Who‘s a Bilge Rat too?

  • Who is wearing one of the Bilge Rat Sets in Game? Im wearing the Rotten Bilge Rat Set, i Love the Rope-Style on it! I’m only missing out the Rotten BR accessories like Bucket, Shovel etc. I dont see many Bilge Rats out there, maybe I’m the only one :(

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  • @king-deka

    I really like the dirty pirates because most pirates weren't rich back then... All are just wearing the richest clothes they can get

  • @king-deka There are a few. I've been a Bilge Rat before Duke and I've got a Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass to prove it.

  • @king-deka

    Would love to see a screenshot of your pirate in the Bilge Rat set!

  • @katttruewalker sagte in Who‘s a Bilge Rat too?:


    Would love to see a screenshot of your pirate in the Bilge Rat set!

    Yeah I don’t have one actually, but I try to get one :) Can you or someone give me a tip how I can link this Screenshot? Cause i can’t upload Pics here, you need a Link :(

  • @king-deka

    Ahoy there, you'll need to upload it to another site like imgur or pinterest and then paste the link on the forums because we can't upload things directly on here :)

  • I wear at least a few bits of bilge rat at all times but I tend to mix and match outfits.

    One look at my pirate's features and you just know: 'this is not the face of a man that could afford a less raggedy shirt'

    Three cheers for everyone rocking the dérelicte look!

  • @king-deka I rotate between my "fancier" gear and some of the dirty looking sets. Sometimes I like to wear mostly dirty but with a fancy hat and act like its my most prized possession and have a good backstory about how I acquired it. :)

  • @zz-emerz-zz said in Who‘s a Bilge Rat too?:

    @king-deka I rotate between my "fancier" gear and some of the dirty looking sets. Sometimes I like to wear mostly dirty but with a fancy hat and act like its my most prized possession and have a good backstory about how I acquired it. :)

    I like to be as sneaky as possible. A Rare employee? Me? Oh heavens no.

  • Im mixing sea dog stuff with bilge rat stuff, love it !!! ;)

  • Well there's been a lot of talk in this thread, we're gonna need some pictures soon.

    I'll put up something when the servers go back up. Just need to find the right lighting to really bring out the blue in my eyes and make the yellow in my remaining teeth pop.

  • @king-deka I'm often a mix between sea dog and sovereign, with a little touch of PL&AF.

    Outlaw, but fancy. 😎

  • I'm wearing the scurvy set. If I remember I'll post a pic after it comes back live.

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  • @p4p3rm4t3 wow nice one

  • No Bilge Rat hat, though. I just don't like that type of hat.

  • I'm gonna join here too as I don't see many Bilge Rats on sees either.
    Here's my Rat development:

    I don't have a lot of clothing on me but i also have some items. I especialy like shovel and sword. And also finally acquired bilge rat paint for ship.

  • Tend to mix my looks up a bit. Usually a bit of Bilge Rat in there to keep the Pirate look :)

  • Rare employee:

    Sees post about forced cross play *says nothing *

    Sees post about players asking about the direction of the game *says nothing *

    Sees post about someone who wears bilge rate clothes *multiple responses *

    Sorry to throw so much shade :P I know you're free to do whatever you want with your time.

  • @spunkus-skunkus And you give a great example of why they are choosy with their responses and are careful with their words. Anyone attached to Rare gets their words twisted and argued over majority of the time, even harmless joyful responses like these here.

  • I own every clothing item in the game. I am almost always rocking scurvy bilge rat or castaway bith rat complete sets and equipment. The one deviation is my day 1 eyepatch that stays

  • @gutterangel Woah man, much like their harmless responses, so too were mine! I even made the extra effort to put the ":P" face in so you knew I was joking.

  • @spunkus-skunkus I get that you put that there for that reason at the end. I'm still saying it's a good example. :) Hope you can tell I'm smiling.

  • I'm gonna come back with a screenshot of my own salty pirate :)

    Here we go. I like to try to show something from all of the adventures I've had. It's getting harder now with so many adventures.

  • @gutterangel


    The scurvy stuff with no hat or jacket looks nice too.

    (This is how I usually go around.)

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