New and Interesting Ways to Use Current In-game Items

  • Explosive Barrels
    Rare seems to like playing with explosive barrels, who doesn’t? I’d like to suggest that we add the functionality of placing an explosive barrel on a X marks the spot on a map detonating and getting an instant dig up. I think it's a fair trade with you trading in the value of the explosive barrel for quicker access to the chest. This increases the usefulness of everyones favorite item even more.

    The Shovel
    I’ve seen this talked about before but I like the idea of using the shovel as a defensive tool in PVP let us swing it knocking enemies back. It could be uses to keep a sword wielding pirate at bay until your cremates arrive to rescue you. This mechanic should also be useable on crew mates. I think everyone would enjoy trolling those friends that get just too close to the side of the ship on a long voyage.
    A secondary use for the shovel could be to remove planks from enemy players ships. Make it take about 4 times as long as fixing a hole and make a ton of noise while doing it to alert the crew of someone trying to remove planks below deck.

    The Compass
    I’ve always like the idea of using it to find rare minerals in the ground. Like hidden treasure if you're willing to look for it. How this would work is that if you are walking around with your compass out if you are standing above a hunk of rare metal it would start spinning like it is in a storm. Giving you the indication that if you dig below your feet you’ll find some rare minerals.

    The Wooden Plank
    When not facing a hole that needs plugging you could hold up a plank in front of you guarding you from bullets. Once hit the plank would be destroyed. This could work in PVP as well as fighting skeletons that all spawn with pistols or sniper rifles letting you get closer while they reload. You could balance it out with the user of the plank taking no damage to a reduced percentage of the normal damage taken if hit.

    While pirates in the Sea of Thieves tend to eat bananas whole I think we could all agree some of the fondest memories of morning cartoons was a pursuing character slipping on a banana peel someone carelessly left on the floor. With this in mind I’ve love if we could use a banana as a trap on the floor. A skeleton or pirate is chasing you drop one behind you and if they step on it they get a short stun from tripping on the banana allowing you to escape or turn around and attack. I also think plenty of people would have a blast with this trolling other pirates or teammates. Giving players different ways to interact with other players is always a good thing.

    Cannon + Animal = Fun
    Right now chickens, pigs and snakes are being ignored around the seas ever since cargo runs have been introduced. Let's get them back into the action!

    Who doesn’t want to shoot a chicken out of a cannon? Let us pick up our fellow island adventures and get them into the action. Here are my suggested mechanics for each of our friends.

    Chickens: Firing the chicken of the cannon would work like a cursed cannonball. If you hit near the area enemy players are instead of getting drunk they get a face full of feathers. Blocking their view for a short time.

    Pigs: When Pigs Fly! Firing a pig out of a cannon works more like your traditional cannon ball. But instead of doing damage to players if they hit them. They have a huge mega keg level knock back. Ensuring that the hit player will go flying off the boat requiring them to find a mermaid. This could also apply to hitting the hull, causing the ship to be steered off course.

    Snakes: Get these M$#!& Snakes off this M$#!& boat! When shooting a snake out of a cannon the goal is to hit the top deck of the enemy players or skeleton ship. Once they land they are not happy and will rapidly attack anyone near them. Causing your enemies to divert their attention to the snakes.

    Musical Instruments
    One thing I’ll say about this game is they’ve found a way to bring playing a musical instrument in a game to be fun and useful. From playing a shanty as you sail across the seas, taming a nearby snake, or unlocking a clue. It is a really great way to introduce music into a game. I want to make playing a musical instrument in this game even more useful and fun.
    Give buffs to certain tasks when someone is playing an instrument. Need that lazy pirate to help raise an anchor? Well if he is playing a song while you're raising it the speed in which the anchor goes up is like they are helping. Maybe a 50% increase into anchor raising speed. Need help turning the sails, play some music and turn them faster. Getting tired of carrying a chest back to the boat? Play some music and you’ll run a little faster while carrying a chest. In the middle of a battle? Play your favorite shanty to reload the cannons a little faster. There are countless little thinks that playing an instrument could speed up. If you ever introduced a shanty picker you could have different shanty give you different buffs. Giving people the chance to play around with an instrument while still helping the crew is a good idea. Probably, maybe.

