I was just about to write my introduction but...

  • ...but I won't, because the community arround this game is complete garbage. A friend of mine and myself are trying to learn the basics of the game, but we can't because every ship that passes us opens fire. We never completed a mission in three hours of playing. If I could I would refund this game.

  • 24
  • @maxikevey Stick with it. You will find servers with pirates out to kill, while other servers might be filled with friendly ships in one almighty alliance.
    Something you need to learn is that pirates are cautious and any sign of aggression quickly escalates.
    First thing you should do is to put up an offer alliance flag. If other ships think you are peaceful they are less likely to attack.
    I can't say the same for Megs or the Kraken!
    Good luck.

  • @pirateswill I might give it one more chance. I never knew that you can put up a flag. Is there anything else what I need to know about avoiding combat? Because the game doesn't really tell you these things.

  • @maxikevey As far as alliances and flags go:

    The alliance flag is a good start. It's on the second page of the flag menu at the top of the crows nest. If you see another ship with an alliance flag up (the only flag shaped like a pennant, not a square, and has a heart on it) you can join their alliance. When they get close, run back to your flag box and on the alliance flag page there will be the option to 'join alliance'. From there you can see each other on the map and you earn 50% of the value of any loot they turn in and vice versa. Beware though, this is a pirate game and alliances can be exploited to see what loot you have/ have you do the work to collect it, then when your guard is down, the other ship sinks you and takes all your stuff. In my experience that's rare, but it has happened. You can also select the speaking trumpet from page 2 of your equipment/weapon radial to talk over distance to other ships with your mic or use the commands, such as 'LET'S FORM AN ALLIANCE!!' to get the point you're friendly across. Also beware that even if a ship sees your alliance flag, you are pretty much declaring you're friendly and any bloodthirsty pirate will probably attack thinking you aren't into PVP and won't put up much resistance.

    The Reaper flag in the flag box is somewhat the opposite of the alliance flag. It is a glowing Jolly Roger (skull and crossbones) that is red and can be seen from distance and at night. It marks you're ship on the map of all other ships in the server (although it doesn't indicate what size of ship). It was added to encourage PVP, essentially declaring 'Here I am, come and get me!'. I wouldn't use that if you're not looking for a fight.

    The Jolly Roger and Black flag are pretty much universal for 'We're pirates and we'll attack you'. There's debate on whether the Jolly Roger just means 'We want your treasure, not necessarily to sink you' vs 'We're gonna sink you!' of the black flag, but in general if you see either of those be ready for a fight.

    The Red flag can also be a sign of hostility and 'no quarter given', but I rarely see it flown.

    I think the other flags pretty much allude to what the crews intentions are: Shark hunter- hunting Megs and sharks, Volcano- doing stuff in the Devil's Roar, Bilge Rat- doing bilge rat things.

    BUT this is a pirate game and anyone could potentially have a flag up to lure you in with your guard down and attack you...SO MUCH ANXIETY!!

    Other tips:
    If you see anyone swimming to your ship with a barrel, they're probably trying to blow holes in your ship. Shoot them in the water, distance from your ship if possible.
    Listen for the sound of water and rope(I think), it usually means someone has climbed your ships ladder and has boarded you.
    Your lights can be see from a distance, especially at night. Turn them off to not stand out.
    Your telescope and Sniper scope reflect light and can be seen from distance.
    Always keep an eye toward your ship if you're on an island, it's crazy how fast and silent another ship can roll up on you if you're not paying attention.
    I'd recommend always using a mic and game chat if you can.

    Hopefully this helps.

  • @nightowltrucker Some good tips there and most points covered.

    In regards to the Reaper mark, you will see such a ship on your navigation map even if it isn't visible from the deck or crows nest.
    Sail in the opposite direction if you don't want trouble.

    The universal peace greeting once you are within hailing distance of a ship seems to be AHOY, which you can get from your dial, but nothing beats actual voice over a mic.
    Some people message ALLIANCE over and over which usually works.

    A while back people used to put up their cannons facing vertical, although I haven't seen that much lately.

    I would also recommend checking out some unofficial videos online of people running through the combat basics, such as how to block, lunge, dodge and jump/lunge/attack.
    Even if you aren't actively seeking PVP then being able to survive 5 seconds longer can make all the difference.
    In any case these techniques certainly help in your skeleton battles too.

