Cosmetic balls

  • Sooo, I thought RAREs stance on combat was that everyone is equal. That there will be no progression to give a player an advantage over another player ex: everyone only gets 5 shots in their firearms everyone has the same sword swipes and that everything is purely cosmetic. They emphasized many times that combat would be equal fast forward 5 months, screw that let's introduce cannon balls that will give other players an "advantage" how could they not see this coming. You get hit with a cannon ball that lowers your anchor then immediately hit by a ball that puts you to sleep. Your ship is toast. 100% gives the sloop players a disadvantage. For (Mod edited) sake. At least come up with a counter. Remember that potion shop? What a big (Mod edited) to the pioneers. And day one players. Oh but rare came up with a statement saying sorry, welp, if they would have listened in the 1st place (Mod edited) like this wouldn't have happened. If they don't fix this, this game will definitely die by xmas

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  • I'm looking forward to using the cannon balls in a battle. Only tried the new update tonight but doesn't seem like that much an advantage from what I have seen.

    You still got to look for them and it took me about an hour to find 5. They dont seem common which is a good thing. Think it will make for interesting battles and you can still miss with them.

  • @chunkgb Twice in a row, I found 4 CC's at just an outpost. I figured that maybe they're more common now because of the BL Adventures event currently going on.

  • @e11evenbsouth @shell2k6 Ahoy! sweary word alert! :D
    I've had to remove that tiny sweary word that had popped in to your post me matey. Potty mouthing be not part o' the Forum Rules. :D

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Plus with regards to your post, there’s nothing to stop you getting the first shot in. Dropping their anchor and putting them to sleep. You both have the same advantage it’s just who takes it first.

  • Sweary word! Lol. Thanks for helping keep the forums clean.

  • @madame-c

    I haven't been that lucky yet. But I am hoping to blast through this weekly event. No pun intended, haven't been able to finish the last two.

  • Although solo play is an option, it's highly ill-advised. This game is meant to be played with a crew, so of course sailing solo will put you at a disadvantage. That's your choice though.

  • If the effect duration of the new cannonballs (especially those that affect player control) was similar to the amount of time it takes to patch a hole, would that not make all things equal?

  • Everyone has access to the CCs so there isn't an advantage there.

    As for the sloop, it will always be at a disadvatage in combat (particular in barding actions) due to its smaller crew size.

  • Everyone has the same opportunity to find them in the world, and at the moment at least they're pretty easy to come by so I'd say it's rather balanced. You could argue the same for powder barrels, as they also have to be found before you can use them.

    Personally, I find them interesting and fun. They open up more possibilities in the game play.

  • @luciansanchez82 People keep bringing up GP barrels as if they are comparable. But, with a GP barrel, someone has to drop it, someone has to carry it, it requires skill to deploy effectively and it can be countered. That isn’t true for CC’s. You don’t know what the effect will be until you’re hit with it - you will know if it’s ship or crew by color, but that’s it. There is no counter, and it is a matter of seconds between knowing it’s coming and being hit... no matter what.

    I think CC’s are, ultimately, bad for the game. If they are going to be in, I hope they are as rare, if not rarer, than cursed chests. I get why they are widely available now due to the event, but once that’s done I hope you rarely ever see one.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Cosmetic balls:

    @luciansanchez82 People keep bringing up GP barrels as if they are comparable. But, with a GP barrel, someone has to drop it, someone has to carry it, it requires skill to deploy effectively and it can be countered. That isn’t true for CC’s. You don’t know what the effect will be until you’re hit with it - you will know if it’s ship or crew by color, but that’s it. There is no counter, and it is a matter of seconds between knowing it’s coming and being hit... no matter what.

    I think CC’s are, ultimately, bad for the game. If they are going to be in, I hope they are as rare, if not rarer, than cursed chests. I get why they are widely available now due to the event, but once that’s done I hope you rarely ever see one.

    Just to clarify, I made the comparison as they're both items you don't have access to until you find them - everyone has the same opportunity/chance of finding them out in the world. They're both very different items in terms of their use.

    I agree with you though. I think they should be incredibly rare to find, and using them should be something that's carefully considered first as you wouldn't want to waste them.

  • @bran-the-ent just like with the gp barrels it does take at least some skill to use them efectively.

    First of all you have to hit with them, second you have to be able to use that moment that gets created once said ball has hit.

    Last night i had two brigantines following our brigantine (they weren’t that happy that we sunk them both previously seperate of eachother and where in an alliance together) once they found We soon found out that they stocked up and got alot of cursed cannonballs.

    These crews weren’t bad in fact they were quite good, so we had to employ a “divide and conquer” strategy (especially since meggie had taken a liking to the wood our ship was mad of), we got hit by multiple anchor balls, rigging balls and jig balls.

    We got a lucky shot on them with a peace ball but at no point did we get affected by the balls so much that we couldn’t resque our ship or sending any person that got on our ship without our permission to davy jones.

    A key part of this was communication, we were on point, knew what any one of us was doing or where we were.

    One ship got sunk by me being able to get meggie to agro to them instead of us, in conjunction with us helping her along. and the other was taken over after a sweet sweet close combat fight after which i could sail them into tri rock isle and they took so much damage and i stole their planks.

    Tldr; change strategies and communicate constantly with your crew

  • @callmebackdraft Sure, it takes some skill... it takes the same skill as hitting a boat with a cannonball. It's fast, the effect is instantaneous and, depending on the ball, affects the entire ship. But, I have a friend who solo brigged and sank a fully crewed brig because he'd preloaded anchor and peace balls in the two cannons on one side. One-two... then he loaded a sleep in and it was over - he could sink them at his leisure. Can't easily do that with a GP barrel. They are incredibly OP.

  • How is this an advantage? anyone can find Cursed Cannonballs, and even then you wont always find exactly what you are looking for when you get them. Not every crew is going to be the crew of the flying dutchman. Not a day after the Cursed Crews update dropped, and I was solo sailing a sloop in circles round and round a Galleon of fresh faced players.

  • @lizalaroo

    I’m confused :s I don’t recall having a post on this thread let alone a swear!

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