    The Watch
    I can’t think of a way to make the watch itself have additional functions. Maybe a stopwatch function for pirate completions? The main way to add additional value to the watch is make knowing the date and time more valuable. Like small events that happen at a specific place and time. For instance at noon on the 13th, a treasure vault opens in sailors bouty for 5 minutes. Fights over the vault could be a lot of fun. Or events like the night of the 20th, ghost skeletons spawn on Krakens Fall and drop random skulls each time you kill one. You have 10 minutes to kill as many as you can. I’d suggest adding these events in secret if the community knows they are there then its less special when everyone learns of its existence. Plus it means you can slowly roll them out.

    Related post on other ideas I’ve had.
    Small ideas I’d like to see added to the game

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  • I love your ideas, it would be interesting to see them in the game, but there are some things that I believe may be little different.

    @yelmurc disse em New and Interesting Ways to Use Current In-game Items:

    Explosive Barrels
    Rare seems to like playing with explosive barrels, who doesn’t? I’d like to suggest that we add the functionality of placing an explosive barrel on a X marks the spot on a map detonating and getting an instant dig up. I think it's a fair trade with you trading in the value of the explosive barrel for quicker access to the chest. This increases the usefulness of everyones favorite item even more.

    Or a 10% chance to explode the chest and lose it.

    The Wooden Plank
    When not facing a hole that needs plugging you could hold up a plank in front of you guarding you from bullets. Once hit the plank would be destroyed. This could work in PVP as well as fighting skeletons that all spawn with pistols or sniper rifles letting you get closer while they reload. You could balance it out with the user of the plank taking no damage to a reduced percentage of the normal damage taken if hit.

    The Eye of Reach is a powerful weapon, maybe a 50% chance do get hit by the bullet.

    Musical Instruments
    One thing I’ll say about this game is they’ve found a way to bring playing a musical instrument in a game to be fun and useful. From playing a shanty as you sail across the seas, taming a nearby snake, or unlocking a clue. It is a really great way to introduce music into a game. I want to make playing a musical instrument in this game even more useful and fun.
    Give buffs to certain tasks when someone is playing an instrument. Need that lazy pirate to help raise an anchor? Well if he is playing a song while you're raising it the speed in which the anchor goes up is like they are helping. Maybe a 50% increase into anchor raising speed. Need help turning the sails, play some music and turn them faster. Getting tired of carrying a chest back to the boat? Play some music and you’ll run a little faster while carrying a chest. In the middle of a battle? Play your favorite shanty to reload the cannons a little faster. There are countless little thinks that playing an instrument could speed up. If you ever introduced a shanty picker you could have different shanty give you different buffs. Giving people the chance to play around with an instrument while still helping the crew is a good idea. Probably, maybe.

    Buffs while playing OK, but time buffs will unbalance the game.

  • Well thought out and beautiful ideas! I could get behind all of these.

  • I would add that explosive barrels could open certain blocked tunnels or hidden caves, in addition to uncovering chests in the dirt.

  • @targasbr Yea it would only be a buff so long as someone was playing the music. Basically the music replaces the character's ability to contribute so raising sails would be like there are two people raising them etc... But once the music stopped everything is back to the default.

  • oh my goodness this post is amazing! Not sure if they would ideally work but the possibilities are AMAZING!

  • Also I've been saying for months and months...if I could use my shovel as a weapon, I'd never use my sword again lol

    ps - check out Static-x's "I'm with Stupid" :D

  • @tim-static well my suggestion isn't that the shovel does damage, just that it has a knock back effect keeping people at a distance. I guess if you knocked them off the side of a cliff it could count as doing damage.

