Passengers - New Content Idea

  • Super Basic Idea: You meet an NPC on an outpost or island that wants to go to another outpost or island. Some pay well, some pay poorly. Some get drunk and throw up all over your boat. Some just stand quietly on deck and contemplate the sea. Others tell you tales of hidden treasure. They can be killed, though some might fight back! But you don't get your pay if they don't make it to their destination.

    This just adds another interesting layer to a session of play.


  • 20
  • that's not very pirate like...

    but then again, neither are the merchant voyages

    but then again again, its called sea of thieves not sea of pirates...

  • @captain-arcanic

    I've thought about this possibility a time or two as well.

    You know, we're sailing around an archipelago, the inhabitants clearly know about each other - yet there is little to no evidence that they ever travel/fish or even set a toe in the water or if they do, how they do it.

    Being able to do passenger type quests, deliveries from specific npc characters, visits from and to relations, family, sending medicines, vital supplies etc would all really fit well it seems to me.

  • @katttruewalker said in Passengers - New Content Idea:


    I've thought about this possibility a time or two as well.

    You know, we're sailing around an archipelago, the inhabitants clearly know about each other - yet there is little to no evidence that they ever travel/fish or even set a toe in the water or if they do, how they do it.

    Being able to do passenger type quests, deliveries from specific npc characters, visits from and to relations, family, sending medicines, vital supplies etc would all really fit well it seems to me.

    My thoughts as well. It'd be cool if you were approached to deliver a love letter to the tavernkeeper two outposts over by a certain date. If you took too long or the letter never arrived, that NPC would throw a grog in your face the next time they saw you, or give you a hug and a gold hoarder map with five x's if you delivered the letter.

    Could be a hundred of these little mini-stories.

  • @squalzell said in Passengers - New Content Idea:

    that's not very pirate like...

    but then again, neither are the merchant voyages

    but then again again, its called sea of thieves not sea of pirates...

    Maybe you could choose to rob the rich merchant passenger instead of delivering him like planned? He drops a chest when you pull a pistol on him, but his merchant friends remember you later.

  • It even adds lore! This tiny detail fixes many complaints of the fans! I love the idea. Also love the idea of having some one approach me on an outpost. Giving him a lift but getting into a battle against another ship and sad story the npc dies. Or helps me defend the ship etc.

  • I think I really like this idea!

  • I like this idea. I'm a bit afraid of NPCs glitching a lot, as boarding a ship isn't exactly easy for an AI. With so many variables, like distance of the parked ship, angle of it, movement, waves etc. but maybe with the help of rowboats, it is doable somehow.

  • @sir-lotus said in Passengers - New Content Idea:

    I like this idea. I'm a bit afraid of NPCs glitching a lot, as boarding a ship isn't exactly easy for an AI. With so many variables, like distance of the parked ship, angle of it, movement, waves etc. but maybe with the help of rowboats, it is doable somehow.

    I know, that's a difficult part, but once you agree, they could just say they'll meet you aboard ship, and magically appear there.

    Or walk all the way to the dock/shore, then teleport aboard. It's really not that different than meeting a fishman in the water and suddenly being below deck on your ship... Thinking about that too much is worrying.

  • I think the guys you find on Islands should be called castaways.
    But I do love this idea!

    BTW: NPC stands for Non Player Character right?

  • @sgt-palooggoo yep. non-player character, non-playable character and other variations.

  • @squalzell said in Passengers - New Content Idea:

    that's not very pirate like...

    but then again, neither are the merchant voyages

    but then again again, its called sea of thieves not sea of pirates...

    Pirates did whatever got them paid. This is very pirate like.

  • @rockinpodunk said in Passengers - New Content Idea:

    @squalzell said in Passengers - New Content Idea:

    that's not very pirate like...

    but then again, neither are the merchant voyages

    but then again again, its called sea of thieves not sea of pirates...

    Pirates did whatever got them paid. This is very pirate like.

    a little google search proved that... you are correct, there were many branches of pirating.
    A pirate first and foremost meant thief of the sea (sea of thieves get it haha)

    but then you have more specifics branches like Corsairs, Buccaneers, Scourges, Brethren and Marooners, where their activities went from freelancers for companies, to military mercenaries all the way to merchants(ish), [spoiler they would sell stolen or found goods].

  • @captain-arcanic
    Love. It.

  • Fun idea also like to save souls or animals from shipwrecks make me feel good :)

  • The introduction of pets proves this idea even more viable, as they are basically little NPCs that walk around on your ship and you can interact with.

  • I like this idea.

  • Because my pirate always wanted to be an Uber driver.

    Can I get a huge mustache plushie as a figurehead?

  • @captain-arcanic said in Passengers - New Content Idea:

    Super Basic Idea: You meet an NPC on an outpost or island that wants to go to another outpost or island. Some pay well, some pay poorly. Some get drunk and throw up all over your boat. Some just stand quietly on deck and contemplate the sea. Others tell you tales of hidden treasure. They can be killed, though some might fight back! But you don't get your pay if they don't make it to their destination.

    This just adds another interesting layer to a session of play.


    Pirate Uber? Sure man! xD

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