Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.1

  • Patch Notes - 1.2.1

    Ahoy pirates!

    Welcome to week two of our latest free content drop, Cursed Sails!

    Pirate dominion over the waters is being challenged by crews of skeletons, united by their warped desire for vengeance on the living. Each region will be called out, so prepare to fight to protect your favourite Outposts! Form Alliances to share the rewards of co-operation, or perhaps the new three-person Brigantine ship will help to even the odds?

    Follow banners on the Outposts to heed the skeleton crews' call to battle, or speak to Duke in any tavern and investigate the source of this new skeletal threat!

    Patch 1.2.1 also brings with it key performance improvements, crash fixes, additional fixes for other known issues and improvements based on community feedback.


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    • Cursed Sails Battle Times - Players who can only play during fixed times will be able to battle for a different region each week. For example, if this week your fixed playtime only allows you to encounter The Battle for the Shores of Plenty, next week you will encounter The Great Battle of the Ancient Isles during the same fixed playtime.
      This change was made in response to community feedback.

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    • Cursed Sails Battle Encounter Indicator - Battle music can now be heard from greater distances. Additionally, the flow when UI banners appear and music plays has been improved.
    • Cursed Sails Resources - Treasure items and Barrels of Plenty will now float for longer. This allows greater opportunity to find resources and treasures mid-battle.
    • Cursed Sails Battle Cooldown - The timer between battles has been extended to give players a chance to collect loot dropped by defeating the skeleton crews.
    • Cursed Sails Battle Despawn - The battle despawn timer has been increased, which will give sunk crews a greater chance to sail back and continue the battle they started.
    • Skeleton Ship VFX - Improvements have been made to VFX of water splashes when skeleton ships emerge.

    Performance Improvements

    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • Skeleton Forts have been re-enabled.
    • Skeletons and animals now spawn as intended.
    • Players fired from cannons will no longer occasionally travel in unintended directions.
    • Firing yourself out of a cannon no longer causes muffled cannon audio to persist.
    • Ship Liveries that change the colour of the ship’s hull now correctly change the colour of the capstan.
    • Alliance join/leave/disband pop-ups now appear even when the player is in the Flag Box menu.
    • The Brigantine’s missing bell has now been found and added.
    • Players speaking to a Gold Hoarder NPC at an Outpost will no longer incorrectly receive "The Hungering Deep Begins" banners.

    Known Issues

    • The Kraken has been temporarily disabled due to performance issues.
      We are working to enable this feature as quickly as possible.
    • Items placed behind the barrels at the bow of the Brigantine cannot be picked back up.
    • Merchant Alliance crates on board a ship which sinks will not float to the surface and cannot be picked up.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 1.41GB
    Xbox One X: 1.41GB
    Windows 10: 1.09GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

  • 105
  • Haaaaaaaa! Return of the Forts! MUST SMASH SKELLIES!

    Where's Karen tho?

  • Round 2, I'm ready!!

    stop blowing holes in my ship

  • Known Issues
    Inclined characters <------------------- Don't forget this ¬¬

  • @guepard4 As in leaning backwards? I hope they never fix that!

  • @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    • Players fired from cannons will no longer occasionally travel in unintended directions.
    • Firing yourself out of a cannon no longer causes muffled cannon audio to persist.


  • @khaleesibot Wow, pretty much all of the known bugs are now fixed... Good work guys!

    See you out on the seas everyone!

  • @guepard4 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Known Issues
    Inclined characters <------------------- Don't forget this ¬¬

    Do the Roc-away.

    Now lean back.

  • @khaleesibot Hunter Hull is Fixed?
    Not mentioned in Known issue or Fixed

  • @khaleesibot can you confirm the return of the Kraken? :) :)

  • @khaleesibot Look at all those adjustments based on community feedback! Battle timings, respawn, despawn, loot and barrel despawn, etc! Absolutely love seeing all these changes come in based on the discussion around the community! Amazing work and this just goes to show that lurking still means you’re listening!

  • @siriondb

    Where's Karen tho?

    Joe talks about Karen in the video. They are still working on it because it's a complex beast but they try to get her back as soon as they can :)

  • Excellent batch of fixes and improvements...and new ships and crews! Bring me that horizon! :-)

  • Still waiting for commendations/achievements to be balanced. :|

  • @khaleesibot Great patch! I'm thrilled that Rare finally fixed the two cannon glitches (firing in unintended direction/muffled sound). Can't wait to see what Alliances will do now that forts are active!

