In Game Clock and Events - Chrome & Firefox Extension

  • Ahoy maties!

    Just thought I would share something I have been working on just in case it is helpful for anyone else. It is a Google Chrome Extension that shows you the current in-game Time of Day, Day and any occurring Events in Sea of Thieves directly on the Sea of Thieves website navigation bar.

    I plan to also show when server maintenance/issues are taking place.

    Any feedback or ideas you could give would be awesome.

    Version 0.2.2 - Contains some bug fixes.
    Version 0.3.1 - Contains new loading animation and checks server for maintenance windows and other events plus some bug fixes.

    Google Chrome:


    Version 0.4.0+ Now includes event specific icons and an expandable pane for more context.

    #BeMorePirate #BeMoreOntime

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  • @musicmee Mate, you are a legend!!!!

    That is awesome as I never know which fleet are appearing where.
    My bilge rat commendations lack two but in which region of the map are these particular two found?

    Can it work with Mozilla FireFox?

  • @admiral-rrrsole On with converting to Firefox as we speak :D

  • Thanks for putting in the time to make this for us. Respect.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Good news matey!

    Firefox link added to the original post but awaiting approval.

  • @musicmee Cheers matey.

    Hopefully it won't be too hard to update with new upcoming events.

  • @musicmee Dang, thats clever! Credit where its due!

    Do you know if this is PC specific or will it translate to my tablet aswell? As thats what i use the forums on. :)

  • @knifelife Cheers matey!

    If you use Chrome or Firefox on your tablet it should just work... if it doesn't let me know and I'll see what I can do :D

  • @knifelife I will be the crash dummy for this one as we speak! I’ll tell you my results soon

  • @weststormborn Hahaha what a hero! Im to technically inept so i know if i mess it up i wont be able to fix it xD

    I am but a simple console peasant on an easy to use android os xD

    @Musicmee Any chance you can make an app which fixes the forum notifications? Paha! They havent worked for me in weeks! I claim its a conspiracy but im told its happening to us all xD (Im joking obviously, about the app. The notifications truly are broken)

  • @knifelife It is a conspiracy. The m**o clearly stated "just don't tell KnifeLife".

    Oops, maybe I've said too much?

    The notifications work fine for me. Just that darn number never clears itself.

    edit: Why would "mem0" be censored?

  • @knifelife Sadly my finding so far show that it doesn’t seem to work. I’m currently using an iPad with the google chrome app which it was required to even downloading it. Upon downloading I refreshed both my safari SoT forums and chrome SoT forums to find a lack of bar. I thank musicmee for doing this but it seems to not like my iPad DX

  • @admiral-rrrsole Trust me I've been saying it for ages! They are out to get me i know it xD And ive given up with trying to figure out the profanity filter paha i think at some point it became self aware and rebelled and now Rare has no control over it xD

    Edit: I was wondering if theres a bug thats affecting my tablet maybe, as the website format is diffrent to the PC version.

    @WestStormborn Thanks for trying bud, im on android so ill install it tomorrow and see if it works on my tab. Hopefully it will work, its a great idea and if Rare are going to do more realtime events like cursed sails it will be a godsend!

  • @musicmee A possibility might be that our navigational bars are different as it their are two versions for Pc and mobile

  • @weststormborn Yeah... It seems it targets the PC navbar specifically... I will fix that ASAP and let you guys know when I have fixed it.

    Sorry about that.

  • @musicmee no problemo your quick notifications and trying to take the steps to fix it makes me evidently happier

  • @musicmee

    Thanks mate. I lost all hope as the link didn't mention any download. So I bit the bullet and installed Chrome against my will and was able to download and install it but it still didn't show even after closing and reopening the browser.

    You may want to tell folks that it only works on the Sea of Thieves forum.
    I was searching the Windows task / status bar. lol

    However I didn't think of the forums until I searched Firefox "Add-ons", installed it and came back to the forums.... to give you bad news. lol
    And there it was, up top.

    Thank you again for thinking of it and taking the time to create this very useful inclusion.
    Much appreciated. :o)

  • Are you going to post a source code for this? Just so all the paranoids could check it out and feel safe using it.

  • Why not working with Rare and make it available officially on the website?

  • @musicmee since i got this app it has only said the skele ship of the wilds

  • @roughleech03117 Because it is the wilds for a duration of 4 hrs (1-10th ingame, 1 day ingame=24 min, 10d x 24 min = 240 Min = 4 hrs realworld)

  • @musicmee great work mate.
    How do you find time between work, forum, boatswain duty and of purse being a pirate legend!

    In fact don't sleeping and eating come in there somewhere too??


  • @nic727 If only they would let me work for them matey :( I am tryying lol.

  • @musicmee This is amazing!! :D Thank you very much :D

  • @roughleech03117 Ahoy matey!

    Thanks for pointing this out, there was an issue with the code which has now rectified... Version 0.2.2 now shows the correct event and should auto update from your extension store soon.

    Apologies for that.

  • @knifelife I had thought about bundling in some forum fixes - including a disable preview option and adding some SoT emotes.

    @WoodenBrows Ask and you shall get - Here's the source for you paranoids out there ;)

  • @musicmee Very cool! Nice work :)

  • @ionei-falcon Cheers matey! I really needed this for myself more than anything :P

  • Dang this is pretty cool. Thanks @Musicmee !!

  • Nice work. Well done @Musicmee!!!

  • @psych0-knightro @RealStyli

    Cheers guys :) Happy to help where I can.

  • Microsoft Edge extension please?

  • @binary-beaver On it! It's easy to get this converted so shouldn't take too long.

  • @musicmee said in In Game Clock and Events - Chrome & Firefox Extension:

    @roughleech03117 Ahoy matey!

    Thanks for pointing this out, there was an issue with the code which has now rectified... Version 0.2.2 now shows the correct event and should auto update from your extension store soon.

    Apologies for that.

    No matey, it hasn't auto updated. Mine has been stuck on "The Wilds" since installing it on Firefox 23 hours ago.

    I think I may need to remove it and install the add-on again.

  • @admiral-rrrsole That's odd... can you let me know how you get on? Version 0.2.2 is in the Firefox Addon Store.

    It probably would have updated eventually.

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