    It really helps to pick up the finer points of sailing.
    The different ships have different speeds into and with the wind so rotate your sails, or the ship, until you see each sail pop into the wind and when all sails (if you are on a galleon or brigantine) are in alignment you will hear a tiny musical chord indicating you are at top speed.
    You need to be getting those sails catching the wind without even thinking about it, and a bit of extra speed can sometimes keep an aggressive ship out of melee range and after a while perhaps cause them to lose interest.

    Finally, don't lose heart if you keep getting killed.
    Many Pirate Legends are weak at PVP, but they still have fun and managed to get there after countless hours of adventure.
    When I am defeated by a faster PVP player I just say "Thank you for making me a better pirate".
    Learn from your mistakes and do your best not to get caught out the same way again.

    No point getting stressed about it, especially when there is a keg of Grog always nearby.


  • @maxikevey

    Ahoy there and welcome to the seas, which do seem to be more hostile recently than we're generally used to.

    First off, I'd recommend having a look through the Crew finding thread for fleets or groups, you'd then have a host of experienced players to help with gaining experience on the seas.

    Here's one and Rogue Legends are another -

    I'm also happy to help out, although my time is a bit limited :)

    We do also have a great many tips and guides in this section and I'd recommend these few -




    and this one


    Sea of Thieves can be a deceptive game, it looks pretty straightforward but actually does require a fair bit of practice and getting to know both the world and how each of the ships perform as well as how best to combat both other players and AI.



    Wishing you fair winds!

  • @maxikevey stick w it.. you will be glad you did! the game is remarkable. Just do ur best to avoid people until you start to feel comfortable w the game.

  • @MaxiKevey


    I know it can be quite frustrating dealing with people who want to sink your ship, especially when you're just getting your feet wet and have yet to dive into the full experience. I'll mimic what others have said because I think it's important to see the support a lot of us share in this community.

    Stick with it and try to find a good group of people to sail with. My crew any myself took a new player in last night, who was in your shoes, under our wing and taught him the ropes. We did several skull forts with him, a fleet cloud, sunk numerous ships, did a full Athena voyage, and turned in 107k worth of loot. It was incredible and I think it really turned his perspective of the game around. Once you've mastered the basics and can start to refine your skill(s) the game really starts to shine.

    Also check out @katttruewalker's thread for new sailors! It's a great read and source for helpful materials for new and experienced sailors alike.

    You'll get the hang of it if you just stick with it, I promise :)

    If you're ever looking for someone to sail with and my crew has some extra space we're more than happy to help! This game truly shines when played with friends.

  • I very much appreciate all of your comments.
    We gave it another shot, and boy we had a lot of fun. We were on our way to the first treasure and successfully avoided a galleon. Then we dug up the chest and where just about to turn it in, if there wasn't another sloop in our way. I guess they saw that we had a chest on board and started following us. We made a hard turn arround an island and guess who was waiting behind it... the galleon we just avoided. Now we had two ships following us. Eventually we made it to an outpost and my crewmate jumped off with the chest. The galleon caught up and I lost the ship, but my crewmate managed to sell the chest.

    And with that I want to change my first comment. The game is quite challenging at the beginning, but once you get the hang of it, the fun begins.

  • Weekends have always been terrible on the seas for aggressive behavior.

    And this past month has seen weekdays become just as bad i'm afraid.

    It seems people think pirates murdered everyone and sunk all the ships they encountered,
    when actually the threat of that happening was most of the time enough for ships to raise sails and try to end things peacefully as possible.

    Perhaps you will find better fortunes once The Arena arrives as it would seem everyone is getting as much PVP practice in as possible currently.

    I know it's not a popular topic but i do hope someday there could be PVE servers available for new pirates to sail on for a maximum of 10 hours until they find their sea legs and stand a bit of a chance out there with the rest of us.

    Who knows how many players have tried this game and gotten no where in their first few voyages because of PIRATES and have probably never played the game since.

  • @maxikevey

    You'll be fine in the long run.
    Example just from me.. this weekend.

    All solo this weekend... sunk once by another player ( the batteries in my controller had enough/ at the wrong time btw ), evaded death by 3 Kraken, 4 skelly ships... I lived to tell me tale.

    Then today Sunk once by skelly ship, however this was poetic... I had the final laugh.
    My own ship sunk, but I had my trusty bucket ( I had caused major damage to them, previous ), to be honest I ran out of planks.
    I bailed water like there was no tomorrow onto that skelly ship... guess what?

