Cargo Runs

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  • @molonlabe113 you have to look at the names of the people! The cargo is not only picked up at the merchants! I had to pick them up one with the shipwright and once with the weapon store girl! :O Edit: same goes for cashing in! look at the names!

    and first you get a letter where to pick up your cargo and then on the item you see where it is going so only go for the person that is listed on the items!

  • @molonlabe113 Like @Shikia-Caeleaum said, the NPCs that you can pick up the cargo run supplies from can be any NPC at the outpost from shipwright to equipment shop owner. There are also random NPCs on various islands that you can deliver cargo run supplies to.

  • I picked one up yesterday at Morrow's by the order of a guy on Ruby's Fall. I searched everyone I could find at Morrow's and even spoke with the guy at Ruby's and never did figure out where to pick up the crates.

    Is there a clue I'm missing?

  • @gatorwocky Ahoy matey!

    You need to speak to the guy on Rubys Fall (or the person named at the top of any order) they will then give you the cargo, on the cargo is a delivery note which you must read to tell you the destination.

    Hope that makes sense?

  • Yes, makes perfect sense. Thanks. I did speak to him and the option for obtaining crates never came up. Maybe I just missed it.

    Thanks again.

    BTW, finally saw your wanted poster. I thought it was really cool and made my son come look at it, too.

  • @gatorwocky said in Cargo Runs:

    I picked one up yesterday at Morrow's by the order of a guy on Ruby's Fall. I searched everyone I could find at Morrow's and even spoke with the guy at Ruby's and never did figure out where to pick up the crates.

    Is there a clue I'm missing?

    Maybe you already had a quest from Rubys?

    Yesterday me and a friend had a pickup and Galleons Grave from the Trader. We picked it up and the note said to deliver to Dagger Tooth. We threw down another cargo run and had to pick up more at the seapost near GG that had to be delivered to Kraken Falls. The 3rd one we threw down was another pickup at Galleons Grave, again from the Trader. What luck we thought, we can pick it up on the way to DaggerTooth.

    When we got there, the option to pick it up came up but no matter how much me and my friend clicked on her we could not pick it up, we even killed ourselves to see if it was bugged. We kept the voyage and went on to DaggerTooth, decided to go back to GG to see if we could pick it up and we could.

    Now I have picked up multiple runs from one person via message in the bottles, but maybe the game won't let you carry 2 voyages from the same person? I don't know.

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