  • @yelmurc oh wow, i just skim read your post and saw chickens and cannons!!! What a great idea...

    I think i want to fire chickens from my cannons more than anything!...

    Please dont report me to the rspca though!

  • @yelmurc

    I really love your ideas here, would definitely like to see different functions for our existing items - for the watch, I like the stopwatch/second hand idea, but also using specific times of day to solve riddles perhaps?

  • All are great and (mostly) original ideas!

    Here's my take on your ideas:

    Gunpowder barrels - what if a random skelly explodes?

    Shovel - not original, but sensible with knockback but no damage; I think a new boarding ax item would be more appropriate for dealing with the removal of planks.

    Compass - I think this would be great if you were within the vicinity of a mermaid statue; the closer you are, the faster it would spin.

    Wooden planks - love this idea! More protection, but fewer repairs! Still, why not do something similar with other large items (shovel, cutlass, etc.). Also, why not apply your knockback iea with this? Spank with a plank and it breaks?

    Bananas - We need a trap item, and this idea works. Add the ability to drop bananas anywhere (like when you see them on the beach), and have them stop or slow your movement (because even pirates don't want to fall in their own sword).

    Musical instruments - I'd rather players actually assist their crews rather than give buffs via music - save that for the rumored potions.

    Fired animals - chickens are fragile, so they should die on impact in a feathery explosion; pigs too, but it should only work on a direct hit and cause puke to show up on the pirate's screen as the pig loses its lunch; snakes are wrily and should survive the impact, because they're spring-loaded (a bit redundant with venomballs though). How would this work with cages?

    Watch - No comment.

  • @galactic-geek

    Gunpowder Barrel - Maybe it has to be a gunpowder barrel on the ground right above it. If a skeleton is holding it it doesn't register.

    Compass - I hadn't thought of that having it work on mermaid statues as well or any magic object really could be interesting.

    Wooden Planks - I thought about the knock back with the plank I just didn't want to double up on mechanics to much. And the shovel and Sword are not expendable so I didn't think it would fit in balancing things out.

    Musical Instruments - I just think it would give the action of movements of the game little more sound and a little more variety. As long as it doesn't really give your crew any advantage and is just another route the ability to complete tasks in multiple ways is good for the emersion of the game.

    Fired animals - I figured it would be like loading a cannon ball you have a cage in hand walk up to a cannon and load it. The cage is still there but empty and the animal is in the cannon. And yes all animals other than the snakes if they get on the boat would die.

  • @katttruewalker The only issue I could see with using it to solve riddles is if the riddle requires it to be 11PM and you arrive on the island a 1AM you are going to have a nice wait. Maybe it could be at the top of the hour so you only have to wait till the second hand hits 12.

  • @yelmurc I must say i really like your idea's. They fit perfectly with the philosophy of this game. Can I add this to the Community Ideas Master List this post needs more exposure.

  • @yelmurc I like the compass and I would like it point to whatever you want most in the game like jack sparrow's compass

  • @enf0rcer yes it does mate

  • @yelmurc said in New and Interesting Ways to Use Current In-game Items:

    @katttruewalker The only issue I could see with using it to solve riddles is if the riddle requires it to be 11PM and you arrive on the island a 1AM you are going to have a nice wait. Maybe it could be at the top of the hour so you only have to wait till the second hand hits 12.

    It could just be like a merchant delivery, with the addition of needing to be there at a specific hour. So "Be in the cave at Smuggler's Bay on the 21st at 10pm and play the Bosun Bill tune."

  • @enf0rcer sure

  • @captain-arcanic I understand I just think that its not good game design if you arrive on Smugglers Bay at on the 19th and need to wait a hour to complete the riddle. I'd rather it be on the quarter or half hour something like that so you only have to wait a minute or so.

  • @yelmurc said in New and Interesting Ways to Use Current In-game Items:

    @enf0rcer sure

    Your post has been added under "Expansion to Game items". I thankyou for your contribution. Any updates to your post title and content you can post as a reply on the list to keep your link updated.

