    On that note.. feel free to add lol

    Like I said, the point of the topic is observing the state of the game and how the average player seems to be engaging in it.

    Finding a like-minded and reliable crew is a different issue. If I have to use resources outside the game itself to find an enjoyable session, that's a failure on the games part. Sure I can go out of my way and spend extra time to do some of the leg work that the game itself should be doing. Instead I just end up moving on to other games anyways, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

  • Someone should make a video compilation of what matchmaking with randoms is like. My experience in the past hour:

    Attempt 1. Pastiebeard soon after joining.
    Attempt 2. Entire crew was AFK on the ferry
    Attempt 3. Crew was sailing towards no where, and some guy kept putting the anchor down.
    Attempt 4. Found a crew working together to complete a merchant quest. Right before reaching the destination outpost, one crewmember shoots all our gunpowder barrels and kills our pig.

    Super fun game guys! .....

  • You can't play with randoms in this game, you're not going to have a good time.

    Use xbox looking for groups. Discords, these forums, etc. Find players with similar playstyles. Hell add me, if im not streaming I'll hop on with you. But for the love of Poseidon do not try playing with randoms.

  • The only issue with using lfg is that I may only be wanting to play for an hour or so and don't then want to leave the crew I've posted for behind. That's why I'll try joining randoms in the hope of some quick gameplay (We'll as quick as it gets, lol). But yes most random crews are just that, time wasting, over board loot dropping, afk'ing, random sailing, ship sinking, ship stealing .......etc etc 😂

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