Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings

  • This is probably my most unique ship design yet. Well, mostly. I present you the Carrack. A 8 man ship purposely build for war and defence.

    This ship is purposely built to be wide, bulky, large, with the downside to being slow at both speed and turning. To make up for this, we added two stern chasing guns to keep chasing ships at bay. With a built on fort, there are two rows of guns. 8 on the main deck within the fort walls, cut out gun ports big enough for full maneuverable guns and high enough to not take on water. Then above that 6 guns on the top, fully exposed as well.

    It's size should matter as well, because it is slow at everything. Slow at turning, acceleration, slow in sailing, and slow at sinking... and repairing. If the carrack's crew is well communicative the Carrack won't go down so easy. Because only way up ono the ship is the ladder on the back, by the Helm. Where one could easy defend said ladders. Then with that, the stairs are narrower to help protect from opposing crews.

    And don't let the 4 masts look menacing to you. We did that to make sure that we could get the Carrack as fast as we can... but due to how wide and heavy the ship is, it's even slower than a sloop! (Wait, what..? Oh, they're the same speed? Oh....) void what I said. Same speed as a sloop. Again, the stern cannons are there for a reason. The map, table, brig, and all the barrels are placed under the main deck... except the cannonballs. For there are 3 cannonball barrels on both front and back of the main deck fort. so a total of 6 cannonball barrels. Under the main deck there are 3 Banana barrels, and 3 Wood barrels. BEcause every fortress needs enough supplies, even on that is afloat!

    When it comes to size, I drew a lazy comparison between the Carrack and a galleon.

    I didn't draw the front and back of the Carrack, nor the floor plan just yet. How ever those are on the way.

    And due to it being rather late, I log off now, and I hope to see positive feed back for this ship. And happy sailing!

  • 78
  • Another quick note I forgot to mention. The fort in the main, plus the sails, restricts the view ark of the helmsman and will need others to help see where to steer.

  • Wow you put a lot of work in this, good job.
    Question: wouldn't it be too slow for doing voyages?

  • @mighty-ace123 I mean, it would be rather slow, but not that bad. maybe only slightly slower than the sloop, or as slow as the sloop, It could be tolerable. But let's take into consideration that the amount of cannons and crew behind it would desamate a fort, a kraken, Meggie, or any other ship.

  • @cheatingpirate maybe add a faction that offers rewards to sink only this big ship. PVP players will get a lot of battles, and there would be incentive to try and take it out

  • @mighty-ace123 I think with a PvP system, the quest has you hunt down based on the pirates success in combat, not the ship they sail with

  • @cheatingpirate I always think its good when someone puts time and effort into improving something and I can see you have thought this out. I'm all for larger ships with more crew even if I'm unlikely to use them simply because it makes the game more dynamic. I imagine the physics would be similar to the galleon but exaggerated.

  • @alphacenturion2 yes. VERY exaggerated.

  • @cheatingpirate nice work! I'd love to see that floor plan.

  • @cheatingpirate Wow! This looks very cool. Great work, it looks like a lot of effort was put into it.

    I do have some thoughts to offer as feedback. I think making it slower in terms of sailing speed than the sloop would make it quite useless. Why not have it be the same speed (or event slightly faster with 4 full wind sails) than the sloop? It should still be very difficult to catch the sloop because it is so slow to turn and adjust 4 sails. So perhaps a speed somewhere between sloop and galleon? Just my thoughts, interested to hear counter-arguments.

  • Very cool concept and drawing! However I do think this has too many deckhands for what she needs to be sailed properly. To balance this out, I'd make the carrack susceptible to hogging and sagging even in calm weather due to its length (ship would gain damage just from sailing).

    You'd have too many people doing nothing between islands, so I figure we oughta give them something to do other than stand on the forecastle with their spyglasses permanently pressed into their eye sockets.

  • I've had the same thought for awhile now.

    If we had a 6 to 8 man ship, it would have to be crazy slow to get moving, crazy slow to stop and crazy slow to turn. In my opinion, that would balance it out. That would make it almost impossible to use to try and sneak up on other ships. As well, other ships could sail towards it much more easily. If you do sail up on it, you better be prepared to have a crazy and dangerous battle! It would be so much fun.

  • @cheatingpirate im all for bigger ships but then their needs to be way more boats per server a sloop vs that wouldn't be fair although the Carrack wouldn't be able to turn but 7 cannons would destroy thats 70 cannon balls that could be shot 70 theirs only 100 planks so it seems like a cool idea which it is but how could that possibly work

  • I think it would be cool if you could buy a secret hideout where you could store your supplies such as cannons planks etc as well as chest if you can’t get them to an outpost. And make it save from game to game that way you don’t spend so much time loading your ship like you would have to with the carrack

  • @xcalypt0x Yeah I thought the same thing too. Sloop sailing speed would be good. But very slow acceleration and 3 wheel turns, not to mention maintaining 4 masts, will be quite a bit of work.

