Athena's Ghost ship cosmetics - How to make them worth the money

  • So with the implementation of the reapers mark flag, and seeing its absolutely awesome glowing mechanic, I'm now left wondering even more why the ghost ship set doesn't glow with all the various livery.

    All it would take is the same texture glow that the reapers mark flag has on the hull sails and flag, and boom I 'd feel justified in paying the hefty price for these items.

    Sorry if this is discussed elsewhere recently I tried searching around a little before posting but didn't find anything

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  • @rnginxed Ahoy there matey!

    While it has been discussed before, it is still a very valid bit of feedback.

    I too would love to see the sails worth the cost... not too fussed about the hull glowing but definitely the sails. Here is the image people have banded around here and Reddit.

  • At 300k per item, you would expect it to be a little more than it currently is

  • @needsmokes hahha 300k per item, which seas are you sailing ?

    The athenas ship parts cost a whopping 500k a piece

  • @callmebackdraft They do? I know the flag is only 50k, but was sure last time i looked all the rest was 300k. Will look again next time i log on later.

  • @needsmokes I think i am confusing myself with the legendary ship parts..
    Only Athena lvl 4 atm, so don't know prices.. My bad.

  • @needsmokes the regular pirate legend parts are 300k a pop, the athenas is 500k unless they changed that since the introduction of them but i doubt that

  • @musicmee OH MY GOSH!! That looks so sick! I own the whole ship and I would pay another 1.5m for that..Please rare! please!!!!

  • @musicmee Yeah I had seen this on reddit, The reapers mark flag reminded me that this set could look so much better. This image is a fantastic reference for what I mean.

    I fear this won't happen without some attention brought to this set though, Not sure the right method to get rare to notice though :/

  • I hope we could get one day the VFX of the BallastBall on the deck it would look so awesome! Spooky!

  • This needs to happen!!

  • The glow of the Reaper's Mark is so amazing. I'm really surprised that the Athena items didn't get the same treatment. Let's hope they change that in an update.

  • Ya.. talk about an underwhelming endgame reward, Every Athenas Item glows, even ones that cost 10-20 grand... but spend hundreds of hours and 1.5 million for the Final rewards and they break continuity by making the biggest most expensive Athenas items NOT GLOW... queue up the "Sad Trombone"

  • @rnginxed

    There's been a reply to this question posted on reddit recently -

  • How is the tech not present I wonder? Bah, a clear insight to how limited my comprehension of game dev and it's tools I am. Though I do question that statement when I consider we've got other glowing objects in the game... bah.

    At least there's the comment that it's being looked into and may show up down the road. My other hope is that we see some glowing added to the leaked customization to be showcased in FS.... I want a nice red hot aura around my blunderbuss or Eye or reaches "hot parts" to be sure! Here's to hoping!

  • @callmebackdraft yeah atheana's cost 500k but there's also a ghost hull,sails... you can buy for 300k in the hideout.It's just like that you can buy the athena's outfit and the ghost one wich glows and has these turquise elements to it.
    Arrrr sail on ;)

  • @kamashie the ones for 300k aren’t the ghost hull, sail and figurehead those are the “pirate legend” hull, sail and figurehead.

    There is a difference the athenas stuff you are referring to are the “ghost” hull, sail and figurehead.

    Regular pirate legend ship stuff costs 930.000 gold total (including flag)

    Athena’s/Ghost ship stuff costs 1.550.000 gold total (including flag)

  • And maybe there could be a skull on the railing by the helm that could be interacted with to change the intensity of the glowing parts of the ship. So you could dull the glow if you want to be stealthy. Then, before you attack, crank up the glow intensity and blast your pray into The Fairy of the Damned.

  • I was about to make a post with the reskin and seen this thread!

    Sexy skin

  • @callmebackdraft It is correct the current value is 500k

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