Rowboats - a more full explanation?

  • The video that came out couple weeks ago was fun and all - but didn't really answer many questions.
    I'll just start by asking 1..

    If you are in a rowboat, and your ship is sunk... what happens?
    (eg. do you have to row to the nearest shore? do you loose your rowboat if you take a mermaid back to your ship? can another ship carry you and your boat back to your ship? Where is your ship - do you have to die in order for it to respawn? or can it tell you where to go?)

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  • @r3d-n1nja-82 You'll just have to wait and see apon release! :D

  • @mad-jack-ketch haha.. well yes... but I was hoping for more info to bridge the gap from the delay. :)

  • @r3d-n1nja-82 said in Rowboats - a more full explanation?:

    Where is your ship - do you have to die in order for it to respawn? or can it tell you where to go?

    I guess it's safe to say that your ship will probably respawn as it does now and I doubt the rowboat will talk to you :)

  • @fishst1ck lol.... no talking row boats!?! Come on RARE!!

    So that's what I'm curious about. Im sitting in a row boat, and my ship sinks... I continue to paddle around while my ship has respawned on an island far away. It would be nice to know where incase i'm inclined to row my way there. perhaps I have valuable treasure in my rowboat that I don't want to loose.

    And if the ship does spawn while you are still in the rowboat, then it'll just be sitting there open to attacks until I decide to jump over board to drown (or talk to mermaid), and abandon my rowboat/treasure.

    -dont get me wrong I'm super excited to play with these new mechanics.. just curious why there hasn't been more discussion on them.
    So let's discuss!! :) (or theorize I guess)

  • I would row to an nearby island and hide my loot, leave the rowboat on the beach and take a mermaid back to your ship.
    Sail back and recover loot and rowboat.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Rowboats - a more full explanation?:

    I would row to an nearby island and hide my loot, leave the rowboat on the beach and take a mermaid back to your ship.
    Sail back and recover loot and rowboat.

    Not a bad plan, as long as there isn't a server merge.
    I might be inclined to not leave the rowboat near where I stashed the loot though.

    Do the rowboats have a map of any sort I wonder?

  • @dooby good point. I wonder how navigation works in the rowboat.

    There needs to be a fun reason with some advantage of parking farther away from shore and using a rowboat. I'd hate for it to end up being a devil's claw tool and never used anywhere else.

    Any speculation on how treasure is stored in the row boat? is there a limit? do they lock to certain spots in the boat (to allow for players to still sit / row without clipping through chests?

  • @r3d-n1nja-82

    Would love to know a few answers myself. :)
    But the guys who really know, sworn to....

    alt text

    We will just have to wait & see.....
    It'll be fun to find out I'm sure once we have them.

  • I wonder if the rowboat can have holes punched into it like ships?
    And I wonder if you can repair holes with wood planks?

    So many questions...

  • @skullmanbeard said in Rowboats - a more full explanation?:

    Im hoping a 2nd crew can jump on oars to increase speed and efficiency like other ship mechanics. But looks like a single rower

    If the seat is wide enough, grab a paddle each :)

    they should bring in pilot gigs and we can all have races :)

  • @skullmanbeard yeah, I assumed that's what you meant

  • What we know so far about the Rowboats:

    • You don't spawn with them, they need to be found in the world.
    • Can be attached to the rear of any of the three ship types.
    • Seats four pirates including the 1 rower who faces backwards.
    • Can store supplies in the rear seat, loot items can be placed onboard. (unsure if there is some limit, but I'd wager not)
    • Can be damaged but not repaired (exactly how this plays out in game is unknown)

    What else do we really need to know? If your ship sinks, why would you think things would change if you're on a Rowboat? You might be able to stash your loot somewhere, but that's it.

  • @r3d-n1nja-82 they are very fragile just remember that they are not tanks.

  • @letslipthedogs yea that makes sense. I wonder how many hits it can take. They should be kinda hard to hit - being so small.
    One cannonball and the whole thing explodes into grab-able planks, would be hilarious. and useful in a pinch if you needed more planks!

    just picture the sacrificial pirate that has to row the boat away with a single gun powder barrel. Let it rain planks!!

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