  • @allamerican-440 Hogging and Sagging usually are problems for large ships, yes, but there's a way to prevent that. I forget what it's called but it's on the Constitution and other frigates.

    With the carrack in game, continuously repairing from nothing will make people stay away from it. Though... maybe if the carrack goes into a storm it crashes through the waves instead of going over, and brings a TON of water onto the ship's deck. Maybe washes some of the crew off, as well as fills the ship up a lot. Like, half a deck of water. Or a full deck for a galleon.

  • @cheatingpirate said in Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings:

    Bro, I can't wait until they add a server type that caters to fleets or big ships like the above. Thanks for sharing.

    I really hope that Rare goes by what they teased at E3 and add servers that allow for 3-4 fleets.

    I think servers with 8-10 ships, where you can have one of the following fleet set ups
    1 Carrack (6 or 8)-man, 1 Sloop 2-man
    1 Galleon 4 man, 1 Brigantine 3-man, 1 sloop 2-man
    (other variety/mixes etc.)

    In order for this to occur, there would probably need to be some sort of event that would give rewards to fleets. I think I have seen ideas already for fleet objectives and this may be out there already. But maybe an objective of transporting an item/chest that glows so that other ships can see which ship is transporting it. And whichever fleet delivers the chest to a certain outpost gets the reward. Encouraging fleets to try and stop/capture the Chest.

  • @cheatingpirate could be used in war gamemode later on

  • @enginefear I believe we would need a fleet option for the Cursed Sailed dlc. Because most likely we'd see multiple waves of cursed ships.

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings:

    Wow you put a lot of work in this, good job.
    Question: wouldn't it be too slow for doing voyages?

    I don't think this ship would really be meant for voyages. I think you'd choose this ship if you wanted to go stomp a skull fort, (although 8 people would be way too easy)

    I don't know that an 8 man crew would ever be able to be balanced though. Just being slow isn't enough of a hinderance to balance it with other ships in the game, when you consider the two biggest advantages it has. One being excess firepower, and two being 8 people.

    Right now, it takes one good pirate patching and bucketing to keep a galleon afloat in the middle of battle. Even if it took twice as much for this ship, that means two people can just be dedicated to keeping the ship afloat, while another 6 people, still 2 more than the biggest of the other ships, can just unleash hellfire on their enemies. No other ship type would stand a chance.

    That being said, I think it's not a bad idea, and I really appreciate the amount of work put into it.

    My ideas for balancing, other than making it painfully slow, is a limited mobility on broadside guns, and the rear guns should be fixed in place.

    Right now the only reliable way to sink a ship is to board and kill the crew, but with this ship, no other ship type could survive boarding it. even if they send an entire galleon crew, they'd still be outnumbered 2/1, and their ship would be undefended. This ship would need to be more susceptible to sinking via cannonfire somehow

  • @rockinpodunk Honestly, I think they are just going to have to add some kind of Fleet link up option for certain events that would bring players into servers that only have other fleets and not solo ships. Its going to take some extra work on the Devs part, and they are going to have to make a decision on how big the fleets would be etc. But I hope they do add this server type cause I know many of us really want to see it in the game (separate from regular servers).

    I think a transition could be to make an island (or maybe just use the current outposts) where you can go and link up with other ships, either friends, or randoms, to create a temporary fleet. This would then transfer you into a Fleet server where you would have to compete in events against other fleets.

  • @cheatingpirate technically the galleon predates the use of frigates such as Constitution, and the angled bracing and copper sheathing she had were made possible by developments in the early industrial revolution. This game also clues that many ships on the Sea of Thieves were built here, and given the shipwrights we've seen, who knows what the quality of their construction is.

    Mainly, I just thought that an 8 man ship would be bad for ballance, so such a vessel would need a crippling weakness as to avoid carracks from ruling the seas overnight.

    Or they could just make it so all carracks were public crews only and you can only join carracks individually. Talk about a crippling weakness.

    But folks would probably find a way around that as well, so the carrack's weaknesses need to be built into it's design as to level the playing field.

  • @enginefear said in Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings:

    @rockinpodunk Honestly, I think they are just going to have to add some kind of Fleet link up option for certain events that would bring players into servers that only have other fleets and not solo ships. Its going to take some extra work on the Devs part, and they are going to have to make a decision on how big the fleets would be etc. But I hope they do add this server type cause I know many of us really want to see it in the game (separate from regular servers).

    I think a transition could be to make an island (or maybe just use the current outposts) where you can go and link up with other ships, either friends, or randoms, to create a temporary fleet. This would then transfer you into a Fleet server where you would have to compete in events against other fleets.