  • @yelmurc yea I just got a little excited lol

  • @yelmurc

    Very nice post of ways to make our common items even more useful and comical. Think that fun it will add fits well into the games style.

    Ok with a slight music buff as well. Better to be situational as playing music is inspirational to your crew. Would be nice to have some benefit to drinking too much grog as well.

  • While rare probably doesn't want to make player buffs a thing, the shanty idea is really brilliant because capstan shanties actually exist to encourage the crew to hoist faster.

    I think if they had it so the effect lasted a few seconds so that solo players could benefit a little from it too it would be a great addition!

    A lot of silly (but good) ideas here! And giving more mechanics to existing assets seems like the best investment into the game.

  • @yelmurc love these ideas mate!
    Especially the Rare minerals bit with the compass!

  • @yelmurc said in New and Interesting Ways to Use Current In-game Items:

    @captain-arcanic I understand I just think that its not good game design if you arrive on Smugglers Bay at on the 19th and need to wait a hour to complete the riddle. I'd rather it be on the quarter or half hour something like that so you only have to wait a minute or so.

    I see your point, but I think it would be worth it for the varied game play. I like the idea of getting a voyage and having to schedule the run to get there on time, but not too early. Maybe this type of voyage has a higher payout to be worth the hassle.

  • @sgt-palooggoo thanks, if you read through the comments, having the compass spin around mermaid statues as well was suggested. I think the idea could be expanded from minerals to include magical items as well.

  • @x-crowheart-x I have a idea of a bilge rat adventure about completing things while drunk.

    Suggestions on this are:
    Number of miles sailed with all members of the crew drunk
    Number of skeletons and/or skeleton captains slain while drunk. Number of chickens, pigs, and snakes caught while drunk.
    Number of chests dug up while drunk.
    Number of players slain while drunk.
    Number of cannon balls that hit their target while the boat is moving at top speed while drunk.

  • Or the guy can help raise anchor or sail instead of playing music on the side......

  • @one-eye-ethan it’s good to have multiple paths in a journey.

  • @yelmurc These are some excellent suggestions! My only critiques would be no RNG and perhaps a different functionality on the buffs.

    Blocking bullets should always produce the same exact damage reduction for all players. No randomness, only predictable outcomes. Let's say for example you are shooting at me with a flintlock and the plank reduces bullet damage by 50% (just an arbitrary # for the sake of example). All players know that flintlock does 50 damage but if blocked would do 25 damage making it a 4-shot kill weapon if all shots are blocked.

    The buffs you have suggested are interesting. I think I prefer the activities going faster by having someone else in the crew help perform the activity (i.e. raise anchor, move sails) rather than have someone buff your activity by playing a song. Perhaps they could have some other functionality though?

  • So a crew member can stand off to the side and play music the whole time instead of contributing to tasks on ship? Doesn’t really sound like another path on journey. The only one that somewhat makes sense to me are the events held on different dates. Everything else serves a base purpose in the game, and I think you’re just bored.

  • @xcalypt0x I’m willing to say it could buff you where it’s like half a player is there. But if people are raising sails and the anchor your playing music in that moment is a slight buff overall since multiple activity’s are being preformed.

  • @yelmurc Bardic inspiration. Like highlanders playing the great pipes while marching into battle, we'll have the lone hurdygurdyman playing Flight of the Valkyries from the crow's nest while we go to battle.

    The whole boost could effect every player but only to a certain range. Once boarding actions begin, you'd best grab your cutlass.

  • @captain-arcanic yea the idea is for the boost to happen only while your playin the shanty. It would make no sense to play te music with half the crew off the ship.

  • @yelmurc said in New and Interesting Ways to Use Current In-game Items:

    Explosive Barrels
    Rare seems to like playing with explosive barrels, who doesn’t? I’d like to suggest that we add the functionality of placing an explosive barrel on a X marks the spot on a map detonating and getting an instant dig up. I think it's a fair trade with you trading in the value of the explosive barrel for quicker access to the chest. This increases the usefulness of everyones favorite item even more.

