The real Problems with Sea of Thieves and how they are affecting Communities, Content Creators and the playerbase

  • @m3m3nto-memes And what you're talking about is trivial IMHO. What matters is RARE's long term support of the game and posts like your original post bring a negative light to a team that's working their butts off to build it into something amazing.

  • @Bern-Dimall No one's saying that they're not working their butts off. We know they are we appreciate all their effort into making this game. And what's trivial to you may not be trivial to someone else, and vice versa. It's easy to lose sight of perspective sometimes.

    Also it seems like several people in this thread are confusing OP's frustration with certain things (that is shared among MANY in the community) with gripes about content. That's not what we're talking about it. We all knew exactly what was gonna be in the game at launch (more or less) and the progression system. So please stop bringing "content" into this discussion.

  • @bern-dimall I don't even know how to respond to that. You completely go past all the points I make and try to defend rare from criticism you can't understand

  • @a-trusty-mango I mean they say they hear our feedback buuuut...
    I mean just look at how much work @ShootHere4EXP did on this poll 3 MONTHS AGO, all for nothing it seems.

    alt text

    Anyways, this thread isn't about content and we should do our best to avoid it lest it be locked for going off topic lol.

  • @princeofpromise yep i remember this post and had high hopes after seeing it.

  • @a-trusty-mango Well you "gathered" incorrectly sir. I can assure you much of the post release material was not a part of earlier testing. I personally enjoy the Meg and am going to love using the TNT with timers as they will most likely stay in the game after the event is done. I do agree with you on the " Chairs" though. It was a desperate move to bring a little peace to the seas. It achieved it's goal but man it was a dumb event overall. We'll see how things shake out in the coming months.

  • @princeofpromise It seems to me that RARE has or is answering the call concerning your poll. Take the top 4 for instance. New Ship? Check!New Quests? Check! Map size? Check! NPC ships? Check! Every single one of these will be fulfilled in upcoming DLC's! And to think that the original post is about RAREs' ungrateful, thoughtless ways and inability to listen to its
    fan base!😁 Thank you RARE!😉

  • @princeofpromise said in The real Problems with Sea of Thieves and how they are affecting Communities, Content Creators and the playerbase:

    @a-trusty-mango I mean they say they hear our feedback buuuut...
    I mean just look at how much work @ShootHere4EXP did on this poll 3 MONTHS AGO, all for nothing it seems.

    alt text

    Anyways, this thread isn't about content and we should do our best to avoid it lest it be locked for going off topic lol.

    Hilarious! You guys! I could not make it up. Have you even looked at the Poll yourself? Rare clearly did!

  • @biter-wylie I'd upvote your post 100 times if I could! Thee guys got me laughing for sure😉.

  • @bern-dimall said in The real Problems with Sea of Thieves and how they are affecting Communities, Content Creators and the playerbase:

    @princeofpromise It seems to me that RARE has or is answering the call concerning your poll. Take the top 4 for instance. New Ship? Check!New Quests? Check! Map size? Check! NPC ships? Check! Every single one of these will be fulfilled in upcoming DLC's! And to think that the original post is about RAREs' ungrateful, thoughtless ways and inability to listen to its
    fan base!😁 Thank you RARE!😉

    New ship? Yeah, in July, and a 3 man brigantine that can't compete with a gally, not the man 'o war people were asking for. For a majority of players a galleon or sloop is still gonna be used.

    New quests? Oh you mean like combine 3 quests into one and do it at the same time, and call it a new quest? Or a quest such as shoot yourself from your ship cannon onto a random throne on an island for no particular reason? Or are you referring to the incredibly short HD campaign? Surely you must've seen the backlash on that on the forums.

    Map size? Yeah, in September, half a year after launch, but who knows how big that'll be with the sort of vague hype details they've given out (cough kraken cough meg)

    NPC Ships? You're right, they listened and are planning to implement this with cursed sails, and I'm actually quite proud of Rare for listening to its player base and doing this when at first they stated that they don't envision a game with AI ships.

    I think you're forgetting this poll was 3 months ago, and that all of, especially the top 4, suggestions have been talked about for like a year now.

    With that all said, OP's post is not about content. We all love the game, that's why we're here and that's why we play it. We all hope the best for the future, and I think deep down, most people believe this game will evolve into being great. It does some things extremely well.

    OP's concern is Rare's attitude towards communities and content creators and their handling of Pioneers. You coming on here saying "Stop complaining, content is coming" is completely irrelevant, and I'm being hypocritical for engaging in talks of content myself.

  • @princeofpromise Dude, The "Meg" is the bomb! If you've played the current game you'd know the beast is simply majestic! It breaches the water and cuts and swims alongside your ship. Its attacks can be fatal! It brings an aura of suspense to ship battles when its in the theater. So I don't know what your complaint is with it, enlighten me. The TNT barrel upgrade is awesome! These both are great adds! The new ship will be a merchantman's favorite, true me! It will serve a great purpose for pve players! RARE is all over it man! Give credit where credits due!

  • Yes, the point of this thread is kind of getting derailed towards content, which is something I didn't want to discuss. This is purely about the other side of things and I hope Rare understands the message some of us wanted to put in here.

  • Rare should watch to Frontier Developments. Frontier loves their community and the community loves Frontier. They do a lot for their community.

    For example: I'm running a Dutch Planet Coaster community with 2 friends. This and last year we organised multiple community meetings in The Netherlands, we went to The Efteling theme park. We had community members from The Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Switserland and the Philippines. Even some members of Frontier came to these meetings (5 in total in the last 2 years). For me it's the best game community in the world.

    Planet Coaster community meeting @ Efteling July 14th, 2018

    It's maybe not that nice to say but I don't feel any love from Rare to the community. Yes, we get free updates but beside that there's nothing. I have the feeling Rare don't know what they want to do with Sea of Thieves of what we want to have in the game. People in our Sea of Thieves NL/BE Discord say most of the free content updates are dissappointing. Even our Discord is dying and that's already after 4 months (!).

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