    In a recent video, the Dev team said that very soon, they plan on adding a mechanic for crews to form official alliances. These will be uneasy alliances, as the allied crews could still harm one another, but so Long as the alliance remains, each crew would share rewards as though they were one crew. That will make it a lot easier to complete a lot of the multiple crew challenges

  • @rockinpodunk Do you have a link? I may have seen the video, but I don't recall any specifics like the above, just that they were playing with the idea. So I am wondering if they have had any update

  • @enginefear said in Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings:

    @rockinpodunk Do you have a link? I may have seen the video, but I don't recall any specifics like the above, just that they were playing with the idea. So I am wondering if they have had any update

    I'm not certain about a link, but I'm pretty sure it came out during E3, and it was Shelly that was mostly talking about it. Try this link:

    It's a long video so I don't have time to go through it to make sure, but I'm 70% sure it was this video

  • @rockinpodunk well with it's huge size, and plenty of room for tons of holes in the lower hull, that could mean more than one person needs to be added to keep the ship afloat. So if the side of the hull is riddled with holes, at least 5, more than half of the crew is needed to fix it. Then 3 still on top.

  • @cheatingpirate said in Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings:

    @rockinpodunk well with it's huge size, and plenty of room for tons of holes in the lower hull, that could mean more than one person needs to be added to keep the ship afloat. So if the side of the hull is riddled with holes, at least 5, more than half of the crew is needed to fix it. Then 3 still on top.

    I think a crew of 6-8 would be really difficult to manage. (it would be cool), but you would definitely have to LFG or have a good group of people who are willing to follow orders because most of the time randoms just like to sit afk while the rest of the crew does the hard work. 4-man is difficult enough. But I will say that when you do get a really good crew that listens and follows orders (adjusting sails, etc.) it can be super fun and efficient.

    Again, I really like the idea of a big ship, don't know if enough people are going for it that the devs would add it. The Fleet ideas though really need to be added :)

  • @enginefear each time I go on the seas, very rarely I see anyone go super ago or unresponsive. But yeah team work is also a huge factor in any ship

  • When I get home from work, I'll make a map layout of the inside of the Carrack

  • Alright guys, check out the Floor plan of the Carrack! Orange are the decks, red are the stairs, I am sure you can guess the barrels, wheel, tables, and anchor. And with that I have a feeling this will be unpopular due to one specific reason...

  • @cheatingpirate I agree that the anchor should be difficult to get to, every drop on that thing needs to be deliberate, or else it just dies.

  • @urihamrayne Yeap! And actually is how war ships of the time are. But I left the one detail out... the wheel being under the decks. That would be troubling in the game abd the huge structure in the middle is enough blockage.

  • I am surprisingly ok with the design and the number of players manning that thing, but I doubt it will ever see the light of day, the metagame right now for sea of thieves is boarding, if you have more people onboard a ship it gives too much room for players to board at nauseum, like it really is a problematic issue to consider 8 people fighting against a 2 man ship, how do you even desingage? Of course you could just say "just don't fight Carraks as a sloop, lol" but then what about world events and future events? Like a fort is never going to be contested by a sloop for the rest of the game's lifespan if a carrak gets there.

    I really would like to see bigger crews, but this game's balance wouldn't allow it, another reason why fleets are also a bad idea as well, you really need to go out of your way to make more than 4 of your friends be in the same session, if its too easy the game breaks.

  • @urihamrayne said in Carrack - 8 man Ship - Concept Drawings:

    I am surprisingly ok with the design and the number of players manning that thing, but I doubt it will ever see the light of day, the metagame right now for sea of thieves is boarding, if you have more people onboard a ship it gives too much room for players to board at nauseum, like it really is a problematic issue to consider 8 people fighting against a 2 man ship, how do you even desingage? Of course you could just say "just don't fight Carraks as a sloop, lol" but then what about world events and future events? Like a fort is never going to be contested by a sloop for the rest of the game's lifespan if a carrak gets there.

    I really would like to see bigger crews, but this game's balance wouldn't allow it, another reason why fleets are also a bad idea as well, you really need to go out of your way to make more than 4 of your friends be in the same session, if its too easy the game breaks.

    This is why I was saying that if they introduced this ship, it would have to be in the form of a fleet server. It would work pretty well there, because teams would have the option to pick between having a (carrack and a sloop), or having a (galleon, a brigantine, and a sloop). This would make the player count per fleet more even and thus making a carrack a plausible possibility.

  • Personally I like the work you put into it and the idea but I don't think this game is meant for anything over 4 man parties. They server size would not allow for it and the pings are already high enough most night. I don't think having massive ships would work unless its for a npc threat.

11 out of 78