    When all was apparently lost... it wasn't.
    Sunken "Skelly"..... loot collected with rowboat ( I really can't praise the rowboat enough ).
    Result.. the sea is tough but NEVER give up!!!

  • as many have said, stick with it. It will take a little bit of time to really get the hang of it. Use other ships to practice avoidance techniques. Play smart, not hard is very important. Avoiding combat is all about outsmarting the other crews in how you sail and navigate.

    Lots of great tips here in this thread.

  • @maxikevey Glad you had a better session this time mate. The games got a steep learning curve and sometimes it can just make you want to cry aha

    But it also has the opposite effect of the emotions to. It’s truly a unique game where you can forge stories no other developer could script or create.

  • @knifelife that's a pretty big statement on the game.
    I think minecraft forged that path 10 years ago.
    Edit: come to think of the ability to do whatever story we like has been around for a few decades as we did it with Zelda, Fable, and many other games. I enjoy this game tremendously, but it is not alone.

    But the adventure can be fun even when we turn in zero treasure. Adventure is out there err I mean follow your nose.

  • @maxikevey the first time you get chased and sell your loot is always worth remembering.
    It gets better. Competing for a skelly fort and selling the loot while being chased really gets your blood pumping.

    And already doing anchor drop turns? You are learning fast. Keep it up and you'll be just fine in the Arena when it finally is updated.

  • New players tend to fire at everyone. They are very giddy about getting their hands on the trigger. Consequentially, if you have white sails and paint livery on your ship, then you are also at a great disadvantage as many might see this as a chance to prey upon you. As you progress through the game, less people will attack you, with the only exception being new players, they attack because they don't understand how much rep a fellow pirate might already have. Once you learn the ropes of the game you won't have much of a problem. Even I first started on rough waters, now I don't get attacked much... but when I do... well let's just say I'm the one bringing down rough waters for others.

  • @maxikevey Do not blame other players for your lack of skill. Do not blame the community because of a dozen players that sank you IN A PIRATE GAME.

    There are a many tutorials on the internet teaching you how to play this game. When I was a kid, we used to read the game manual before, nowadays you can search on google about a game.

    Or, you can just come here, make a REAL introduction and ask for help.

  • @targasbr That is quite an unnecessarily aggressive response to a new player who is quite clearly having a problem with the game but has since gave it another go and enjoyed it.

    I would hope someone who has been a part of the forums as long as you have would be more helpful to a new player. Responses like your's just add to the image of the toxic forum community we seem to have at the moment.

    Do better.

  • @maxikevey It is rough at sea, yes. First decission you should make: just let no ship pass by. Watch the sea all the time and get out of the way, early enough, until you have learend enough to stand a fight.

    Next step 1:
    Learn to adjust sails to have maximum of speed with and against the winds, learn to adjust the sails during manouvers.

    Next step 2:
    Use "Looking For groups" and ask for introduction, help, advice. Usually, there are enough players who like to support new sailors if you ask for.

  • @octopus-lime lex talionis

  • @targasbr wow so edgy

  • @maxikevey Glad to hear you scored one under that much pressure. Nice work, two ships can be hard to shake.

    Biggest thing about this game is dont take it too seriously. It is really made to be a fun game to play. You wont go to MLG off of SOT but the game can be a rush and get the blood pumping.

    The huge let downs of being robbed also gives that barley survived amazing feeling. Yesterday I solo'd a skellie ship fleet just to be chased after i got loot on board.

    So I sent boat to the right as I rowed past them on the left for the turn in. They chased my empty sloop into devils roar I turned in at Ancient spire. Keep playing and you will have some amazing stories to tell .

    Welcome aboard

  • @d-jaguar Maybe it’s down to personal experiences I’m not to sure.
    By for me personally I’ve had sessions and different scenarios happen I just don’t think you would be able to create or script because it largely comes down to the human interactions and the variety of different people you can bump into. :)

  • Everbody is paranoid and nobody wants to be boarded. Use the megaphone. Don’t go speeding up to another ship without communicating. Could be perceived as aggressive especially if your cannons have a shot at them. You don’t need to be parked right next to them to form an alliance. Don’t board another crews ship without permission. Even swimming towards a ship can get you shot. If you do.. going below deck, the captains quarters, or crows nest is usually a no no. I try to be friendly... but not to the point I can get taken advantage of.

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