    The Shovel
    A secondary use for the shovel could be to remove planks from enemy players ships. Make it take about 4 times as long as fixing a hole and make a ton of noise while doing it to alert the crew of someone trying to remove planks below deck.

    I think this would be really cool and interesting. It punishes people even more for leaving the ship unattended and thus boarders would have to think twice before committing. This move would also make it so that you can't simply hoard supplies to get an advantage in battle, because shoveling planks would create new opportunities to those who plays safe not damaging their ship or who's fresh on the server, recently sunk or scuttled.

    The Compass
    I’ve always like the idea of using it to find rare minerals in the ground. Like hidden treasure if you're willing to look for it. How this would work is that if you are walking around with your compass out if you are standing above a hunk of rare metal it would start spinning like it is in a storm. Giving you the indication that if you dig below your feet you’ll find some rare minerals.

    Agreed! And imagine if the compass still pointed to the treasure after being dug up, it would be a pain to navigate but we could use it as a marker and for example hide it onboard other ship. Perhaps not very useful except during battle amidst the fog.

    The Wooden Plank
    When not facing a hole that needs plugging you could hold up a plank in front of you guarding you from bullets. Once hit the plank would be destroyed. This could work in PVP as well as fighting skeletons that all spawn with pistols or sniper rifles letting you get closer while they reload. You could balance it out with the user of the plank taking no damage to a reduced percentage of the normal damage taken if hit.

    Definitely this. Love it. Planks are already valuable as it is and this would make them even more so. It would take the edge off ranged skeletons and double gunning without necessarily nerfing them.

    While pirates in the Sea of Thieves tend to eat bananas whole I think we could all agree some of the fondest memories of morning cartoons was a pursuing character slipping on a banana peel someone carelessly left on the floor. With this in mind I’ve love if we could use a banana as a trap on the floor. A skeleton or pirate is chasing you drop one behind you and if they step on it they get a short stun from tripping on the banana allowing you to escape or turn around and attack. I also think plenty of people would have a blast with this trolling other pirates or teammates. Giving players different ways to interact with other players is always a good thing.

    +1. As long as there is some limit to it so people don't nuke servers by droping a lot. Otherwise I think we would see every outpost and ship riddled with them just to prevent others from moving.

    Cannon + Animal = Fun
    Right now chickens, pigs and snakes are being ignored around the seas ever since cargo runs have been introduced. Let's get them back into the action!

    Who doesn’t want to shoot a chicken out of a cannon? Let us pick up our fellow island adventures and get them into the action. Here are my suggested mechanics for each of our friends.

    Chickens: Firing the chicken of the cannon would work like a cursed cannonball. If you hit near the area enemy players are instead of getting drunk they get a face full of feathers. Blocking their view for a short time.

    Pigs: When Pigs Fly! Firing a pig out of a cannon works more like your traditional cannon ball. But instead of doing damage to players if they hit them. They have a huge mega keg level knock back. Ensuring that the hit player will go flying off the boat requiring them to find a mermaid. This could also apply to hitting the hull, causing the ship to be steered off course.

    Snakes: Get these M$#!& Snakes off this M$#!& boat! When shooting a snake out of a cannon the goal is to hit the top deck of the enemy players or skeleton ship. Once they land they are not happy and will rapidly attack anyone near them. Causing your enemies to divert their attention to the snakes.

    Haha, I love it but at the same time it just feels so villainous to fire animals out of a cannon! But I do agree animals need more attention. I for one would like it if we could carry chickens to fall slowly or use pigs to find hidden valuables like truffle. Rare should also introduce unusual variations of animals, like they did with the Megalodon. These animals would of course be very valuable and uncommon.
    The Chriken, a purple chicken with tentacles instead of wings
    The Megalopig, a bluish pig with a shark fin.

24 out of 40