  • @heretik617 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @khaleesibot can you confirm the return of the Kraken? :) :)

    The Kraken will return when it is mentioned in the patch notes! :)

  • @skulliah said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:


    Where's Karen tho?

    Joe talks about Karen in the video. They are still working on it because it's a complex beast but they try to get her back as soon as they can :)

    Thank you Skooliah!

    I'm keeping that little video when I get to work, it's nice to have Joe at work.

  • @siriondb I prefer listening to Joe as I go sleep... He just has one of those voices...

  • Yes! Thanks for addressing pretty much all the issues I had with this great DLC release! One more thing, make the captain's ship a little more recognizable from the other skelly ships! other than that I can't wait to get back to the seas!

    Keep up the great work!

  • I’d still like to see text speak for Xbox but more than happy with those fixes! 😍

  • @sir-lotus sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    • Players fired from cannons will no longer occasionally travel in unintended directions.
    • Firing yourself out of a cannon no longer causes muffled cannon audio to persist.


    Such a quality of life improvement, easily my favourite points! 😂

  • Great improvements! but going to leave my dirty bug reports on the feedback section now.

  • Cannon bug has been fixed!

  • Took me ten minutes to find a huge new bug: On a sloop (haven't tested other ships yet) you can't bucket out water anymore. It just reflects off an invisible wall around the ship and fills the ship again. The only spot where you can empty your bucket and it sometimes works is at the absolute bow of the boat. Like, seriously, when will you start testing your updates? This renders the sloop completely useless in battle.

    And no, I was not under the effect of a cursed cannonball.

  • @x1-two said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Took me ten minutes to find a huge new bug: On a sloop (haven't tested other ships yet) you can't bucket out water anymore. It just reflects off an invisible wall around the ship and fills the ship again. The only spot where you can empty your bucket and it sometimes works is at the absolute bow of the boat. Like, seriously, when will you start testing your updates? This renders the sloop completely useless in battle.

    And no, I was not under the effect of a cursed cannonball.

    It's hard to cover everything, but that is something that should have been regression tested! :(

  • @musicmee said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @siriondb I prefer listening to Joe as I go sleep... He just has one of those voices...

    i rather listen to Mr Chapman before i go to sleep...He has this narrator's voice that , when you close yer eyes , create worlds filled with thrill and fantasy just by listening to him. He can take you on adventures while you sit in your sofa and dream away by his words...And Mr Joe? Well i listen to Mr Joe just before i want to play Battlefield , his immense speed of talking is just the thing i need to put me on the tip of my chair and maw them down with my machinegun...If anyone thinks i was offending one or both gentlemen than think twice laddie, The respect i have for both geniuses is immense , you cannot even comprehend that...

  • @x1-two I cannot confirm this. Bailing water out of the sloop is just fine. Just tried it myself.

  • @nd3e Happens apparently when you are around Old Salts Atoll.

  • Wilds 21-30
    Anchient Isles 11-20
    Shores of Plenty 1-10

    I think thats correct but does anyone know the real world times for these battles ???

  • @chitownsace3 Real World as in USA East / West , Asia, Australia, Central Europe or British Standard Time?

  • @x1-two

    Interesting because I think I've experienced this issue around Old Salts on a Brigantine. I'll make sure to review the footage and submit a bug report.

    You should too.

  • @siriondb said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:


    Interesting because I think I've experienced this issue around Old Salts on a Brigantine. I'll make sure to review the footage and submit a bug report.

    You should too.

    Yes please @X1-Two! We're currently investigating this, but please submit a bug report with any supplementary information. Thank you!

  • Great to hear that pretty much every bug has been fixed, well done rare on the update.

    That said I would still like to see some adjustments to the brigantine. At the moment it is the only ship without buffer holes (ie the galleons middle deck or the back of the sloop which take on little or no water) meaning its to vulnerable and takes on water to quickly. A single gun power barrel is considered a death sentence for this new ship.

  • @guepard4 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Known Issues
    Inclined characters <------------------- Don't forget this ¬¬

    This has got to be one of the most annoying bugs, ever. I've noticed that, sometimes, the angle depends on what surface your character first steps on (upon leaving the water). The Crooked Masts, and a few of the Skull Fort islands, have been the locations I've seen inclined characters at the most. I've got a video somewhere, of a me and a buddy having all sorts of problems while fighting skeleton waves at an active fort, while being inclined and unable to pickup resources from the island's barrels. The hilarity of crooked sailors dies down pretty quickly, when you're sent to the ferry because you can't pick up a banana from a barrel full of bananas.

    I have noticed that jumping back into the water, then swimming back to shore, will sometimes help. But not always.

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